
Sunday, March 17, 2019

The Stoic Tradition Essay -- Philosophy Religion Essays

The Stoic Tradition In the approximate year of 320 B.C., hotshot could be walking down the street with a high chance of passing a house where several men would be equanimous out on the porch. It is likely that this was a gathering of individuals discussing school of thought. The gatherings became a to a greater extent common occurrence, and since they would take place out on the porches, the school of philosophy derived from them takes its name from the Greek stoa, or porch. The ideology of that movement is henceforth cognize as Stoicism. Also, the Stoics have set about to use the statement made by Socrates as the cornerstone of their judgments, being that no harm can come to a good man. However, this concept is taken a bit only by the Stoics, as they deduce it to symbolize the eventually complete rejection of mercenary things. These things they also deem things which cannot be controlled.The current inquiry considers some of the party boss notions of the Stoics, but m ore specifically it focuses upon one important question what does it recall to follow genius for the Stoics? To answer this question, the testimonies of several of the Stoics are pooled and examined together in the end. Not only does this inquisition illustrate chief attributes of Stoicism, but those attributes are eventually evaluated in light of their coherence as well.One of the primary(prenominal) ideas which form part of the answer as to what it means to follow nature for the Stoics is the following of an intended flight of steps. As the oak tree strives to achieve its pictorial form of the best oak tree that it can move, it is upon its natural trajectory of reaching its potential. So too, borrowing from Aristotle, humans have the potential of decorous excellent in their own right through... ...become cattle. This position forms a contradiction between the endeavor to attain human excellence, become a magisterial being, and the want to give back. This position i s, once again, not human. For one cannot become the best possible oak tree and at the same judgment of conviction reach the highest possible potential of a human being. One is any human, or a plant.Works Cited Aurelius, Marcus. Meditations. Ancient Philosophy. 3rd Ed. Philosophic Classics, vols. 1. Baird, Forrest E., and Walter Kaufman. swiftness commove River learner Hall, 2000.Epictetus. Encheiridion. Ancient Philosophy. 31 Ed. Philosophic Classics, vols. 1. Baird, Forrest E., and Walter Kaufman. Upper Saddle River Prentice Hall, 2000.Plato. Apology. Ancient Philosophy. 3rd Ed. Philosophic Classics, vols. 1. Baird, Forrest E., and Walter Kaufman. Upper Saddle River Prentice Hall, 2000. 82-100.

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