Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Anthropological analysis and conceptual synthesis Article
Anthropological analysis and conceptual synthesis - Article Example The society is herein described as one filled with male chauvinism, not ready to tolerate the women’s faith related stands. The saints were very firm on their maintenance of chastity and could even pray to God to make them ugly so that they could protect their chastity. For instance, St. Wilgefortis prayed for ugliness, and she was granted a man’s beard (Winston, Para 4). The male chauvinism however saw her murdered by her father. Others were like St. Lucia whose eyes were torn out for disappointing her family. These examples show that the women believed in their course and bravely stepped out of the societal norms (Winston, Para 6). From the article, it can be seen certain themes can be drawn. One of the themes is religion in which the saints are firmly rooted. The religion brings about the other theme of power whereby the males are seen to possess in plenty. They, however, misuse their power by killing the faithful females. The theme of male dominance is further shown by the linearity of mobility and recreation in which are based on social hierarchies. This is described in the Ghanam who describes the lives of brother and a sister from a low-income neighborhood in Egypt. The brother is drawn as the one dictating the mobility, suggesting male dominance (Ghannam 790-800). Summarizing Ghanam’s article, various methods supporting the solving of reconfiguration of inequalities can be explained. Farha Ghannam explains this by using the example of a brother and a sister who come from a low-income neighborhood in Egypt. Throughout the article, Ghanam describes the methods of liminality of mobility which illustrate social hierarchies. The methods include inequalities referring to mobility, class, gender and embodiment. Eyebrows." Were Some Catholic Saints Transgender? Berkeley Show Raises Eyebrows. 6 Nov. 2014. Web. 23 Feb. 2015.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Travel and Term Paper Examples Essay Example for Free
Travel and Term Paper Examples Essay Below is a free essay on Faq on Solo Travel from Anti Essays, your source for free research papers, essays, and term paper examples. 1. Is it safe to travel alone? It is generally safe but do read up on the places you will be visiting for any travel advisories such as petty crimes or things to watch out for. Travel during daytime and try not to stray to areas that are isolated or dark. Always keep your belongings in sight and safely secured. Separate a portion of your money and credit card in a different location than the rest of your money in case of theft. Let someone know your travel itinerary and occasionally keep them updated of your whereabouts so that they know you are safe. 2. What do I need to prepare before the trip? Plan for your trip! Choose where to go and try to do as much research on your destination as possible. Check to see for any visa requirements. Decide how long you want to travel and be aware of your budget. You should know exactly how much you want to spend each day on meals, transportation and lodging. Don’t forget admission fees to places of interest and allocate some splurge money for shopping and souvenirs. It is recommended that you purchase travel insurance to cover for medical expenses and emergency evacuation in case you need medical attention during your trip. 3. Where to stay? There are many kinds of accommodations that you can explore. However, hostels are often the cheaper option if you are travelling alone. Nevertheless, do check out for good hotel deals online. For the more adventurous, there are interest groups that offer free stay at their homes. Check out However, choose wisely to ensure that you get a good host. A tip will be to view comments about the host. For a farm stay experience, check out, where you will get free lodgings and food in exchange for a few hours of work each day at the owner’s farm. 4. What should I do during my trip? Travelling overseas does not mean you have to cover all the places of interests. Do not rush from one place to another. Be selective. More
Friday, October 25, 2019
Analysis of Hannibal: Enemy of Rome by Leonard Cottrell Essay -- Hanni
Analysis of Hannibal: Enemy of Rome by Leonard Cottrell      The author of Hannibal: Enemy of Rome, Mr. Leonard Cottrell, inspired by the book, The Histories of Polybius, translated by W. R. Paton. Mr. Cottrell, endeavored to recreate the journeys of Hannibal by traveling by car nearly the same route in 1959. Mr. Cottrell traveled by car the journey of Hannibal through northern Spain, the modern day Swiss Alps, and down into the Italian peninsula while constantly referring to Polybuis' writings. Mr. Cottrell describes Hannibal's motives, his journey, his battles to conquer the Roman Republic, his defeat, and his eventual withdrawal.      Mr. Cottrell describes Hannibal as an ambitious warrior from boyhood. He learned soldierly virtues and hatred for the Romans from his father at an early age. Hannibal was the son of Hamlicar, a distinguished leader and veteran of the first Punic War against Rome. Hannibal's motives derived from loyalty to his father, his lineage, and hate for the Roman Republic. Following the first Punic War, Sicily had been taken by Rome, Corsica and Sardina were lost, but Spain remained as a powerful Carthaginian settlement. By the efforts of his father, Hannibal was taken to an altar in Spain to witness the offerings; and laying his hands upon such, sweared an oath to prove himself to forever be an enemy of the Roman Empire.      Hannibal proved to be an excellent leader. He had the support of both his troops and of the government above him. This was ...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Gender Inequality Within Society Essay
Society has conformed our minds to view gender based on one’s role in society. This labels the person as a man or a woman and then classifies them based on the â€Å"roles†that society has assigned for each. Gender inequality is caused by the unequal perceptions or even the way someone is treated, based on them being a man or woman. It tends to be the result of what is seen as socially constructed differences of the typical gender roles. This is a social problem I find compelling due to the impact it has on society. Gender Inequality can be seen in different instances, some I feel more apparent than others. It can be displayed through gender roles by classifying a man’s role in society, versus a woman’s role. Gender Inequality can also be seen amongst relationships and how they adapt to what society feels is the way they respond to the relationship. Inside the workplace is another form in which gender inequality can be apparent based on the job a man or woman have. Gender inequality is overall very diverse and wide spread; both men and women are perceived and treated in various unequal ways. Over time, gender inequality is seen by both objective criteria, through the articles that establish facts of the individual issues and through subjective experience, in which my perception and others filter throughout their own minds; causing gender inequality to become a compelling social problem today. Gender inequality is shown through the generic labels that society has established, based on the individual being a man or a woman. The social role theory proposes that â€Å"gender roles in society, such as a provider or protector roles for men and child-rearing and caretaker roles for women, strongly foster certain emotions, behaviors, and traits that meet societal expectations for those roles,†(Bascom and Wilson 2013). A man is viewed as physically stronger than a woman, where as a woman as seen as more emotional and caring. â€Å"Expected characteristics of men who fulfill these roles include being goal- oriented, assertive, aggressive, competitive, and courageous, whereas expectations for women, based on more communal roles include, being nurturing, kind, showing empathy and sympathy, and seeking social connections,†(Bascom and Wilson 2013). Society has established roles in which differentiate men and women, by focusing on how they, as individuals, should portray different characteristics. This allows for the opportunity of mislead perceptions, by the displays of gender in an unequal manner. If a man shows any characteristics that only a woman should have, he may be seen as weaker or maybe even deviant. This is true for a woman too, as that if she portrays too much aggression or competitive characteristics, she may be too manly, instead of fulfilling what should be her more nurturing role. Both men and women seem to face gender inequality, not just one more than the other. They both can face criticism, unequal treatment and stereotypes based on whether they choose to follow the exact way society has classified the gender â€Å"norms.†Although society has created these labels, it solely comes down to the individual on whether or not they choose to be deviant against them completely, in some ways, or simply not at all. Gender inequality over the years has improved when it comes to relationships. However more often than thought of, the power of the relationship usually still lies within the male being more dominant. â€Å"Current theoretical conceptualizations of gender emphasize that it functions as a social structure, that this structure affects people at individual and interactional levels, and that the gender structure is, in turn, recursively affected by people’s actions within social relations,†(Masters, Casey, Wells and Morrison 2013). Society has created this gender structure in which it finds appropriately fitting for how a relationship structure should function. This is done based on the way a man should act and what he should do and in return, how a woman should act and what she should do. It affects those in a relationship individually but also the relationship in general based on the way they choose to interact with each other; following society’s idea of a relationship between a man or a woman or going against it. It isn’t the fact that society won’t approve of being deviant with the gender roles for a relationship, but rather that they may be perceived differently or treated unequally due to them making the choice to be deviant towards those roles. This will continue to be a social issue, unless society as a whole, forms against the relationship structure we have been told to follow. Inequality in the workplace seems to be one of the strongest aspects when it comes to gender inequality within society. Within an organization, â€Å"patterns of gender relations constitutes a gender regime and can include inequalities between women and men in the shape of discrimination in relation to opportunities, access to services and allocation of resources or benefits; all of these aspects of gender inequalities influence women’s and men’s working life,†(Elwer, Harryson, Bolin and Hammarstrà ¶m 2013). Gender inequality in the workplace can be seen in various forms. Among many of the findings pertaining to gender inequality, one of the most consistent is women earning less wages than men. â€Å"The relational inequality theory predicts that when gender is a culturally salient hierarchal status distinction, women will tend to be excluded from high-wage firms and jobs,†(Avent-Holt and Tomaskovic-Devey 2012). When gender seems most important, or better yet, more apparent, it is more noticeable that men will make more money over a woman in the same position. More often in workplaces, men tend fill more manager type positions where as women tend to fill lower hierarchy positions. We expect that â€Å"male managers will be able to use their statuses to capture more resources, leading to larger gender wage gaps than in workplaces where men and women are randomly distributed across the workplace division of labor,†(Avent-Holt and Tomaskovic-Devey 2012). This also shows that a man in a higher position, tends to be placed there with assumption they are more qualified, therefore creating gender inequality; not only is this shown with wages paid, but within the workplace as a whole and the type of job a man receives over a woman. Because of this, people generally â€Å"estimate higher salaries for men than women because they associate men with greater occupational status or competence,†(Williams, Paluck and Spencer-Rodgers 2010). In today’s society a woman earns only seventy-seven cents to every dollar that a man earns. A woman may even have the same role as a man and generally will still make less money than him. Assumed they can perform in a more competent manner and have greater resources to allow them fulfill that position, a man is usually given a higher position over a woman who could have the same qualifications and ability to do the same job. Which is why gender inequality in the workplace exists within society. Today’s society is responsible for the overall existence of gender inequality. Society has created what it sees as the gendered â€Å"norms,† labeling a man and a woman individually by giving each different characteristics to which they should follow. This has allowed and opportunity for unequal perceptions to be created and for the way someone is treated to be different based on whether they are a man or a woman. Gender inequality is seen in the established gender roles, the relationship that can occur between and man and a woman and gender within the workplace The societal views which have conformed our mind, are the reasons to why this is a compelling social problem that exists and unfortunately will probably maintain its status in society for years to come. Bibliography Avent-Holt, D., & Tomaskovic-Devey, D. (2012). Relational Inequality: Gender Earnings Inequality in U.S. and Japanese Manufacturing Plants in the Early 1980s. Social Forces, 91(1), 157-180. Elwà ©r, S., Harryson, L., Bolin, M., & Hammarstrà ¶m, A. (2013). Patterns of Gender Equality at Workplaces and Psychological Distress. Plus ONE, 8(1), 1-10. Masters, N., Casey, E., Wells, E. A., & Morrison, D. M. (2013). Sexual Scripts among Young Heterosexually Active Men and Women: Continuity and Change. Journal Of Sex Research, 50(5), 409-420. Skolnick, A., Bascom, K., & Wilson, D. (2013). Gender Role Expectations of Disgust: Men are Low and Women are High. Sex Roles, 69(1/2), 72-88. Williams, M. J., Paluck, E., & Spencer-Rodgers, J. (2010). THE MASCULINITY OF MONEY: AUTOMATIC STEREOTYPES PREDICT GENDER DIFFERENCES IN ESTIMATED SALARIES. Psychology Of Women Quarterly, 34(1), 7-20.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
McDonalds Marketing Plan Essay
I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY McDonald’s Philippines is a subsidiary of the Filipino-owned Golden Arches Development Corporation. The first Filipino McDonald’s to open for business was in the Morayta university districts in Manila during 1981. These days McDonald’s is operating over 150 restaurants throughout the islands of the Philippines. Being a 100% Filipino-owned franchise allows McDonald’s Philippines to be more agile and take quicker actions, making them an even more competitive force in the Filipino fast-food market. It is one of the leading fast-food chains internationally as well as in the Philippines, with a rapidly developing consumer brand and growing customer base. . It is a place for family togetherness organized around a common love of the traditional food. Its operating system is characterized by focusing on uniformity for consistent quality, the formation of partner relationship with its franchises and supplier to improve operating system innovatively and last but not least the introduction of new products. With its steady drive for improvement and consistently high quality, McDonald’s revolutionized the entire supply chain. Instead of regimenting its supplier and franchisees, McDonald’s expected commitment from them in terms of adherence and experimentation. The implemented, smooth operating chain of suppliers, McDonald’s corporate management and franchisees balances each other, creates an entrepreneurial spirit that added value, innovation, economics of scale, the bargaining power for advertising and purchasing, as well as new product and process ideas to the company. Additionally, all involved parties maintained a collective emphasis on disciplined quality standards. As years passed by, McDonald’s needed to adapt to industry changes by accomplishing some process design innovations in fruitful collaboration with its suppliers and franchisees. In this context, McDonald’s improved the chain’s chicken and fries’ quality and consistency by switching from raw to frozen delivered fries as well as the productivity of employee. Another major process enhancement was the introduction of the breakfast at McDonald’s. In this way, the corporation expanded its operating hours since it had to pay for rent, utilities and insurance 24 hours a day, anyways. The generation of a totally new business came along with the nice side effect that it again distinguishes itself from its competitors. This marketing plan is used in outlining the product, pricing, and distribution and promotion strategies to be implemented and executed during this time. It proposes a revitalization of the McDonald’s philosophy so as to focus on the quality of products and services for customer’s value and a healthy lifestyle, healthy eating habits, smart choices and education. The plan also outlines the structural issues that may arise during its implementation and execution, tactical initiatives to turn strategy into action. II. CHALLENGE Problem: Before, the company use grilled direct system. Which becomes the problem of the company because the customer always complaining about the quality of the product like chicken mcdo, when it is served to the customers it is not crispy because it stays longer in the warming bin, and also the patty of the burger, it is not juicy because it is not hot. The access of McDelivery to the call center is another problem of McDonalds because some times the information about on the location of the customer is wrong. Solution: Now a day the McDonald’s uses the Made for You (MFY) system. †¢ Food is made or prepared to actual customer demand, providing each and every burger only when it is needed just in time (JIT). †¢ It standardizes assembly of all sandwiches to one or two at a time. †¢ Requires minimal Human Decisions Making. †¢ It requires Behavioral change â â€" Quality â â€" Complete waste â â€" Equipment â â€" Standard procedure III. SITUATION ANALYSIS Company Analysis †¢ Goals – Develop a solution to improve kitchen layouts, people positioning and operational procedures for a better guest experience. In simple terms: our goal is to have a happy and satisfied customer. †¢ Focus – the company should focus on products and services. McDonald’s is a customer-oriented company that strives to offer Filipinos a combination of great tasting, quality food productions at value prices with excellent service. †¢ Values – Customer – driven, Malasakit, Integrity, Teamwork and Excellent. †¢ Strengths â â€" Quality of the product, services and cleanliness of the store. â â€" The service of the company is fast and accurate, and we believe that taking good care of our customers is the first vital step toward effective sales building. â â€" Patents and Trademark â â€" Branding such as through the use of logos, colours, slogan and other images. A key part of the McDonald’s brand is its ‘M’ logo otherwise known as ‘The Golden Arches’. †¢ Weaknesses â â€" The competitors like Jollibee, Mang Inasal, Burger King etc. â â€" Lack of cooperation between the management and in the crews. †¢ Market Shares – McDonald’s has captured more than 40% share of the hamburger market in the Philippines. Customer Analysis †¢ Number – 30% is ages 60 and above, 20% is ages 1-15, 50% is ages 16 and above. This is the percentage of customer who are eating at the McDonald’s everyday especially during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. †¢ Type – Class B & C †¢ Value Drivers – a part from our product and services. McDonald’s gives back to the community through the Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC). RMHC supports children’s development and well being through Bahay Bulilit and Bright Minds Read (BMR). Every happy meal purchase gives 50 centavos to RMHC. †¢ Decision process – The customer have a lot of decision making it is base of what they needs and wants, also the customer decide to buy a discounted product like in coupon and the mcsaver meals. Competitor Analysis †¢ Market Position No. 1 (Jollibee) No. 2 (McDonald’s) †¢ Strengths Lasang Pinoy Raw materials are environment friendly †¢ Weaknesses Jollibee has a poor service †¢ Market shares – Jollibee has captured more than 52% share of the hamburger market in the Philippines. SWOT ANALYSIS Strength †¢ Risk diversity †¢ Large market share †¢ Strong supply chain †¢ Promoting ethical conduct †¢ Competitive fast-food chain †¢ Attentive and friendly staff/crew’s †¢ Rigorous food safety standards †¢ Good reputation among customer †¢ Decentralized yet connected system †¢ Strong brand name, image and reputation †¢ Strong financial and performance and position †¢ Affordable prices and high quality products †¢ Nutritional information available on packaging †¢ Strong global presence and performance in the global marketplace †¢ Specialized training for managers known as the Hamburger University †¢ McDonalds Plan to Win focuses on people, product, place, price and promotion Weaknesses †¢ Unhealthy food image †¢ High staff turnover including top management †¢ Customer losses due to fierce competition †¢ Lack of access to the best natural resources †¢ Lack of access to key distribution channel Opportunities †¢ Growing health trends among consumers †¢ Joint ventures with retailers †¢ Consolidation of retailers likely, so better locations for franchisees †¢ Respond to social changes by innovation with in healthier lifestyle foods †¢ Strengthen its value proposition and offering, to encourage customers who visit coffee shops into McDonalds †¢ The new â€Å"formats†, Mccafe, having wi-fi internet links should help in attracting segments. Also installing children’s play-parks and its focus on educating consumers about health, fitness. †¢ International expansion into emerging market’s of other country †¢ Growth of the fast-food industry †¢ Low cost menu that will attract the customers †¢ Providing many promotional activities Threats †¢ Health professionals and consumer activists accuse McDonald’s of contributing to the country health issue of high cholesterol, heart attacks, diabetes, and obesity †¢ McDonalds competitors threatened market share of the company both internationally and domestically †¢ Global recession and fluctuating foreign currencies †¢ Affordability of the competitors products †¢ Similar flavors and products of the competitors †¢ Competitors endorsers are much popular when it compares to McDonalds IV.Market Segmentation Market Segmentation is the process of splitting customer in to different groups, or segment within the customers with similar characteristics have similar needs. Geographical Segmentation Mcdonalds offered their services based on certain country basic food. Like Philippines McDonalds realized that Filipino basic food is rice which with fried chicken as its local basic food. Demographic/Psychographic Segmentation Demographic segmentation divided the market into groups based on variables like gender, age, nationality, religion; family life cycle and family size McDonald offered their services by segmented their customer base on age, religion and family life cycle. To offer the best service McDonalds still concern about variations due to differing tastes and cultural issues for their customer over the world. Behavioral Segmentation Behavioral segmentation focuses on dividing consumer based on their knowledge, attitudes, uses, benefit sought, or responses to company’s product. One of the best forms of segmentation is to divide buyers according to the different benefits that they want to get by purchasing the product. Usually people who look for in their product class or look for each benefit. For example, McDonald provide McDelivery for 24 hours, this is the only one delivery service that not stop even once in a while a day by just call it and order, after that within a minute it comes to your place with the food that still hot and fresh. V. Alternative Marketing Strategies McDonalds has seen recent success through a careful implementation of its â€Å"Plan to Win†strategy, which focuses on several key aspects of the business, namely increasing traffic to restaurants, providing everyday value to customers, innovating the company through the creation of new menu items, re-imaging the company’s look, as well as its marketing campaigns. McDonald’s Plan to Win is based on a core set of four main goals: †¢ Acquire more customers †¢ Get these customers to eat at McDonalds more often †¢ Develop more brand loyalty for the McDonalds brand †¢ Ultimately become more profitable Increasing restaurant visits Current market condition help the appearance of McDonalds as a low cost alternative to eating at more expensive restaurants in the minds of customers, which has consequently led to an increase in foot traffic at McDonalds franchises. McDonalds has addressed these conditions through an increase in advertising, specially displaying the company’s attention toward a diversified menu of low cost items. Such advertising serves to satisfy all four of goals of Plan to win program, drawing customer interest through a short display of the plethora of new menu options recently added, while also helping to change the look and feel of McDonalds in the minds of customers. Providing everyday value In order to create an overall feeling of value for customers to experience, McDonalds has released a modular value meal, where customers have the benefit of both low prices coupled with increased freedom when deciding on a meal. While traditional menu options emphasize a trade-off between ordering freedom and price, the McDonalds value menu provides customers with both all at once, helping customers associate the brand with good value. Innovating new menu items At the same time as their menu choices have become modular and less expensive, McDonalds is also creating value for customers by providing a diverse menu with many more ordering options. Customers can now expect an increase in health-conscious options by adding some vegetables in the burger and also they provide some dessert like apple pie or pineapple pie. McDonalds also provide a mccafe like ice mocha, ice latte, and cappuccino, Americano to provide some different variety of coffee to satisfy the customer. Marketing campaigns As well as considering the important of keeping customers informed of the continuing changes to the company through advertising media and social media dialogues, McDonalds also recognizes the value of maintaining an ongoing support system and training structure for each of its franchise operators. As mentioned above, McDonalds uses well defined, and measurable milestones to help their constituents meet company goals with as few inconsistencies as possible. McDonalds’ training programs have been continuously recognized for their excellence, and with the continuing changes being carried out throughout the company, this attention to the value of training is a terrific asset to the company. Re-imaging the restaurant Directly benefiting the company’s goals of brand development for the company, McDonalds is reenergizing their brand through an understanding of â€Å"brand power†, which is built on the cultivation of four key areas of the brand, brand identity, familiarity, specialness, and authority. Brand identity is defined as the set of characteristics that customers recognize your brand by; in McDonalds’ case these are speed, consistency, value, and variety. Brand identity works with brand familiarity, helping to expand the message that symbols of the company, or even the overall impact of advertisements themselves in reinforcing the identity of the brand in the minds of customers. If carefully managed, McDonalds can use their brand identity to make their investments in advertising go much further. Beyond this, brand specialness and authority continue the process, representing the perceptions of McDonalds as the company appears to customers. Ideally, McDonalds should leverage brand specialness and authority to clearly stand out as a distinct and trustworthy source of value, allowing customers to increase the value of the McDonalds brand through their positive interactions with the company. McDonald’s adopts different strategies to attract customers of different age groups, but still the main target remains to be children. So in order to attract them, McDonald’s use a key tool: the Happy Meals, which seem to fascinate children due to the toys included in the menu. In addition to this, they have a tie up with The Walt Disney Company for the Disney characters included in the menu, in order to make sure that they offer the kids a wide range of toy options. Moreover, McDonald’s provides the children with a special facility, unique for food venues and fast-food restaurants: a playground. This strategy is aimed at making McDonald’s a pleasant and fun environment for both kids and parents. Even the exterior of every restaurant is also strategically designed using bright colors to invite in the customer, especially kids who can easily be influenced by these aspects. So not only that the children like it, it is a chance for the parents to spend some â€Å"quality time†with their kids. Another aspect of their marketing strategy is the fact that every McDonald’s restaurant provides Wi–Fi facilities, a detail that adds to the attractive qualities and is aimed at teenage customers. In addition to this, what is representative for this chain is their clown mascot, Ronald McDonald, who is essential for creating the bond with children and entertaining them. They can even have private birthday parties in the facilities, again part of McDonald’s aim to induce happy memories in children’s minds, and to make them associate the McDonald’s brand and logo with happy moments. VI. Selected Marketing Strategy Product Suppliers are dedicated to providing McDonald’s with top quality material that is continually monitored for freshness and safety. McDonald’s uses regional suppliers to ensure that the freshness is delivered to customers in every product they buy. Food quality is keys at McDonald’s. They seek out fresh lettuce and tomatoes, onions and pickles, quality buns and potatoes, pure ground beef, select poultry and fish and wholesome dairy products. All of the beef, chicken and pork that are used are purchased from federally inspected facilities to ensure freshness, wholesomeness and peak quality when served to customers. Non-Vegetarian Ingredients Chicken The chicken products are made from high quality boned rib and leg meat and are covered in a specially seasoned, lightly battered coating. They are shaped in uniform sizes to ensure consistency in weight and value. Fish The fish products in McDonald’s Filet –O- Fish are 100% pure whole white fillets that are lightly breaded. Their exacting quality standards for fish surpass federal requirements. The ocean-fresh quality of Filet-O-Fish is a result of the process and ability to freeze the fish at sea to maintain freshness. Vegetarian Ingredients Vegetables McDonald’s use freshly shredded lettuce, onions, pickles and tomatoes in their restaurants. All their vegetable products are processed from high quality graded vegetables in a 100% dedicated vegetarian plant. Potatoes McDonald’s French fries are famous around the world. To make French fries, McDonald’s uses only the best potatoes available from their own potato farms. Their potato suppliers make many of the same nationally recognized brands of potato products to make customers feel that they are with their family at home. These potatoes are cut, blanched and processed on state-of-the-art processing lines to ensure maximum retention of nutrients. Their French fries and Potato Wedges are cooked at the plant in 100% vegetables cooking oil. Other Ingredients Cheese and other Dairy Products All dairy products like cheese, McShakes and Soft Serves are made from fresh dairy milk. All dairy products including cheese have a role to play in balanced diet because they contain a wide variety of essential nutrients such as protein, calcium, fat solubles, phosphorus, etc. McDonald’s uses a special blend of pasteurized American cheese to complement the flavor of their sandwiches. Buns McDonald’s uses buns made from locally grown wheat flour. They are baked locally and delivered fresh, several times each week to McDonald’s restaurants. Cooking Oil Food preparations are done in 100% refined vegetable oils at the restaurants plants. They use liquid oil and not hydrogenated oil. This means there are no TFAs or Trans Fatty Acids in the French Fries or any other products. Additionally, these vegetable oils contain some essential fatty acids necessary for growth. Quality Food quality is the crucial element at McDonald’s. Despite extensive and meticulous quality test at the suppliers end, all products are once again carefully scrutinized at the restaurant. Immaculate of quality allow for nothing but the best to reach customer’s tray. Their products are sourced from the highest quality ingredients, prepared hygienically and treated to regular quality checks such as the McDonald’s Inspection Program (QIP). Scope of Product Line Distribution (Place) Place, as an element of the marketing mix, is not just about the physical location or distribution points for products. It encompasses the management of a range of processes involved in bringing products to the end consumer. McDonald’s outlets are very evenly spread throughout the cities making them very accessible. Drive in and drive through options make McDonald’s products further convenient to the consumers. Intensive Distribution Distribution arrangements tend to be long term in nature. Because of this time horizon, channel decisions are usually classed as strategic, rather than tactical or operational ones. Many of McDonalds restaurants are open 24 hours per day which satisfies the customers needs and wants, especially for exists their hunger. This kind of distribution strategy is called â€Å"intensive distribution†, means marking the product available for sale through all possible channels of distribution. â€Å"Intensive distribution is stocking the product in as many outlets as possible.†Promotion The promotions aspect of the marketing mix covers all types of marketing communications One of the methods employed is advertising, Advertising is conducted on TV, radio, in cinema, online, using poster sites and in the press for example in newspapers and magazines. Other promotional methods include sales promotions, point of sale display, merchandising, direct mail, loyalty schemes, door drops, etc. The skill in marketing communications is to develop a campaign which uses several of these methods in a way that provides the most effective results. For example, TV advertising makes people aware of a food item and press advertising provides more detail. This may be supported by in-store promotions to get people to try the product and a collectable promotional device to encourage them to keep on buying the item. At McDonalds the prime focus is on targeting children. In happy meals too which are targeted at children small toys are given along with the meal. Apart from this, various schemes for winning prices by way of lucky draws and also scratch cards are given when an order is placed on the various mean combos. VII. Conclusion Since the problem of McDonalds is about the customer that keeps on complaining for the quality and freshness of the products that is being served. Therefore I conclude that the company should use the MFY (Made for You) system, so that the food is made or prepared for the customer just in time with a good quality for a reasonable cost. The company should also provide a large number of riders to avoid late delivery.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
12 castigos por no pagar child support
12 castigos por no pagar child support Cuando un padre o una madre que no vive habitualmente con su hijo no paga la pensià ³n de alimenticia –tambià ©n conocida como manutencià ³n o child support en inglà ©s- puede sufrir consecuencias de diversa naturaleza, incluso de carcter migratorio. En Estados Unidos, esta obligacià ³n afecta a todos los padres o madres que no conviven habitualmente con sus hijos, incluidos los migrantes indocumentados.  ¿Quà © es la pensià ³n alimenticia o child support? La pensià ³n de alimenticia o manutencià ³n, conocida en inglà ©s como child support, es la cantidad de dinero que un padre o una madre que no vive con sus hijos debe pagar al progenitor que sà convive con ellos para su mantenimiento. En el caso de que los padres no està ©n ni hayan estado casados, la paternidad deber probarse o reconocerse primero.  ¿Cà ³mo se calcula cantidad a pagar por child support? La cantidad que se debe pagar depende de diversas circunstancias, como las necesidades del menor, costo del seguro mà ©dico, los ingresos de cada uno de los padres, la existencia de ms hermanos u otras obligaciones familiares, el tiempo que el menor pasa con cada uno de los padres, etc. Puede haber un acuerdo entre los padres o, a falta del mismo, seguir las reglas de cà ³mputo del estado en el que reside el menor. Cada uno de los 50 estados de los Estados Unidos tiene distintas reglas. Si se desea obtener una idea de la cantidad que podrà a corresponder a un nià ±o se puede utilizar una calculadora online (en inglà ©s). Es necesario elegir la del estado que corresponde. Hay que destacar que, como regla general, se tiene en cuenta el salario bruto de los padres, es decir, incluidos los impuestos que le retienen o paga. En el caso de los migrantes indocumentados que por su estatus migratorio puede que no puedan probar cunto ganan la cantidad se estima segà ºn su ingreso potencial, lo que se conoce en inglà ©s como potential income. Esto tambià ©n puede pasar con otros padres sin que importe su estatus migratorio y se dà © la circunstancia de que trabajan a tiempo parcial, ya que se puede considerar que podrà an trabajar ms. Por otro lado, dependiendo de los estados, si uno de los padres recibe ayuda del estado podrà a considerarse que sus ingresos equivalen a 0. Adems, hay que tener en cuenta que no se tienen en cuenta los gastos mensuales de cada uno de los padres. Segà ºn los à ºltimos datos proporcionados por la oficina del Censo de los Estados Unidos, la cantidad media que se recibe en concepto de child support por nià ±o por mes es de $329. Como regla general la cantidad a pagar se fija en el mismo momento en que se establecen los derechos de visita del progenitor que no vive con el infante o adolescente. Posteriormente puede solicitarse una revisià ³n de la cantidad si hay un cambio en los ingresos por parte de la persona que debe pagar, tanto si se incrementan como si disminuyen.  ¿Cà ³mo se obliga a un padre o madre a pagar por child support? En principio, deberà a haber un acuerdo voluntario entre ambos padres. En la actualidad apenas un 10 por ciento de todos los acuerdos de child support se hacen de ese modo. Si no hay acuerdo voluntario entonces el padre o la madre que convive con el menor puede: contratar a un abogado privadamente para que resuelva el casopresentarse en corte y directamente demandaracudir a la oficina del fiscal del estado en la agencia de Child Support y solicitar ayuda. En los casos en los que el progenitor que vive con el menor recibe beneficios sociales como Medicaid o TANF se puede recibir ayuda legal gratuita para este tipo de casos. Se puede asà intentar garantizar el pago de las mensualidades futuras y tambià ©n el cobro de la cantidad que està © pendiente de pago. 12 castigos por no pagar la pensià ³n de alimentos Pueden variar de estado a estado, pero en general puede significar que el padre o la madre que no paga la pensià ³n de alimentos cuando tiene obligacià ³n de hacerlo puede sufrir una o varias de las siguientes consecuencias que tienen que ser acordadas en corte y mediante orden judicial: Embargo (garnirshment, en inglà ©s) de parte de la nà ³mina (payroll). En este caso se le entrega mensualmente la cantidad embargada al padre o a la madre que conviven con el menor.Embargo de una parte de lo que cobra por desempleo.Embargo de las cuentas de banco.Embargo de la cantidad de devolucià ³n que se obtiene del gobierno federal o del estado tras rellenar las planillas de los impuestos (tax returns).Multas, que pueden ser fijadas por la agencia estatal que se ocupa de pensià ³n de alimentos o por una corte. Las multas son el origen de deudas finales altas cuando lo que se debà a inicialmente por impago del child support era mucho ms bajo.Pena de prisià ³n. Tiene que ser decretada por una corte y generalmente se da en situaciones de desacato a la corte (contempt) o se trata de una persona que ha incumplido en ms de una ocasià ³n. Son muy raras las penas de prisià ³n superiores a seis meses.Expulsià ³n del Ejà ©rcito, en el caso de militares. Notificacià ³n a los credit bureau, lo cual puede afectar negativamente al crà ©dito. Suspensià ³n de la licencia de manejar.Anulacià ³n del pasaporte estadounidense o no entrega de uno que se solicita siempre y cuando la deuda por impago sea igual o o superior a $2,500. Efectos migratorios para obtencià ³n de beneficiosPena de crcel para los padres que se mudan a otro estado En este à ºltimo caso, el padre o la madre que incumple con su obligacià ³n de pagar el child support se muda de estado con la intencià ³n de que sea ms difà cil hacerle cumplir puede ser condenado por un delito federal, en aplicacià ³n de la ley que se conoce como Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act. Esta ley prevà © penas de crcel para los padres que se mudan a otro estado y dejan de pagar por ms de un aà ±o y deben ms de $5,000 o no han pagado por ms de dos aà ±os y el monto supera los $10,000. Si se trata de una primera ofensa, la pena de prisià ³n puede ser acordada hasta un mximo de seis meses. Para los que es su segunda ofensa, la pena de prisià ³n puede alcanzar los dos aà ±os. Adems, se sigue teniendo la obligacià ³n de pagar los atrasos. Consecuencias migratorias si no pagan el child support El no pagar la pensià ³n de alimentos a los hijos puede tener distintos efectos migratorios. Por ejemplo: Los residentes permanentes que desean convertirse en ciudadanos americanos por medio del proceso de naturalizacià ³n pueden ver que su peticià ³n es rechazada. Asimismo, el no pagar la pensià ³n de alimentos puede tener consecuencias graves en todos aquellos casos en los que es necesario acreditar buen carcter y/o la ley concede discrecià ³n para conceder un beneficio migratorio a un oficial o a un juez de inmigracià ³n. Como ejemplo de casos migratorios en esta categorà a destacan: El ajuste de estatus para adquirir la tarjeta de residencia permanente.La cancelacià ³n de la deportacià ³n.Y la salida voluntaria.La obtencià ³n de la green card por el registry.Por à ºltimo, no olvidar que los casos de no pago de la pensià ³n de alimentos puede acabar en casos extremos en un arresto. Por ejemplo, en el caso de indocumentados, puede significar posiblemente su deportacià ³n. Por otro lado, cobrar child support no se considera welfare ni carga pà ºblica y no afecta a la hora de recibir un beneficio migratorio.  ¿Quà © hacer cuando no se puede pagar child support? Todos los padres y madres tienen la obligacià ³n de contribuir al mantenimiento de sus hijos. Sin embargo, en ocasiones es muy difà cil hacer frente a esta obligacià ³n econà ³mica. Por ejemplo, en los casos de despido o de enfermedad. Pero teniendo en cuenta las consecuencias serias del impago nunca se debe dejar de pagar sin ms. Adems de notificar al otro progenitor sobre la incapacidad temporal para pagar es recomendable hacerlo saber tambià ©n a la agencia estatal o local que se ocupa de estos asuntos (en la mitad de este artà culo aparece un enlace para busca el que corresponda al estado en el que se debe pagar). Tambià ©n se puede buscar en internet por child support agency y aà ±adiendo el nombre del lugar en el que se reside. Adems, considerar si procede solicitar en corte una modificacià ³n del acuerdo de pago de pensià ³n alimenticia. Mientras se encuentra una solucià ³n, es recomendable hacer un esfuerzo para hacer frente al pago del child support o al menos contribuir parcialmente con lo que se pueda. Pero nunca dejar de pagar sin notificarlo. Casos especiales: infante en Estados Unidos y progenitor otro paà s Puede darse el caso en el que un nià ±o en USA no recibe el pago de pap o mam que est en otro paà s, pero que el incumplidor sà ingresa a los Estados Unidos. Puede estar hacià ©ndolo como turista o porque tiene una visa de trabajo vlida. En este caso se puede notificar la situacià ³n a la oficina de Aplicacià ³n de Inmigracià ³n y Aduanas (ICE). Y ahà  pedir que se le revoque la visa y que no pueda entrar a Estados Unidos. Tambià ©n puede darse un caso distinto. Si el menor est en Estados Unidos y el padre o la madre que no paga est en el extranjero, se puede obligarle a pagar en corte. Y es que Estados Unidos tiene un acuerdo con 77 paà ses para hacer posible que los nià ±os reciban de sus padres y madres la pensià ³n de alimentos. Casos especiales: infante fuera de Estados Unidos y progenitor en este paà s Hay casos en el que los nià ±os estn en el extranjero y su progenitor en Estados Unidos y à ©ste no cumple con la obligacià ³n establecida legalmente de pasarle una pensià ³n de alimentos. En estos casos se puede recurrir a un abogado estadounidense para que haga valer en corte esa obligacià ³n. Adems, si el paà s en el que vive el nià ±o tiene acuerdos con los estados de USA en el que vive el padre (o la madre) que no paga pensià ³n alimenticia, se puede solicitar que cumpla con su obligacià ³n con la ayuda de ese gobierno. Por ejemplo, en el caso de Mà ©xico se puede reclamar con bastante à ©xito cuando el nià ±o es mexicano, se encuentra allà y el pap est en uno de los estados con los que hay un acuerdo de este tipo. Incluso en los casos en los que el padre o la madre obligado al pago sea un inmigrante indocumentado. Tambià ©n puede darse un caso distinto. Si el menor est en Estados Unidos y el padre o la madre que no paga est en el extranjero, se puede obligarle a pagar en corte. Y es que Estados Unidos tiene un acuerdo con 77 paà ses para hacer posible que los nià ±os reciban de sus padres y madres la pensià ³n de alimentos. Puntos Clave: Pago de Child Support Los padres o las madres que no conviven con sus hijos tienen obligacià ³n de contribuir a su mantenimiento, es lo que en EE.UU. se conoce como child support o pensià ³n de alimentos o manutencià ³n. Esta obligacià ³n tambià ©n afecta a los migrantes indocumentados.La cantidad del pago del child support se fija por acuerdo entre los padres, a falta del mismo cada estado establece unas calculadoras para fijarlo.Todos los estados tienen oficinas pà ºblicas para ayudar a reclamar las pensiones por alimentos.El padre o la madre que no paga puede sufrir castigos monetarios, civiles y migratorios. En casos graves puede incluso recibir pena de prisià ³n. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Strength of Love essays
The Strength of Love essays The Bicycle Thief is considered a masterpiece Neorealist film that incorporates a unique relationship between father and son. Antonio Ricci, the father, and Bruno, the son, grow to depend on each other throughout the film. The intense search for Riccis stolen bicycle in war torn Italy provides the foreground for which this relationship develops. In The Bicycle Thief the strong relationship between Ricci and Bruno provides the foundational theme of faith and hope for the future. The love Ricci has for his son can be seen in the beginning of the movie when he accepts a job for man who has a bicycle. Ricci no longer has a bicycle because he pawned it in a pervious attempt to acquire money in order support his family. Ricci simply accepts the job because he is desperate for work and desperate to support his son and wife. This time it means pawning the familys cotton sheets in order for Ricci to get enough money to buy a bicycle. This shows that Ricci will do what ever it takes to support his son and wife. The idea that jobs are so rare shows the grave and extreme economic situation that Italy has sunk into following the post war period. For a child like Bruno to grow up in this period of history he needs the dependence of a strong father figure. In many cases throughout the film Ricci shows a strong side such as accepting a job with out the proper transportation. It is clear that Ricci will do whatever it takes to provide for his family. On Riccis first day of work Bruno is just as excited as the father. Bruno gets up early to see his father off to work. Bruno and Ricci have a bond that is based around the bicycle. When they have the bicycle in their possession, Bruno is the one who takes care of the bike while Ricci is the one who rides the bike. On first day of work Bruno dresses identical to what Ricci is wearing for a uniform. This shows that Bruno wants to be just like his father. Bruno wants...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Getting ahead planning your retirement in your 20s
Getting ahead planning your retirement in your 20s Have you ever heard the old saying that it’s never too early to start planning for the future? If so, you may have decided to ignore it, or just worry about it later- after all, when you’re young you feel as if you have an endless amount of time to plan your life and that your time is better spent having fun and living for the moment. But the truth is, the future is coming faster than you might realize. When it comes to retirement planning, the phrase â€Å"never too early to start planning†can be the best advice you’ll ever get. Sure, there are a lot of reasons why it’s especially tricky to start planning for such a far-off notion like retirement. The truth is, you’re likely just getting started in your professional journey, and you may have little to no idea where your climb up the career ladder will take you. Also, if you’re like most of us, the money you’re earning when you’re new to the work world doesn’t exa ctly leave you with a ton of options for saving and investing for the future. On top of all this, it is much more fun to be carefree and live for the moment when you’re young, and many of us make a deal with ourselves to start taking money matters seriously when we reach a significant (and distant) milestone in our lives (age 30? 40? 70?).That said, you really don’t have to completely overhaul your life or give up on fun in order to start planning for retirement but the more prepared you are for this inevitable end to your career journey the more confident and relaxed you’ll be about money matters at every phase of your life until then. Taking baby steps toward greater financial responsibility while you’re in your 20s will bring you that much closer to whatever your retirement goals turn out to be- and help you avoid (or at least minimize) the amount of fear, worry, and anxiety you feel when you’re focused on your financial health and future. And t rust us, if those days aren’t here yet, they’re right around the corner.If you’re ready to take the next step and get serious about your retirement planning, then consider the following strategies to move you in the right direction.4 steps to planning for retirement now1. Develop a saving mindset.Sure, when you’re in your 20s it’s hard to take savings seriously. Most likely, your main focus is on getting your bills paid and being able to afford the basics, and that makes total sense. However, even saving just a little bit can go a long way.Let’s take a look at a small example- suppose you enjoy a mid-afternoon latte each workday. The average price of a latte is around $2.50. Now, instead of buying the latte, imagine taking that money and dropping it into a savings account- in 5 years, you’ll have saved $3,250 just by making this one small life change. Are there other small savings changes you can make to help you build your nest egg? Probably, and the more money you’re able to divert to savings the better off you’ll be- both for short-term needs and for long-term health as you creep closer to retirement. But perhaps more importantly, just getting into a savings mindset early on in life will set you up for being a more financially responsible adult as you get older- and your ability and desire to save and spend wisely will set you up for a great financial future.2. Take advantage of work resourcesMost of us aren’t thrilled to have to work, but one of the good things about having to hold down a job is that it can often come with some useful employee benefits- which may include a retirement benefits plan. These days, more and more companies are offering a 401(k) plan to help employees save and prepare for retirement, which often provide some incredible perks like employer fund matching (which is as close to free money as most of us will ever get).Taking advantage of investing in a 401(k) is so universally recognized as beneficial (and often essential) that many companies automatically enroll employees in plans to help them start saving their money wisely. If your company offers this benefit, there is absolutely no good reason not to take advantage of it- even if it’s just a small percentage of your paycheck. Don’t worry if you don’t plan on staying at your current job forever- you get to take your money with you.3. Explore other investment optionsIn addition to the retirement benefits that your employer may offer, consider exploring other investment options available to you: IRAs, mutual funds, CDs, and the stock market. Sure, it’s a little scary to jump into the world of investing as a newbie, but there are a wealth of resources available to you, including online tools, wise and trusted friends and family members, and investment professionals tied to your bank (assuming you have a savings or checking account- and if you don’t, consider opening one). Do some research and start small. You’ll be amazed by how well a few wise investment decisions early on in life can set you up for a comfortable retirement.4. Decrease debtDebt is not your friend. Even though it’s often an unavoidable part of adulthood, be sure to make every effort to decrease your debt burden as you move closer and closer to retirement age. The truth is, some forms of debt- like a home mortgage- are indicative of financial stability and solvency. But other forms (like credit card debt) are best left avoided or eradicated as quickly as possible. If you have a credit card (or multiple cards), avoid using them unless it’s an unavoidable emergency, and pay off what you owe as quickly as possible. Nothing creates a financial headache and panic attack faster than an unwieldy amount of unhealthy debt- so be sure to avoid drowning here.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Fluid lab ( Head loss through a pipe) Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Fluid ( Head loss through a pipe) - Lab Report Example he pipe whereby its zero at the surface of the pipe, and this is attributed to the no- slip conditions, and its goes to the maximum at the center of the pipe. The rate of fluid flow in a given pipe is not constant. This is attributed to the various opposing factors that hinder the constant flow of the fluid. This factors result in loss of energy of the fluid otherwise known as head loss. Thus head loss can be defined as the total amount of energy reduction of the fluid as it moves. The head loss is caused by the friction of the fluid particles as they are in motion and other minor losses which are caused by various factors which include bends in the pipe, constrictions in the pipe, joints, among others. The losses due to friction are referred to as friction losses and are considered to be the major losses in the pipe (Spellman, 2008). The layout of the apparatus was inspected to make sure that the function of each component is understood. Measurement of the medium and the largest pipe was made and the Q and h of the pipes recorded. From the graph, it can be seen that the velocity is directly proportional to head loss due to friction in that as velocity increases, the head loss due to friction increases. This is a linear
IS AN ABORTION EVER JUSTIFIABLE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
IS AN ABORTION EVER JUSTIFIABLE - Essay Example According to medical experts, in many critical cases of pregnancy, abortion is necessary for saving the life of mother. Various medical complications like, heart failure, infections, very high blood pressure, and cases of preeclampsia lead to the only option of abortion to save the life of mother (Painter). Besides, in the critical situations, where women is raped, or mother is incapable to raise the child, or fetus is diagnosed with abnormal development and unlikely to survive, abortion is always justifiable. Various studies have proved that when the right for abortion is denied and women are forced to carry the pregnancy against their will, it has led to drastic negative impacts on both, child and mother (Newitz). Children born from unintended pregnancy often suffer from physical and physiological abuse and social neglect. It has also found that such children are more prone to crimes, aggrieves nature, depression, suicidal behavior, substance abuse, and various addictions, creating violent and unstable society (Hardin; Hoffman and Maynard 321-370). Each woman has right to freedom and to choose whether she wants to bear a child or not. Denial of right to freedom is violation of human rights and morally unacceptable (â€Å"Ethics Statement†). If a child is not guaranteed healthy environment, basic needs, and essential affection and care, abortion is morally justifiable to prevent him from sufferings of physiological disorders, physical abuse, poverty, addiction and getting expose to violence and crimes. Despite a lot of criticism and oppose of anti-abortionists, one can’t deny a fact that abortion is justifiable in various medical cases. It is also acceptable in cases where mother is not ready to carry the pregnancy, in rape cases, and in cases where child is likely suffer from physical or mental disability and mother is not willing to carry the
Friday, October 18, 2019
Critical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Critical Analysis - Essay Example Finally, it will highlight on the collective root causes, issues and problems that arose as a result of chattel slavery and then it will analyze approaches to abolishing chattel slavery. Origin of Chattel Slavery in North America Since slavery was incorporated in the world, slaves were viewed as property and could be moved as easy as when the owners wanted. This did not take long to be incorporated in the North America. This is so since from the time slaves were bought, or kidnapped in Africa, they were immediately treated as property to be exported into North America. There are various reasons why slaves were treated as property. First, the constitution at that time stipulated that as long as someone was white, they had the right to life and own property. This meant that black people were not considered as human beings by the law since they did not have the right to own property. This being the case, then they were treated as property which could be sold or bought as their masters w ished. Chattel slavery also started in north America as a way of ensuring that slaves respected their masters and did anything they were asked. This is so since being property meant that they could eat, sleep and wear clothes at their masters’ pleasure. This resulted in the black slaves loosing respect for themselves resulting in their at most obedience to their masters. Another reason why chattel slavery was introduced in North America was to ensure that slaves did not run away from their masters. Slaves were branded to ensure that everyone including the slaves new that they were someone’s property. By doing so, the Whites ensured that a slave could not run away since there would be nowhere else they would go. This was the case because if a fugitive slave was caught by white people he/she would have been returned to his master who had branded him/he and severely punished through whipping or sometimes execution. Chattel slaver was legal in North America since it was pr otected by the constitution. In fact, even after the declaration of independence changes to the section on slavery had been architected in such a way that it would not have been changed for the next two decades. Fugitive Narratives and abolition of Slavery Fugitive slave narratives were stories either written or oral about the life and accomplishments of a slave who had ran away from their masters or a free slave. These narratives became so influential North America that they are considered a tradition in the United States of America. These narratives were instrumental in the abolition of slavery in North America since they resulted in many slaves revolving against their masters asking for their rights as they too were also human beings. These stories talked of how a slave experienced freedom and how in other parts of North America and the world black people were respected and treated as fellow human beings. In fact most scholars consider slave fugitive narratives as the major facto r that led to the abolition of slave trade. This is so since it was through them that black people started to revolt against their masters and even fight for their freedom some even willing to die. As a result slavery got abolished since many slaves ran away from the southern states to join the war in favor of the union side of the American civil
Visual Learning and Students' Response Research Paper
Visual Learning and Students' Response - Research Paper Example Visual learning techniques can be achieved by use of computer graphics, cartoons, diagrams, posters, maps, charts, graphic organizers, graphs and many others that these learners can respond well to. Research has shown that students respond to learning in different ways and therefore, it is important for instructors to determine the kind of learners they have and employ appropriate learning techniques. Visual learners display a variety of characteristics including being good at spellings, quiet study times, like of colors and fashion, good performance in sign language, taking time to think before understanding lectures, understanding charts but forgetting names. Visual learning technique helps students connect to objects in a unique way in that they reflect, internalize and finally synthesize their information. Russel Ackoff suggested that the most important contribution of a first rate 21st century education is not content, but that we acquire the capability to learn and are motivate d to do so throughout our lives (Bartoletti, 128). It is therefore important to determine if and how visual learning improves the performance of a student. Various software packages and tools like Microsoft power point are used to enhance learning, thus making the exercise very interactive. Customization of effects that include color, gives the audience a better understanding of what is under discussion, providing visual learning with an edge over other traditional methods. Through this, it’s very easy for students to recall what they have been taught with the help of images, similar effects are employed in early childhood. Problem Statement Student performance has been declining mostly in developed countries; this is because colleges, high schools and other education systems are still using teaching styles that were used a long time ago in a modern society. The society is evolving rapidly and so it has been of great concern to change the older methods used for teaching in th e education sector and replace them with new effective methods so as to cope up with changes in the contemporary world. Research has shown that use of visual learning style is very effective and can be emphasized at the expense traditional auditory style. This research seeks to find out how visual learning improves students’ performance. Rationale for the Research It has been proven that most students respond best to visual images during learning and are likely to remember objects by visualizing whatever is taught. This research is carried out to establish how the use of these images or visuals, help students improve their performance and find the tools that can be employed to efficiently carry out this technique. In order to work effectively with the visual learning tools and achieve desired results, we have to determine and understand how student react to these images together with their function in enhancing understanding and performance of students. It has been determined that learning standards are going down gradually and sooner or later, education will lack meaning due to poor quality and low performances achieved by learners. Therefore, the use of new approach to learning like visual learning can help reverse this situation and make improvements. This research will determine
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Keynesian Theory Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Keynesian Theory - Coursework Example sterity leads to austerity!" argued that there is no need to apply austerity measures because â€Å"We have no logical need for layoffs, pay cuts, and forced days off†. In addition this measure is also counterproductive because it only increases idle capacity. The demand needed to produce in full capacity can be filled by foreign countries through exports. The video on the other hand implied that giving in to the demands of IMF of cutting jobs and expenditures will not be good to Greece. The analogy of honey badger was used to illustrate the â€Å"nobody care†attitude of investors towards Greece and that the world economy can get over it if Greece will eventually default to its loans by agreeing to European authorities. In general, the Keynesian economic policy is a better policy during recession because it pump prime and stimulate the economy for growth. In the case of Greece however, it is deemed not a good policy because it has been on the deficit (or been overspending for twenty years) that a change for austerity measure is needed to fix the economy and learn fiscal
Marketing Master Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Marketing Master - Assignment Example Harley Davidson has powerful brand image and is sound financially, but there are certain palpable weaknesses in its marketing strategy. The target customers are forty plus men; and until Harley Davidson does something about this narrow market, it could well find itself being overrun by Japanese competition. HD has selected the tactical direction to target a younger market that is technologically aware in order to augment its market in the performance cruiser market space. The new V-Rod motorcycle has given Harley Davidson a boost. To target the youth with this latest product line, the company has taken up the following marketing objectives: to develop its existing market (market expansion), branch out its product line (product diversification), and adapt its marketing combine to target a younger audience. During the 1970s, Harley Davidson faced a decline in market owing to high profile, Japanese models. However, it still managed to create a niche for itself in the market. This was done by phasing out feeble models, becoming choosier, through restrictive sales and promotions etc. Today, Harley Davidson is depending on its freshly adopted marketing objectives. ... the following marketing objectives: to develop its existing market (market expansion), branch out its product line (product diversification), and adapt its marketing combine to target a younger audience. During the 1970s, Harley Davidson faced a decline in market owing to high profile, Japanese models. However, it still managed to create a niche for itself in the market. This was done by phasing out feeble models, becoming choosier, through restrictive sales and promotions etc. Today, Harley Davidson is depending on its freshly adopted marketing objectives. First, it needs to place the V-Rod to appeal to people who are buying motorcycles for the first time. Here, its strong brand individuality comes in handy. Second, it has to set a proper marketing mix that appeal to a younger consumer base. It can successfully deploy the low end approach; in other wards attract a young audience through a low price tag. 3. Marketing Mix Elements The Harley-Davidson Corporation has found manifold ways to put its promotion strategy into practice. Harley Davidson's main promotional tool has been the HOG, since 1983. The company's commercials are centred around female images. Over 90% of the bikers are males; the HOG advertising campaign has consequently been thriving for decades. Harley Davidson also uses its cafes, located in most dealerships, for promotion. However, the most important promotional tool is still the brand image of an American product. Owning a Harley stirs nationalistic senses. Harley Davidson's distribution strategy can be best explained through its website. "Harley-Davidson's dealer's are the company's life-line to our customers, with a wide variety of product offerings, dealer's provide knowledge, service, and information to riders out on the road." The
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Keynesian Theory Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Keynesian Theory - Coursework Example sterity leads to austerity!" argued that there is no need to apply austerity measures because â€Å"We have no logical need for layoffs, pay cuts, and forced days off†. In addition this measure is also counterproductive because it only increases idle capacity. The demand needed to produce in full capacity can be filled by foreign countries through exports. The video on the other hand implied that giving in to the demands of IMF of cutting jobs and expenditures will not be good to Greece. The analogy of honey badger was used to illustrate the â€Å"nobody care†attitude of investors towards Greece and that the world economy can get over it if Greece will eventually default to its loans by agreeing to European authorities. In general, the Keynesian economic policy is a better policy during recession because it pump prime and stimulate the economy for growth. In the case of Greece however, it is deemed not a good policy because it has been on the deficit (or been overspending for twenty years) that a change for austerity measure is needed to fix the economy and learn fiscal
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Business Entities, Laws, and Regulations Research Paper
Business Entities, Laws, and Regulations - Research Paper Example In this scenario, Mei-Lin is the hiring manager of a new construction company called Surebuild Inc. This corporation has advertised a position of jackhammer operator, and Mei-Lin is facing a challenge of determining the best applicant fit for the job. She wants to treat each applicant equally, and determine the most qualified under the Equal Employment Opportunity Act (Steingold, 2011). In the United States, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is charged with the duty of enforcing federal laws, which make it illegal to discriminate against an employee or job applicant due to an individual’s religion, race, age, sex, color, race, genetic information and disability (Steingold, 2011). ...Michelle is a 35-year-old high school graduate. She has experience in operating jackhammer, although she is currently pregnant. Mei-Lin cannot choose to discriminate against Michelle just because she is pregnant. She is, therefore, a legitimate applicant for the job. Nick is a 23-year- old college graduate, but with no experience in operating jackhammer. He has epilepsy, and this cannot prevent him from getting this job. This is because the federal law states that no applicant or employee should be discriminated against because of disability (Meiners & Ringleb, 2011). Felipe, who is the final applicant, is 38 years old without a high school diploma, and she does not speak English. She can be dismissed on the grounds that she does not have a high school diploma. The hiring manager can, therefore, choose either Nick or Michelle as the best applicants for the jackhammer operator position. Restaurant/Bar Business Starting up a sports bar and restaurant will be a difficult task for both Jose and Lou. This is because they do not have enough capital, and they will consider bringing in Miriam to provide the finances. This business will, therefore, be formed under the Partnership Agreement Act. In this scenario, Jose, Lou, and Miriam will be partners in the sports bar and restaurant, however, daily running of the business will be done by Jose and Lou only. In this partnership agreement, Miriam will only contribute capital in return for a profit. All the partners will have liability and share loses because each of them has something to lose. Most of loses will be directed to Jose and Lou because both of them are responsible for the daily running of the business. Opening sports bar and restaurant business require food and liquor licenses.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Maximilian’s Letter Essay Example for Free
Maximilian’s Letter Essay In Maximilians letter to Minister Siliceo, he expressed a deep desire to improve the educational system in Mexico, such that he wanted Mexicos literacy level to be at par with those of the developed countries. His goal was to make education free for everyone, at least on the elementary level. In writing this, he made it clear that literacy should be a top priority and thinking otherwise would be detrimental to Mexico. From general instructions, like free elementary education for all and a secondary school designed to become a basis for specialized studies, he went on to specify that ancient and modern languages, as well natural sciences be taught in school for the purpose of achieving significant mental exercise for the young minds or the students of Mexico. Maximilian was emphatic about educating the students with modern languages because according to him, modern languages is nowadays absolutely essential for a Nation that intends to participate in world affairs (page 24). He further stressed that knowledge of modern languages is instrumental to maintaining and preserving Mexicos relations with other nations. In essence, Maximilian was implying the importance of standing on ones own feel while being inter-dependent with others, too. This is an excellent point of view because Maximilian did not want Mexico to be great yet isolated; rather, he wanted Mexico to become a self-sustaining nation that could interact competently with other nations as well. Interestingly, even physical education was not far from Maximilians concerns. In fact, Maximilian asked Minister Siliceo to pay as much attention to the physical well-being and activities, as to the intellectual development of the students. The longer his letter to Minister Siliceo becomes, the clearer it manifests that he had carefully planned the educational system of Mexico in his mind in such a way that it would never be left behind by the modern and advanced countries of the world. In the same manner that Maximilian wanted a balanced attention to physical education and intellectual development, he also stressed the importance of balanced attention to the sciences and the arts in higher and professional studies. Maximilian became extra emphatic when he discussed the science that was still not widely appreciated in Mexico at the time philosophy. He described philosophy as the science that strengthens the intellect, teaches man to know himself, and as a result of this self-knowledge, to comprehend the moral order of human society. In this point of the letter, it is very clear that Maximilian was not a conservative thinker. For one, he did not choose to stick to what has been the educational paradigm in Mexico; instead, he called for the introduction and promotion of philosophy among students. He was completely liberal in his flow of thought, such that he implied a hasty call for change so that the students become competent in philosophy, so that their intellect be strengthened, so that self-knowledge becomes a reality, and subsequently the students would see the moral order of human society from the perspective of an independent logical thinker. Maximilian also gave Minister Siliceo a piece of his mind regarding the Roman Catholic Church, which was the dominant church in Mexico at the time (and up to now). Religion, according to Maximilian, â€Å"is a matter of an individual’s conscience. †Here, he meant to say that choice of religion should not be shoved down the young minds of the student in a strict manner because ultimately, it is the human conscience that would decide what to choose. Maximilan further noted, â€Å"The less the State interferes with religious questions, the truer to its mission it will remain. †By this, Maximilian meant to emphasize that the State and the Church should be independent from each other. However, the issue of religious education is the responsibility of the State, and not the Church. Education, in all its level and facets, should be administered and operated by the State, according to Maximilian. This is the only way that the State can be faithful in its responsibility to educate the young minds of Mexico. In his letter, Maximilian told Minister Siliceo, â€Å"your drafts and proposals will emphasize the principle that local parishes give religious instruction in lower and middle schools on the basis of books approved by the Government. Essentially, everyone can choose their religion. In fact, everyone can learn about religion. However, if anyone wishes to learn more about religion than what the State approves of, then s/he would have to find an appropriate venue, other than the educational institutions operated by the State. Maximilian made it clear that the clergy would be educated in the way of the Church, but the rest of the students would learn according to the educational design of the Government. Ultimately, Maximilian wanted to preserve the independence and separation of the Church and the Government, and leave religion and religious beliefs to the human conscience. In Maximilian’s words, â€Å"We have freed the Church and science. †Therefore, as far as Maximilian was concerned, young minds will learn not the ways of the clergy but the ways of science. Finally, Maximilian instructed Minister Siliceo to train the best educators and provide good books for the total improvement and maintenance of the educational system in Mexico.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
growing up and loathing it :: essays research papers fc
Growing Up and Loathing It Alienation can be interpreted as loneliness caused by the lack of understanding of others, and may be caused by oneself or inflicted upon by another. During teenage years, boys are especially susceptible to the anguish felt as a result of alienation. Jerry Renault, the protagonist of the Chocolate War, is encumbered by both the alienation imposed upon himself, and that which is burdened upon him by a secret society known as the Vigils. The Catcher in the Rye introduces Holden Caufield who has segregated himself from all but a few of those surrounding him, and is deeply troubled by this. The alienation wrought by Caufield’s awkward ascension into adulthood is manifested in his fallacious attempts to casually interact with others. Because of their ages, Jerry and Holden feel threatened by the individuals whom they would normally associate themselves. This intimidation spurs the alienation and loneliness felt by Jerry Renault and Holden Caufield. Jerry Renault, an average teenager, has an issue with confidence that influences him to doubt himself, and thus alienate himself from his peers. Because Renault has low self-esteem and feels little influence from his classmates, he refuses to sell chocolates â€Å"like every other kid in†¦ school†(Cormier 66). He lacks the school spirit that others posses because he is excluded from them in his head. This reinforces Renault’s lack of influence felt as a result of others, and shows the fact that he is indeed alienated. In addition, after he refuses to sell the chocolates and is shunned by his classmates, â€Å"he [feels] invisible†(163). Jerry causes this himself, for his actions alone influence the entire student body to dissociate him from their ranks. Jerry who is suddenly forced to come to terms with the situation, instead, separates himself from his former peers even further. Also, even when the students realize that Renault is â€Å"some kind of rebel hero,†he refuses to respond to them and continues his self-imposed alienation (175). Jerry Renault, who at this point has lost all hope of being a normal student, continues his assault on all of that which he would hold dear. If it would not have been for his minuscule sense of self-esteem, he would not alienate himself from the rest of the student body. Jerry’s alienation from all the people that he would normally embrace has caused him mental and physical hardship concerning the interactions with others.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
she said yes :: essays research papers
I read "She Said Yes" by Misty Bernall. The publishing company is The Plough Publishing House, and it is 140 pages long. Cassie Bernall, a 17 year old junior at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, was a typical teen having a typical day, when two rampaging classmates put a gun to her head and asked her if she believed in god. She said yes. Its a story of growing up in the 90’s, of peer pressure, adolescents, turmoil, and the role parents play; a story of tough choices and the battle between good and evil in every person. But in the end, its a story of redemption more enduring than the tragedy that cut Cassie Bernall’s life short. It was a relatively simple question. Do you believe in God? On April 20th, 1999 Cassie Renà © Bernall said "Yes". It was the last word she would ever speak. On the day of the tragedy Cassie became a martyr for her God. In the aftermath of the tragedy its easy to raise Cassie up the status of a saint. Cassie was nothing more then a typical teenager worried about their future, her looks and the things that almost every other teenager worries about, but Cassie also sported a deep love for her God. But it wasn’t always that way. While Cassie had always been a sweet and loving child she took a turn for the worst in her teenage years, and headed down a dark, dangerous path, just like those ones as her killers. Her friends were less then good role models, Cassie became fascinated with witchcraft, drinking, suicide and perhaps the death of her parents. Fortunately, her parents found letters written to Cassie by a close friend which were talking about things that they could do to her parents that would be tragic. Afraid of what might happen, the Bernalls turned the letters over to the local police. A youth pastor spent a lot of time talking with Cassie, only to later say that there was no hope for her. But like most parents Cassia’s wouldn’t give up. The pulled her out her current school and enrolled her in a Christian school, they cut off all contact with her old friends, and basically put her under house arrest. Anything to get their sweet little girl back. Cassie hated them for it. They also hated having to get so serious with their daughter.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Should the Age Allowance of Driving Be Lowered to 16 Years?
Should the age allowance of driving be lowered to 16 years? Driving has always been popular among young boys and girls, which goes back for over 100 years ago. The very first automobile was built by Karl Benz which was a German scientist in the 18s century. By his name you could wonder why his last name is Benz, which is the same name that we used to call â€Å"gasoline†(Bensin). Funny enough his father is called Mercedes Benz. Mercedes, as many people know, is the very first car-company. Since then cars has been mass-produced, and is now available to prices that suits almost everyone.It has given many solutions to people that lives far away from work, school, relatives etc. More importantly it has done benefits to transports of food supplies, material and other stuff which has kept this world on balance. But this has also led to many accidents on the streets, which mostly occurs by young people that does not exceed the age of 20, and is now ranked on the top death-accidental stuff a human being can experience. So we ask the following question: What is the most suitable age at which people can start driving?Psychologists that have been researching on young teenagers have stated that humans become uncontrollable when they enter the period of â€Å"14-17 years†. And that it is not unusual that teenager that entered that period become fiercer and starts rushing after inordinate desires, which affects driving vehicles a lot in a negative way. And only a few numbers of people can control that large amount of energy. P. Fredrik is a psychologist who has devoted his life on studying teenagers, and has said that the large amount of energy starts disappearing in the end of the age 17, and people become more controllable after they pass the age of 17.Even if driving at the age of 16 increases the risk of accidents on the streets, there will also be lots of benefits of allowing people to drive at the age of 16. Principal of Kenny University, George Johansso n has stated that more students start to drop school after they finish High School. Doctor Dennis Henry has been studying that reason for 5 years now and has come to some few reasons to why more students start to drop school after High School. And one of those reasons says that students has a lack of ransport since school buses aren’t available after High School and they still don’t have the right to drive vehicles to school which could replace the need of transport. Therefore stops encouraging students to enter Universities. Finally, to keep the minimum number of accidents on the streets which can lead to death or permanent injuries and at the same time give students the opportunity to enter Universities which will give them a better life in the near future, the age allowance of driving vehicles should keep it at 18 years.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Military Action
In my essay I will investigate the phenomenon of war, starting with its theory and definition, and going to its factors and the principles of its justification, and then finishing with its costs. In particular, I will point out the factors of a just war and support each of them with the necessary argumentation. Also, I will describe the factors that must be considered when military action is justified.And finally, I will mention direct and indirect costs of war. On the whole, the purpose of my essay is to explore on the concept of just war, using the terms: just war and the theory of just war and applying the concepts: concepts of sovereignty, state and nation. In order to provide a necessary scientific ground for my investigation, I will cite the information from reliable sources: The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Just War Theory†and the War on [T]error by Brian Moresonner, and others.First, according to Brian Moresonner, the roots of the term â€Å"Just War†go back to the Ancient times of Greeks and Sumerians and throughout the history of mankind the concept of just war has been developed [3], eventually growing up into a separate theory with its own principles and traditions. Moresonner in his â€Å"Just War Theory†and the War on [T]error (2004) points out that meaning of â€Å"Just War†â€Å"usually evolves when two or more similarly cultured peoples engage in combat over and over, as they share the same cultural values the two or more peoples set up conventions and perhaps even codes of what is acceptable in combat with each other.†[3].At the same time, The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy  (2005) holds that the theory of just war â€Å"deals with the justification of how and why wars are fought.†[4]. This justification can be of two kinds: historical or theoretical. [4]. Theoretical justification deals with ethics of forms of warfare and war. [4]. On the other hand, the historical aspect just ifies rules and agreements applied in different wars across the ages. [4].Second, due to The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2005), every just war is characterized with a list of factors, which generally should contain the following:–  Just cause, which means a cause of aggression can be considered just if it is a response to â€Å"a physical injury (e.g., a violation of territory), an insult (an aggression against national honor), a trade embargo (an aggression against economic activity), or even to a neighbor’s prosperity (a violation of social justice).†[4].–  Proclamation of war made by a proper authority. This factor implies the relationship between government and people, and is closely connected with the concepts of sovereignty, state and nation. In simpler and more general terms, government, as an organ of authority in a state, can declare war. [4].–  The possession of right intention. This factor forbids pursuing self-intere sts or aggrandizement for the sake of justice in the war. [4].–  A reasonable chance of success. This factor means that just cause and right intention are insufficient for a just war. The sides involved should calculate al the benefits and the costs of the campaign.–  Proportion in the means which are used. This factor requires that the goal of the war â€Å"must be proportional to the other principles of just cause.†[4]. For example, if a nation A invades a land which belonged to the nation B, nation B has right to take the land back. It will be a just cause. But at the same time, the counter attack of B should be proportionate and aim only at retrieving the land. [4].Third, in case when the factors of a military action are taken into consideration, those ones, which will justify it, should be based on the right of self-defense. This right was established by the UN Charter, Geneva and the Hague conventions and it states that a nation can start a war is i ts sovereignty is endangered.  So, to my mind, justifying factors should involve :1) Direct aggression against the country, or its allies, or those countries which are not able to protect themselves against a direct aggression. Thus, in the U.S.A. current ideology suggests self-defense as a right response to direct aggression. The main concerns of U.S. ideology here are freedom and safety of its citizens, and proportional intervention against the defender. For example, such war in self-defense against Japan was declared by American policy on December 7, 1941.2)  Indirect aggression against the country. However, this premise is the most difficult to evaluate. This difficulty comes out of ideological divergences of all the countries in the world. In other words, to understand how a particular country would be engaged in a war based on this premise, one must really know the ideology of this country. For instance, all the military actions of the U.S.A. initiated after the World Wa r II are considered to be based on U.S. response to indirect aggression. In this case the term ‘indirect aggression’ implies the controversy between capitalist and communist regimes and the opposition of American democracy to dictatorship of the former U.S.S.R. and its allies.Finally, each war has its direct and indirect costs. To my mind, direct costs of war concern its human casualties and money spent by the parts involved. For example, it was estimated that during World War II 20 million o soviet people died, and the cost of Iraqi war or America has already overreached 2 million dollars. On the other hand, there are indirect costs of wars, which generally can be seen in postwar period. Among such costs I can mention: refugees and immigration, poverty, collapse of economic and political systems, epidemics, pollution of environment, etc.Bibliography:1)  Carl Schmitt, The Concept of the Political, George Schwab, trans., Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1996, p. 26.2) Mark Osiel, Obeying Orders: Atrocity, Military Discipline, and the Law of War, New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1999, p.100.3) Moseley Alexander. Just War Theory. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2005. 28 Aug. 2005 4) Plaff Tony. Peacekeeping and the Just War Tradition. US Army War Colege. September, 2000
Individual and environmental factors Essay
1.1Explain the individual and environmental factors that impact positively or negatively on learning. The study of adult learning – ANDRAGOGY – originated in Europe in the 1950s and was then pioneered as a theory and model of adult learning from the 1970s by Malcolm knowles, an American practitioner and theorist of adult education. He defined androgogy as: „the art and science of helping adults learnâ€Å" Knowles identified six principles of adult learning, which are: 1.Adults are internally motivated and self-directed. 2. Adults bring life experiences and knowledge to learning experiences. 3. Adults are goal oriented. 4. Adults are relevancy oriented. 5. Adults are practical. 6. Adults learners like to be respected. With individualised learning the trainer needs to consider and cater for the needs of individual participants. Some of the key factors to consider are: -Rates of learning and learning style -Attitude -Maturity -Interest which effect the level of learning -Motivation -Learners can work at their own pace at the time most convenient to them -Different learning styles can be accommodated -Etc. All this above mentioned factors can have positive or negative impact on learning. I have identified that people have different learning styles and it is very important to utilise this to gaing the most from each individual learner and to help make their learning as effective as possible. There is no one right combination of elements that will magically result in a positive climate for learning for every participant. There is also four kinds of learning styles: -Visual learning style has a preference for seen or observed things, including pictures, diagrams, demonstrations, displays, handouts, films, flip-chart, etc. These people will use phrases such as „show meâ€Å", „lets have a look at thatâ€Å" and will be bes table to perform a new task after reading the instrucitons or watching someone else do it first. These are people who will work from lists and written derections and instructions. -Auditory learning style has a preference for the transfer of information through listening: to spoken word, of self or others, of sounds and noises. These people will use phrases such as „tell meâ€Å", lets talk it overâ€Å" and will be best able to perform a new task after listening to instructions from an expert. -Kinaesthetic learning styles has a preference for physical experience touching, feeling, holding, doing,, practical hands-on experience. These people will use phrases such as „let met tryâ€Å", how do you feel? And will be best table to perform a new task by going ahead and trying it out, learning as they go. These are the people who like to experiment, hands-on, and never look at the instructions first. -Auditory digital learning style has a preference for working outside of the senses. People will tend to: have a need to make sense of the word, to figure things out, to understand. Talk to themselves and carrz on conversations with you in their mind.Learn by working things out in their mind.Not to be spontaneous, as they like to think things through. Have logic play a key role in the decision process as do facts and figures. Memorize by steps, procedures, sequences. The learners have a wide range of learning needs and styles, and this diversity must be take into account by employing a variety of training methods. In additions, the size of the venue, the arrangement of the furniture, the functioning of equipment and other physical aspects of the training room all contribute to, or detract from, the learning evironment. When these factors can be manipulated to be positive influences, an environment more conductive to learning will be created. Organisational and process decisions: Venue, Facilities,Environment, Meals and refreshments, Accessibility, Cost and Physical layout. Environment – the environment around the training centre should be conductive to training taking place. There are various ways in which we can adapt the learning environment so that it caters for the physical needs of the participants: The temperature and environment within a training room should facilitate learning, it should be warm but not excessively hot or too cold because participants should be comfortable to pay enought attention to presentation. The layout of the room should be inviting suggesting the prospect of interesting activity and with adequate „break outâ€Å" areas. Make sure that you are comfortable with the layout of the room to deliver the best of your ability and the training will not be as effective as it otherwise could have been. A positive learning environment nurtures these feelings by allowing sudents to explore and expand their knowledge without undue risk or fear. Bring all types of learning could be positive for the individual as we are all different people and also confidentatiality is important too. Negative impact can be that participants do not switch off mobile phones what may lead to disturbing other participants and also trainer. Another negative factor could be lighting which should be appropriate for activities such as note taking, viewing of audio-visual aids and hands-on computer training otherwise it will have impact on individuals or group. Resource availability is based on available resources. The venue will have available a laptop, with internet access and an overhead projector. A flip chart will be available together with marker pens and pens and paper. Formative Assessment the goal of formative assessment is to gather feedback that can be used by the instructor and the students to guide improvements in the ongoing teaching and learning context. These are low stakes assessments for students and instructors. Examples: †¢Asking students to submit one or two sentences identifying the main point of a lecture †¢Have students submit an outline for a paper. †¢Early course evaluations Summative Assessment the goal of summative assessment is to measure the level of success or proficiency that has been obtained at the end of an instructional unit, by comparing it against some standard or benchmark. Examples: †¢Assigning a grade to a final exam †¢Critique of a Senior recital †¢University Faculty Course Evaluations The outcome of a summative assessment can be used formatively, however, when students or faculty take the results and use them to guide their efforts and activities in subsequent courses. ACTIVITY 2 Undertaken at the workshop. ACTIVITY 3 How you created a positive learning environment: To create a positive learning environment i made sure the temperature and enviromnent within a training room was fine, e.g. warm but not excessively hot or cold, clean, welcoming, bright and colorful.Lighting was appropriate for activities such as note taking, viewing of audio – visual aids that the layout of the room was inviting, suggesting the prospect of interesing acitivity and with adequate „break outâ€Å" arears and also that the participants had free access to water and toilets. The feedback on your activity from learner participants: To get the feedback on my presentation from learner participants i used a feedback questionnaire with the following questions. On a scale of 1 – 5 (1being the worst and 5 being the best) please circle the one that applies 1.Was the learning informative? 2.Was the information delivered in a concise and structured manner? 3.Did you find the learning topic interesting? 4.Do you feel you were supported through questioning and feedback? 5.Did you find the activity clear and simple to follow And i aslo left space for any other comments or development needs. Comments and development needs recommended by participants: my topis was Junk food vs Healthy food would be good to explain more healthy options, could do meal plans – suggest exercise reqires the slides were sometimes unclear – blue words – blue background. Enjoyed though. No – good presentation Good reminder of what we know and why i tis important to eat healthily. I will try to eat less sugar!! No, very clear and enthusiastidly given. No. Was a very good presentation, good use of powerpoint slides. Observation record from assessor Les Curzon: OBSERVATION RECORD: F211A Candidate name:LUKAS DEMJANJUNK FOOD/HEALTHY FOOD Unit 3DLA Delivering Learning and Development Activities Observation Criteria Assessor feedback – to be completed by the assessor with notes to support the decision Creates an environment that is positive & conducive to learning – e.g. – health & safety – room layout – welcome – accommodates needs – puts participant at ease – builds rapport H&S not covered Ice breaker, write favourite food. The audience was some distance away and some had their back to you to start with. Structures & sequences effectively for learning e.g. – introduction – main body – conclusion Good introduction and you got the attention of the learners. Main body informative Provides clear aims / learning outcomes No clear aims and objectives. Manages learning activity effectively – uses a range of appropriate training skills Tended to be mostly lecture style with a few questions. – uses learning resources appropriately and effectively Good use of PowerPoints with appropriate images and addresses VAK. – supports learners via questioning and feedback Asked lots of questions but tended to be closed â€Å"does anybody†– uses appropriate formative & summative assessment methods Formative through Q&A, summative Q&A – could have had a quiz. Could have designed a meal. – summarises and concludes the learning and development activity Summarised throughout and reinforced – assists learners to reflect on their learning and identify further needs Via Evaluation form – collects feedback from participants Evaluation form General Comments / Feedback Lukas, An informative session on healthy food. The identified need being to improve the health of employees? The audience were physically distant and you could have brought them closer to you. This could have been achieved after your ice breaker I am aware that you did the presentation in your second language. You tended to read which slowed the pace and it lacked energy. You need to plan and prepare in good time. You have the basics of a good session and need to develop it by having SMART objectives and lots of activities. A good effort and you need to consider the Systematic Training Cycle when you reflect in your TMA. Well done. Smart objectives should be: Specific means making a clear statement about the knowledge or skill that the trainee should be able to do and actually demostrate at the end of the course. This includes the level of operation, such as „after the training, te trainee should be able to use the machine safely and efficiently to produce the product at the specified qualityâ€Å". Measurable means that the standard of the trainees performance after the training can be measured in terms of, for example, quality and number of tiems in a specified period of time. Achievable means that it should be possible for the trainee to achieve the objectives in the light of the situation, the practicability, and the intelligence and motivation of the trainee. Realistic means that the objectives should be obviously useful and clearly related to the type of work that the trainee carries out. Time – related means that the trainee should be able to develop understanding, attain concepts and demonstrate skills withing a pre – specified period of time. For example, uou mighy be able to type a leeter perfectly if you took an hour to do it, but not if you only had five minutes.A skilled typist would be able to achive the objective in the shorter time. EVALUTATION AGAINST SYSTEMATIC LEARNING CYCLE 1. Identify training needs There are several ways in which training needs may be identified but unfortunately i did not have a choice to find out the training needs as i met the participants for the very first time. 2. Set training objectives In general, the objective of training is to develop in people the knowledge and understanding, skills and competence that they need to meet required performance standards. I did not concentrate that much on the Smart objectives but for the futher development needs i will need to plan and prepare in good time. 3. Plan the training Bearing in mind the nature of the subject matter in which employee needs to be trained, decisions have to be made about how and where it is to be carried out. There are several choices. Most training, however, falls into one of two categories: On-the-job trainin, which as the term implies, takes place while the trainee is actually working or it could be Of-job-training, which may be external training, when, for example, an individual or a small group is sent to a local college or training centre or to a higher education institution to undertake a professional qualification.I could not decide where was i doing presentation. 4. implement the training There is six training methods such as Lecture, Seminar, Case study, Role-play, Syndicate work, Exercises i decided for seminar which is ideal to discuss a topic or concept. I think it was effective because i introduced the subject and run a group discussion where trainess presented their views on which i could comment. I also used training media PowerPoint and visual aids such as overhead projector and flipchart which i used for the answers to my questions and for laying main points of a talk. It was effective way of learning because people pay enought attention to the powerpoint presentation.Preperation involved working on the detail of the training session and also draft my notes of what i was going to say. I went through each element of the course carefully, drafted a separate set of notes for each element but did not place them in a file which was making me confused and lost. I did not cover Ice breaker but aafter i had a good introduction and attention of the learners. Main sect ions were informative. No clear aims and objectives And tended to read which slowed the pace and it lacked energy. 5. Evaluate the course It is a socially interactive process after which the participants should feel confident that htey have all learned from the experience. Additionally, it should also be effecitve i terms of achieving the trianing objectives which i need to develop by having Smart objectives and a lot of activities. 6. Analysis and review It is rare for a training session that is being run for the first time to achieve every single aspect of every objective. Analysis and review is the final stage of the systematic trianing cycle which helped me to reveal areas that need to be improved and showed me what do i need to work on. 2 RECOMMENDATIONS TO IMPROVE MY FUTURE PERFORMANCE: 1. IceBreaker It is very important to get the participants talking to each other and to relax because people can be quite intimidated at courses, especially in front of a big group so more i get them to relax and enjoy it, the more easily they will learn. 2. Running a trainning session In advance of actually running a session, i will need to go through my notes and learn them so well that i will not need to refer to them because it lack energy
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