Sunday, May 24, 2020
Conjugation of the Spanish Verb Dar
Here are the simple conjugations of dar, a common Spanish verb that usually is translated as to give. English translations are given for convenience; in many situations, other translations may be possible. In addition to the conjugations listed below, the perfect tenses can be formed by combining the past participle dado with forms of haber, and progressive tenses can be formed by combining the gerund dando with forms of estar. Also note that Spanish pronouns listed below can usually be omitted but are included here for clarity. Irregular forms are shown in boldface. Infinitive (infinitivo): dar (to give) Gerund (gerundio): dando (giving) Participle (participio): dado (given) Present indicative (presente del indicativo): yo doy (I give), tà º das (you give), usted/à ©l/ella da (you give / he/she gives), nosotros/as damos (we give), vosotros/as daà s (you give), ustedes/ellos/ellas dan (you/they give) Preterite (pretà ©rito): yo di (I gave), tu diste (you gave), usted/à ©l/ella dio (you/he/she gave), nosotros/as dimos (we gave), vosotros/as disteis (you gave), ustedes/ellos/ellas dieron (you/they gave) Imperfect indicative (imperfecto del indicativo): yo daba (I used to give), tà º dabas (you used to give), usted/à ©l/ella daba (you/he/she used to give), nosotros/as dà ¡bamos (we used to give), vosotros/as dabais (you used to give), ustedes/ellos/ellas daban (you/they used to give) Future (el futuro): yo darà © (I will give), tà º darà ¡s (you will give), usted/à ©l/ella darà ¡ (you/she/she will give), nosotros/as daremos (we will give), vosotros/as darà ©is (you will give), ustedes/ellos/ellas darà ¡n (you/they will give) Conditional (condicional): yo darà a (I would give), tà º darà as (you would give), usted/à ©l/ella darà a (you/he/she would give), nosotros/as darà amos (we would give), vosotros/as darà ais (you would give), ustedes/ellos/ellas darà an (you/they would give) Present subjunctive (presente del subjuntivo): que yo dà © (that I give), que tà º des (that you give), que usted/à ©l/ella dà © (that you/he/she give), que nosotros/as demos (that we give), que vosotros/as deis (that you give), que ustedes/ellos/ellas den (that you/they give) Imperfect subjunctive (imperfecto del subjuntivo): que yo diera/diese (that I gave), que tà º dieras/dieses (that you gave), que usted/à ©l/ella diera/diese (that you/he/she gave), que nosotros/as dià ©ramos/dià ©semos (that we gave), que vosotros/as dierais/dieseis (that you gave), que ustedes/ellos/ellas dieran/diesen (that you/they gave) Imperative (imperativo): da tà º (give), no des tà º (dont give), dà © usted (give), demos nosotros/as (lets give), dad vosotros/as (give), no deis vosotros/as (dont give), den ustedes (give) Sample Sentences Showing Conjugation of Dar El dar es siempre una prueba de madurez. (Giving is always a gift of maturity. Infinitive.) He dado la vida por este equipo. I have given my life for this team. (Present perfect.) Nunca te doy la pelota. No es mi estilo y lo sabes. (I will never give you the ball. It isnt my style, and you know it.) Present indicative.) Los romanos dieron a los judà os en ese tiempo un autogobierno limitado. (The Romans at that time gave the Jews a limited self-government. Preterite.) Me daba apuro hablar de eso delante de mis padres. (I felt uncomfortable talking about that in front of my parents. Imperfect.) El asteroide nos darà ¡ un susto. (The asteroid will give us a scare. Future.) La madre dijo que le darà a un pulmà ³n a su hijo. (The mother said she would donate a lung to her son. Conditional.) Es importante que des la informacià ³n correcta. (It is important that you provide the correct information. Present subjunctive.) Las aplicaciones maliciosas eran capaces de engaà ±ar a los usuarios para que dieran sus contraseà ±as. (The malicious applications were capable of tricking their users into giving up their passwords. Imperfect subjunctive.)  ¡Dà ¡melo ahora! (Give it to me now! Imperative.)
Sunday, May 17, 2020
My Teaching Toolbox.. Educ 6513 Teaching Adult Learners.
My Teaching Toolbox. EDUC 6513: Teaching Adult Learners Mohamed Faizalla Yorkville University February 19, 2017 My Teaching Toolbox My understanding of skillful teaching has been formed through my practical teaching experience, and further developed as a master of education student who has the advantage of learning and discussing the most recent literature about education and methodology. I found that I completely agree with, Brookfield’s explanation and understanding of skillful teaching. Throughout his book, Brookfield, (2015) mentioned four assumptions of skillful teaching which included helping students learn, adopting a critically reflective stance towards teaching practice, awareness of how the learners are†¦show more content†¦Moreover, assimilators usually like to evaluate pros and cons, enjoy lectures, use logical and detailed thinking to learn as they prefer thinking to acting. Soylu et al, (2009) noted â€Å"students having assimilator and convergent learning styles have common ability to organize and use the information they acquire from the text.†(p.47). Therefor e, utilizing suitable teaching techniques and methods is an important factor in their success. As a teacher, I can always benefit from understanding my students’ a learning styles in my classroom because this knowledge highlights the strengths of my students and guides my choice of the best teaching techniques. When dealing with divergers, I would focus in my class on methods that include relationship activities, such as role-playing open discussion, and small group work. Moreover, divergers prefer to create their own curriculum and avoid too much paperwork, and when they receive personalized instructions, they perform better. On the other hand, assimilators who prefer to learn through thinking and processing, can perform well in the lecture setting. Therefore, lectures that start from high-level concepts and work down to the detail and include precise and accurate knowledge, presented by an expert engage assimilators the most. They also prefer to receive instructions in informational forms, such as lectures and reading while they tend to be unaware of the emotional cli mate
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Fear The Way I See Fear - 945 Words
Batuhan Kir Ms. Evans Honors English II December 14, 2015 What is Fear? The way I see fear is that many people try to run away from it instead of challenging it. Fear makes people run away from ideas, actions, or even goals. Everyone experiences fear whether they are elementary students, college students, or parents. People could fear having to speak in a crowd of others or fear a single human being. Since fear can’t fully be defined by a simple sentence, I have decided to define this short but complex word by studying its origins, discussing what fear is not, and giving examples and indications about fear. Furthermore, I will show how the word fear is represented in Night and The Sunflower. (Origin and Causes) The word fear†¦show more content†¦In traumatic events people tend to freeze up or try hiding. It causes to have a rapid heart rate, increases our blood pressure, and increases sweating. We develop fear as an outcome of learning. Due to this we have many events in history that demonstrate why we people fear. Can you forget the Africans who were forced to come to the Americas? Didn’t they fear the people who were treating them like they had no value? How about the Jews? The Jewish people feared getting captured and killed for their beliefs by the Nazis. In the book Night, we can see that the Jews clearly feared death and did anything in their power to survive. Elie even had thoughts to take his father’s rations at point so he could live longer although his father was the main reason why he was trying to survive. In the book Night the narrator states â€Å"I thought deep down, not daring to admit it to myself. Too late to save your old father †¦ You could have two rations of bread, two rations of soup.†(Wiesel 111). This shows that Elie feared death so much that he forgot what kept him alive in the first place. (Examples and Incidents) Additionally, in today’s society we can see people fear religion. There are some people in the U.S that are Islamophobic which means they fear a whole religion. The people who fear the whole religion itself are ignorant. They believe that what ISIS is doing is what the religion asks for, when what they are doing is completely
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sleep And The Immune System Essay - 1862 Words
Humans are the only mammals that willingly delay sleep (25 Random). When other mammals get sleep, they sleep because their body tells them too. Humans do not listen to what their body says especially regarding sleep. One in three adults do not get the recommended seven hours of sleep a night and that can be detrimental to our health. I argue that if we do not get enough sleep, our physical and mental health will be in jeopardy. Research has shown there is a direct link between the sleep and the immune system. The UCLA Cousins Center Research team found that even a small amount of sleep loss can trigger an immune system response in the body that increases inflammation that can cause tissue damage (The Affect of Sleep on Immune System). This is what causes an increase in heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and certain cancers. (The Affect of Sleep on Immune System). The heart is one of the most important organs in our body. It pumps blood throughout our body and it keeps us alive. According to the Sleep Foundation a study examined over 3000 adults and compared heart health. Those who slept fewer than six hours a night were about twice as likely to have a stroke or heart attack as people who slept between six to eight hours per night. Furthermore, the article explains that people with sleep apnea (nighttime breathing disorder) have heart complications because they wake up numerous times throughout the night. It is explained that when we are in a deep sleep, our heart rate andShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On Your Immune System955 Words  | 4 Pagesof sleep. Lack of sleep can harm your everyday life. You may not think that it is a big deal to lose a few hours of sleep instead of getting the recommended eight hours. When in fact you could be harming yourself or somebody that is around you. Technology keeps us from getting the sleep that we need to stay healthy. According to Timothy Morgenthaler, M.D. from the Mayo clinic â€Å"a lack of sleep can affect your immune system. Studies show that people who don t get quality sleep or enough sleep areRead MoreHow The Body s Health Defenses Or Immunity?1242 Words  | 5 Pagestightrope of potential disaster. Exactly the same holds true with the human body, a system that is so basic yet at once intricate in its operation and processes. Without our body ss built-in system of defense against bacteria, infections, germs, viruses and other foreign bodies, our bodily organs and essential bodily functions could very well be just time bombs waiting to explode. However thanks to our immune system, our body s critical line of defense against diseases, infections and other healthRead MoreAre You Always Tired Or Not Feeling Well? You Could Be1064 Words  | 5 Pagesto lack of sleep. When a person is sleep deprived it raises a much higher risk to any type of chronic health problems compared to how your body feels when you receive enough sleep. Risks can include mood change, weight gain, high blood pressure, and a poor immune system a well-rested night can include energy, happiness, healthy and well rested. Being well rested can mean a lot of good things come to your body but what happens when you aren’t well rested or maybe have too much sleep? Stress canRead MoreSleep Apnea And Its Effect On Life Expectancy1726 Words  | 7 Pages(2015), 9 Things You Never Knew Your Body Does While You Sleep in Cosmopolitan magazine provides general explanations on the various processes the body cycles through while individuals are sleeping. The article outlines process such as the body’s tendency to lower in temperature, toxin cleanses, paralysis, neural cell repair, and immune system activation which occur during sleep (Peikoff, 2015). It goes on to outline many statistics concerning sleep apnea and its effect on life expectancy in females (PeikoffRead MoreSleep Is The Most Important Phase Of Sleep1746 Words  | 7 PagesSufficient sleep is a biological necessity for the normal functioning of humans, it allows the body to rest and to replenish itself so that it is able to serve i ts function of living. In addition, mental and physical health depend on the amount of sleep we get. Most adults and students value work and college much more than sleep, this is due to the academic, career, and materialistic demands. Researchers have noted a positive correlation between lack of sleep and decreased physical health, mentalRead MoreSleep On It ! By Robert Stickgold749 Words  | 3 PagesSummary of SLEEP ON IT! SLEEP ON IT! is written by Robert Stickgold, director of the Center for Sleep, who explains the research done on the importance of sleep. The article begins by asking whether we really need to sleep? Stickgold explains how everyone needs to sleep because it is driven physiologically to be done. Allan Rechtschaffen, the world`s greatest sleep researchers of the 70’s, says that sleep is the most vital function of life. Where as J. Allan Hobson, also a great sleep researcherRead MorePersuasive Essay On Sleep Deprivation1735 Words  | 7 Pagesnumber of them lack sleep. Sleep deprivation has been and is currently a growing â€Å"epidemic†that is affecting human beings of all sizes and ages. It’s crucial, yet it has been thrown aside and we’ve completely disregarded its evident consequences that are taking its toll on our bodies. Sleep, an uncomplicated action that requires minimum effort, is vital to human life; though most people takes its importance ligh tly, sleep has an abundant amount of benefits: stronger immune system, lower risk of obesityRead MoreBiological Systems : The Immune System1485 Words  | 6 Pages Biological Systems: The Immune System Patricia Villers PSYCH 626 Elements of Health Psychology and behavioral health December 8, 2014 Dr. Phillips The immune system and its normal functioning in a healthy person The human body contains different biological systems that work in an interconnected system for the healthy functioning. They include; immune system, circulatory system, nervous system, skeletal system, digestive system and respiratory system. The immune system is comprises ofRead MoreCan Depression Be Caused By Infection?878 Words  | 4 PagesCould depression be caused by infection? First of all let me start by defining depression, depression= when a person is mentally feeling down, or sad and unhappy at all time for no specific reason. Depression is mostly triggered by stress or lock of sleep or hunger, sometimes loss of love ones. The question is, could depression be caused by an infection? Meaning could it be disorder caused by organisms such as bacteria or viruses. In the article written by Bret Sketka on October 25, 2015, it statesRead MoreEssay on Reaping the Benefits of Clean Eating 623 Words  | 3 Pageseven lose as much as 20 lbs after several weeks just by eating healthy. Build a stronger immune system A strong immune system can be achieved by eating nutritious food and exercise. This is our body’s defense system against numerous disease and in case we do get sick, the immune system works overtime in fighting off the disease thus keeping it healthy should always be our priority. To ensure that the immune system is in tip top shape, always include fruits, vegetables, and yogurt as part of daily nutrition
The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde Literary Review
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: Literary Review The Romantic era was plagued with class conflict, poverty, and labor issues. The Victorian novel allows those who had access to them discover and focus on moral issues with society. Among the novel that were created during the era, the genre of a gothic novella emerged. Well knowns gothic novellas included Frankenstein, The Picture of Dorian Gray, and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Robert Stevenson’s gothic novella The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde introduces several themes that reflect the Victorian society. The novella can be interpreted to critique drug use, duality among classes and alcoholism during the Victorian era in Britain. The issues of duality†¦show more content†¦Lang also proposes duality is as the moral of the novel, Lang states that the moral makes the novel, and that the two are as attached as Jekyll and Hyde. The focus of the internal battle of man is attached to the main characters and how the two interact creates the imbal ance between one another. Other interpretations of the novella believe that is more of a critique of the profound use of drugs and alcohol of the period which were brought upon by the workaholism of the industrial revolution. Some have connected the novella to current day issues of drug use, such as Edward Mattimoe did, who wrote: â€Å"Though first published in 1886, the story has a modern theme drug experimentation [†¦] the effects described are that he [Dr. Jekyll] feels smaller, younger, lighter and delighted to be more wicked than he had ever been. As Edward Hyde, he became pure evil. So many people today know or know of someone whose mind has been altered by drugs that it s a very contemporary story.†(Jekyll and Hyde) Mattimoe describes that the use of a drugs in the novel is brought on through the want to feel different from one’s regular self. Dr. Jekyll use of drug was to control his self from switching to and from Mr. Hyde, which after several changes was met with the fear of not being able to control the change. Daniel L. Wright wrote, â€Å"The reduction ofShow MoreRelatedAn Analysis Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde1729 Words  | 7 PagesTaking a Closer Look into the Story and Author of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Nothing Mr. Stevenson has written as yet has so strongly impressed us with the versatility of his very original genius. An anonymous review in â€Å"The Times†noted Robert Louis Stevenson for his intelligence in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The review continued with saying that the story, be read as a finished study in the art of fantastic literature. Whoever was the anonymous person to state these things aboutRead More Robert Stevenson Essay1629 Words  | 7 Pagesera. His style was unlike anyone elseamp;#8217;s and his stories are still popular today. Robert Louis Stevenson was an author of many classic novels and his literary success became popular when he wrote the mystery called The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Robert Louis Stevenson wrote The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in 1886 at the young age of thirty-six. He was born on November 13, 1850 in Edinburgh, Scotland. His father Thomas, was a builder of lighthouses. His mother MargaretRead MoreBackground of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Essay2077 Words  | 9 PagesBackground of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde was published in 1886 and is one of the best known of Stevensons novels. It concerns the way in which an individual is made up of contrary emotions and desires: some good and some evil. Through the curiosity of Utterson, a lawyer, we learn of the ugly and violent Mr Hyde and his oddRead More Analysis of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson2888 Words  | 12 PagesAnalysis of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson In an attempt to consider the duality tale, one narrative inevitably finds its way to the top of the heap as the supreme archetype: Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Immense disagreement permeates the pages of literary criticism relevant to the meaning of the story. Yet, for all of the wrangling focused on the psychology, morality, spirituality, and sociality of the story, itRead MoreThe Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde By Robert Stevenson Essay2071 Words  | 9 PagesA Literature Review: Analysis of conflicts between temptation and conscience in human nature The well-known story titled The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde written by Robert Stevenson (2003), can be interpreted in many different ways as evidenced by several critics contrasting themes. Garrett provides a strong focus on the conflicting identities of good and evil living within a man whereas Brantlinger’s focus is to reveal the inspiration behind Stevenson’s ‘Allegory’ and connect it toRead MoreDr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde Essay1851 Words  | 8 PagesMulti-faceted Duality in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde In The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson explores the dual consciousness of man imposed by Victorian Era moral standards. Stevenson illuminates the conflicting nature of man with the rigid social institutions, the emerging sciences of the mind and body, and the prudish faà §ade of contemporary moral society. Dr. Jekyll’s experiment parallels emerging psychological and medical ideas of the time-period. â€Å"The more that I readRead More Science Fiction Explored in Frankenstein, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and The Invisible Man2057 Words  | 9 PagesThe Legacy of Science Fiction Explored in Frankenstein, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and The Invisible Man Science Fiction is a branch of literature that explores the possibilities of human scientific advances, especially technological ones. Mary Shelleys Frankenstein (published in 1818) was a precursor of the genre which was established by Jules Vernes novels of the late 1800s. HG Wells at the turn of the twentieth century brought more scientific rigour in his works, such as The Time MachineRead MoreThe Duality of Man: Connections Between Victor and the Monster in Frankenstein1631 Words  | 7 Pages The classic gothic novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley details the relationship between two significant figures, Victor Frankenstein, and his unnamed monster. The critical relationship between such characters causes many literary critics to compose the idea that they are bound by nature – inadvertently becoming a single central figure (Spark). This provides provoking thoughts on the duality of mankind, revealing the wickedness of human nature. The role of the monster as an alter ego to Victor isRead MoreVictorian Novel9605 Words  | 39 Pagesthat aspect is change. Nearly every institution of society was affected by rapid and unforeseeable changes. As some writers greeted them with fear and others embraced the progress, this essay will guide a reader through an important era in English literary history and introduce with the voices that influenced its shape and development. It was the novel that was the leading form of literature in the 19th century England. The term ‘novel’ itself was a simple narrative form, which in opposition to itsRead MoreEssay on The Gothic Genre and What it Entails6177 Words  | 25 PagesEnglish Gothick of the eighteenth century is seen as a collective symptom of political pressure felt all over Europe. The Marquis de Sade in his Idees sur le romans (Reflections on the Novel) - quoted above - was one of the first literary commentators to align the Gothic with recent political occurrences. Marilyn Butler agrees with Sage and Sade that The Gothic Romanceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. may speak not for emotions private to the author but for collective anxieties. I think that
To What Extent Are Edward And Mickey Products Essay Example For Students
To What Extent Are Edward And Mickey Products Essay Blood Brothers is a play based in Liverpool during the 1980s. The play involves two main characters Edward Lyons and Mickey Johnstone. These two men were actually twins but never knew it until just before their death. Both children were actually split at birth, because Mrs Johnston could not afford to keep both children. During her pregnancy Mrs Johnstone worked as a cleaner for Mr and Mrs Lyons who was struggling to have kids of their own. When Mrs Johnstone found out she was having twins Mrs Lyons knew she could not afford to keep them both. Whilst Mr Lyons was away with his work, Mrs Lyons decided to secretly buy a child from Mrs Johnstone and this seemed to be the perfect solution for both of their trouble although Mrs Johnstone was unsure of this rather strange ordeal. The Johnstone family was a poor family. Mrs Johnstone was a single mother with 8 children including Mickey. Mickey was the youngest of all the children and received hand me downs from older brothers like Sammy. As Mickey grew up he soon caught on from his older brothers what his life was going to be like. Mickey probably learned more abusive language before he mastered the alphabet and was soon to be known down the local nick. However Edward was the complete opposite his family lived in a mansion compared to Mickeys small terraced house. Edward had everything he could ever want a father bringing home cash by the thousands and a caring mother at home all day to care and look after him. Edward lived with no other children so two loving parents always focused the attention on him. Edwards dad worked away a lot and didnt seem to see Edward that much but this didnt seem to alter Edwards life As they grew up Mickey and Edward very bizarrely became friends which didnt suit either parents. Mickey and Edward seemed to envy each others lives Mickey would have loved to have been rich and powerful, where as Edward liked the idea of the ruff and tumble lifestyle. Edward and Mickey were also close friends with a young girl called Linda, however as there hormones grew so did their feelings for Linda although Linda was undoubtedly in love with Mickey. Edward kept stump about his feelings for Linda till later on in the play. Mickey and Linda were always good friends and that soon progressed into a loving relationship. Edward always had a good relationship with his mother and farther at a young age, but when he met Mickey he soon resented his mother for not allowing him to be friends with Mickey. Edward soon started to put the absurd language he had learnt of Mickey into play especially when he called his mother a FUCK OFF Mickey had a bizarre relationship with his mother he always loved and understood she was doing everything she could to make his and his brothers lives better. Towards the end of the play Mickey began to resent his mother when he found out she gave Edward his twin brother away towards the climax to the twins death he said You why didnt you give me away I could have been him Edward left to go to university leaving Mickey and Linda all alone. Edward met many new friends at university whilst Mickey and Linda got married. Everything was going right for Mickey h a beautiful wife a boring but paying job and a new born on the way. Although things were about to change Mickeys monthly pay check had been stopped and Linda was getting closer to having birth how could they manage. .u84c62b6624274892dba8b21f02496e0a , .u84c62b6624274892dba8b21f02496e0a .postImageUrl , .u84c62b6624274892dba8b21f02496e0a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u84c62b6624274892dba8b21f02496e0a , .u84c62b6624274892dba8b21f02496e0a:hover , .u84c62b6624274892dba8b21f02496e0a:visited , .u84c62b6624274892dba8b21f02496e0a:active { border:0!important; } .u84c62b6624274892dba8b21f02496e0a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u84c62b6624274892dba8b21f02496e0a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u84c62b6624274892dba8b21f02496e0a:active , .u84c62b6624274892dba8b21f02496e0a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u84c62b6624274892dba8b21f02496e0a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u84c62b6624274892dba8b21f02496e0a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u84c62b6624274892dba8b21f02496e0a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u84c62b6624274892dba8b21f02496e0a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u84c62b6624274892dba8b21f02496e0a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u84c62b6624274892dba8b21f02496e0a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u84c62b6624274892dba8b21f02496e0a .u84c62b6624274892dba8b21f02496e0a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u84c62b6624274892dba8b21f02496e0a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Chlorine EssayWhen Edward came home from university in the summer holidays he met back up with Mickey but Mickey who was getting fed up of his money and posh accent told him to sling his hook. Shortly after Eddies appearance Mickey is really hard up and decides to rob the local garage with Sammy his older brother but from hear onwards things seemed to go pear shaped. Whilst robbing the garage Sammy shot the shop owner in anger, and Mickey for being included in the crime got jailed for seven years. Stage Appearance Edward would be presented on stage as very posh and as an aristocrat his appearance would be probably exaggerated on stage. He might have worn a smart suit and waistcoat and maybe even a bow tie He would also of had a very clean appearance. However Mickey would probably be the complete opposite wearing tatty old handed down clothes and a very mucky and untidy appearance. Edwardss body language would have been very uptight and he would hold a very straight posture, unlike Mickey who would probably use his hands a lot whilst describing things and usually stoop whilst walking and standing. Edwardss voice would probably be quite high pitched and he wouldnt use any slang words he would speak quite slowly and have a very posh accent. Although Mickey would have a more relaxed using slang words. Mickey would probably have a deeper tone of voice than Edward. Both of the characters facial expressions would change throughout the play, However Edwards facial expressions would probably not express much emotion. Mickeys expression would be more emotional. Edward acts in these kinds of ways because he has been brought up In a different background to Mickey. He has been bought up in a large house with posh surroundings and a wealthy family, where as Mickey has been bought up by a single mother struggling for food never mind luxuries which Edward sees as necessities. Mrs Johnstone was known for getting in debt with catalogues and especially with the milkman as we see here You owe me three pounds, seventeen and four pence an either you up today, like now or Ill be forced to cut your deliveries. All in all Edward comes from a posh background and you can tell this in his language and appearance. Edwardss language is perfect well my mummy doesnt allow me to play down here actually where as Mickey come form a poor background and his language is much more relaxed gis a sweet for example. Since an early age Edward was always expected to do well in school and come out with a degree from university, which he succeeded in doing he was always top of the class in his private school and went to university and came out with a degree. His life was a great success he came out of university and got a job as a councillor receiving a high wage. However Mickey was not so lucky in life he struggled as a child and was a rebel in school he was never expected to go to university or get high paid job. Although life did deal Mickey a bad set of cards he never really got the chance to have a stab at life his mother did her best to bring up her kids properly but struggled to succeed. Mickey did get a job at one point of the play this didnt last long though, as he was soon fired and back on the dole. Everything from here just got worse including robbing the local garage and finally murder. Mickey wasnt expected to do particular well in life but he was expected to struggle on by like his mother but things just didnt plan out that way. .ua641cccf9aa8cf065d756649d3e846b9 , .ua641cccf9aa8cf065d756649d3e846b9 .postImageUrl , .ua641cccf9aa8cf065d756649d3e846b9 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua641cccf9aa8cf065d756649d3e846b9 , .ua641cccf9aa8cf065d756649d3e846b9:hover , .ua641cccf9aa8cf065d756649d3e846b9:visited , .ua641cccf9aa8cf065d756649d3e846b9:active { border:0!important; } .ua641cccf9aa8cf065d756649d3e846b9 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua641cccf9aa8cf065d756649d3e846b9 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua641cccf9aa8cf065d756649d3e846b9:active , .ua641cccf9aa8cf065d756649d3e846b9:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua641cccf9aa8cf065d756649d3e846b9 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua641cccf9aa8cf065d756649d3e846b9 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua641cccf9aa8cf065d756649d3e846b9 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua641cccf9aa8cf065d756649d3e846b9 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua641cccf9aa8cf065d756649d3e846b9:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua641cccf9aa8cf065d756649d3e846b9 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua641cccf9aa8cf065d756649d3e846b9 .ua641cccf9aa8cf065d756649d3e846b9-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua641cccf9aa8cf065d756649d3e846b9:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Sex education EssayLanguage played an important role in this play especially the more absurd variety, which added to the overall effect of the difference between Mickey and Edward. The way Edward talks to Mickey at first is very posh and not like Mickey at all. Pissed off. You say smashing things dont you? Do you know any more words like that? This quote shows Edward is totally baffled by Mickeys speech and has never heard words of such rudeness but he is intrigued and enjoys listening and learning this different cultures language. Edwards language also confuses Mickey especially when Edward starts talking about the dictionary Mickey has never heard of the dictionary but tries to cover this up to aid his misfortune the dictionary. Dont you know what a dictionary is? Mickey is really confused and replies Course I do Its a, thingy innit Life in the early 1980s didnt help life especially for the poor with Margaret Thatcher cutting Liverpools budget making life worse for Mickey and his mother but theyre misfortune was aided by the Liverpool 47, who built thousands of extra houses and tried to improve benefits for the poor up until there imprisonment. This didnt affect Edward and his family as they were rich and wealthy and cared not for the poor, they had no understanding of money and other money related issues and this showed throughout the play. However Mickey was heavily affected by this a cut in Liverpools budget meant a cut in child allowances which drastically took affect on the poor causing panic stricken familys including the Johnstones.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Wireless Applications-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignmenthelp
Questions: 1.Discuss about the advantages and disadvantages of Wireless technology. 2.How wireless communications are made possible by a radio wave. Answers: 1.Antennas are devices that are used in wireless communication to propagate RF signals over the radio spectrum. These devices are classified based on their operational methods which yield the following categories: Directional antennas as the name suggests, they transfer radio waves in specific directions i.e. only one direction e.g. Yagi antenna. Semi directional transfer signals in multiple directions having restrictions in others. Omnidirectional antennas transfer radio signals in all directions e.g. cellular antenna (Reckeweg, 2011). Horn antenna a directional antenna that is associated with high gains and directivity (propagation in one direction). It used in conjunction with ultra-high frequencies (microwaves) 300MHz 3 GHz (Radio-electronics, 2017). Strengths High gains and directivity. Simple to design Weaknesses Gain is limited to the device structure Yagi antenna one of the most popular antenna (directional) that is commonly used in the propagation of television signals, a common household item. Its properties facilitate its long distance applications (Rouse, 2017). Strengths Relatively high gains and directivity. A simple structure made of metallic rods. Weaknesses Gains are always limited Its size determines the gain. Cellular antenna used in mobile devices, a cellular antenna is a good example of Omni-directional antennas as it propagates RF signals in all directions. Its usually small in size, an attribute that facilities its applications (Carr, 2012). Strengths Optimal gains Convenient size Weaknesses Limited gains Future of antenna applications High gains and directivity are needed when propagating RF signals in long distances, which necessitates the antennas that exhibit these properties. In this case, directional antennas are defiantly the choice as they currently exhibit both of these attributes. Moreover, with the advances in technology, these attributes can be furnished to enhance their operations. Omnidirectional antennas, on the other hand, are only desirable in short distance applications and in systems that require small devices (Carr, 2012).. 2.Multiple access techniques (multiplexing techniques) are protocols used to transfer multiple signals in single channels. In essence, a single communication medium such as the radio spectrum (wireless communication) will carry a single RF signal between two corresponding parties, an undesirable outcome as the medium is wasted. Instead, the multiplexing techniques use the same channel to carry many signals between many communicating parties. This outcome optimises the resources available more so, bandwidth which in wireless communication is limited. However, the techniques must provide optimal operational conditions where communication is both done efficiently and without recurring instances of interference (corps, 2000). Types of multiplexing Classification is done based on the operational methods, this is determined by the principle used to facilitate the sharing of the communication medium. Code division multiple access (CDMA) in this technique, communication will start with a unique set of codes. These codes are assigned to the propagated signals and are used as identification factors. Moreover, the users involved will possess the same codes which will facilitate their communication based on matching identifiers. Now, during communication (propagation of signals), all signals are ferried under the same medium without the allocation of space. Therefore, the entire bandwidth is available for signals during transmission, unlike other techniques (TECH, 2011). CDMA properties: Pseudo-codes ( a unique set of codes) are used as the multiplexing factor. Signals use the entire bandwidth without any form of allocation of space. Users having matching codes can communicate with each other. Frequency division multiple access (FDMA) frequency bands are used to allocate space within the communication medium. In wireless communication, the radio spectrum is the medium and is split into different sub-band frequencies, with each band carrying a unique signal. During communication, the users will possess their band which are minor channels (subsections) of the entire communication channel. Therefore, FDMA will allocate space based on the needs of the users (Zahra, 2015). FDMA properties Frequency bands are the multiplexing factor. Allocation of space is done. Users possess minor communication channels. Comparison of the two techniques CDMA FDMA Defined by pseudo codes which uniquely identify signals across the communication medium. Frequency bands define the technique, assigning space across the communication channel. All signals will use the entire bandwidth as the technique does not assign space to the parties involved. The bandwidth is divided according to the signals involved. This means each signal/user is allocated space with the medium. The channel never experiences idle time as every instance is associated with a transfer of a signal. Due to the allocation of space, some bands will remain idle when their respective users are not communicating. Commonly used with both video and data signals as it provides maximum bit transfer. Used to transfer audio signals, a common application with radio transmissions. No filters. Filters are used enhance the efficiency of communication as they eliminate interferences(Zahra, 2015). References Carr, J. (2012). Directional or Omnidirectional antenna? . Joe Carr's Radio Tech-notes, Retrieved 14 August, 2017, from: Carr, J. (2012). Directional or Omnidirectional antenna? Joe Carr's Radio Tech-notes, Retrieved 14 August, 2017, from: corps, W. (2000). FDMA vs. TDMA vs. CDMA. Connecting Wireless, Retrieved 14 August, 2017, from: Radio-electronics. (2017). Microwave Horn Antenna. Antennas and propagation, Retrieved 19 August, 2017, from: Reckeweg, M. (2011). Antenna basic. Rhode Schwarz, Retrieved 14 August, 2017, from: Rouse, M. (2017). Horn antenna. Research gate, Retrieved 17 August, 2017, from: TECH, M. C. (2011). Multiple access techniques for wireless communications. wireless mobile communication , Retrieved 19 August, 2017, from: Zahra. (2015). FDMA-TDMA-CDMA. Multiple access techniques in wireless communication, Retrieved 16 August, 2017, from:
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