Monday, September 30, 2019
The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire Education Essay
This chapter outlines the methods and processs used to roll up informations, every bit good as how the collected information was analysed and besides the restrictions of the survey.2.1 Research designA research design maps as gum that holds the research survey together, structuring the survey and suiting together major research constituents such as sampling and steps in replying the research inquiries. In research, qualitative design and the quantitative design signifier the major types of research designs. Qualitative research design gives a complete description of peculiar phenomena for which the research worker seeks an account. This design is based on the point of view that all research is finally linked to qualitative research. Here, the research worker is extremely involved in the procedure, and the informations collected takes the signifier of words and objects ( Creswell, 2003 ) . Quantitative research aims at explicating everything in footings of 0 and I. It classifies, coun ts and creates statistical theoretical accounts to give accounts about peculiar happenings. Data aggregation tools such as questionnaires are used to roll up numerical informations. This research design consequences in precise measurings of objects under probe ( Creswell, 2003 ) . This survey used the quantitative research design which enabled the research worker to roll up informations from a big sample of schools in order to enable the findings to be generalised. In analyzing leading behavior of secondary school Curates, it was of import to utilize a big sample since there are many secondary schools in Mauritius. The information collected on the leading manners and instructors ‘ engagement in determination devising needed to be statistically correlated to find the impact of leading on collaborative determination devising. Therefore, it was important to utilize the quantitative research design to give informations that can be manipulated statistically.2.2 Population and sampleIn research, a population refers to topics whose properties are of involvement to the survey. It consists of the elements that the survey would wish to look into ( Creswell, 2003 ) . The secondary school population in the Republic of Mauritius is divided into five zones, harmonizin g to the Ministry of Education and Human Resources. The schools are farther categorised as State, Private Aided and Private Non-Aided. The entire figure of secondary schools in Mauritius is 182. For the intent of this research, the schools in Zone 5 ( Rodrigues ) were non included, every bit good as the Private Non-Aided schools. For this survey, the population was all secondary school instructors working in State and Private Aided schools of Mauritius. Under this population instructors were the respondents. This included all practising instructors and excluded all trained but non practising instructors. The sample is a little proportion or subset of the population. The importance of samples in research is the impracticableness of obtaining survey informations from all the elements of the population ( Creswell, 2003 ) . This present survey used a sample which is 15 per centum of the whole school population. The school population in this survey is 156 and therefore there were 23 schools that were sampled. This sample was divided among the zones on the footing of the figure of schools in the zone. This survey used a graded random sample to acquire to the respondent. In this sampling technique, the sample of schools is foremost divided into bunchs or groups. Here the bunchs were the four zones, whereby each zone constituted a bunch. The sample for each zone was based on the proportion of the schools in that zone relation to the entire figure of schools. Thus Zone 1, with 51 schools, had 8 schools doing it to the sample ; Zone 2, with 41 schools, had 6 schools ; Zone 3, with 34 schools, had 5 schools and Zone 4, with 30 schools, had 4 schools. Table 2.1 illustrates the sample of schools chosen.Table 2.1: Sample of schools per zoneZonePopulation Sample 1 51 8 2 41 6 3 34 5 4 30 415623 The sample was further divided amongst State and Private-Aided schools, based on the proportion of each in the corresponding zone relation to the entire figure of schools. The State and Private-Aided schools were so categorised harmonizing to students ‘ gender, viz. Girls, Boys and Mixed. Simple random sampling, utilizing a random figure generator, was so used to choose the 23 schools organizing portion of the sample.Table 2.2: Types of schools in sampleZoneSum Population Sample StatePrivateAIDEDState Private AIDED 1 51 23 28 3 5 2 41 19 22 3 3 3 34 12 22 2 3 4 30 15 15 2 215669 871013the sample size of 100 instructors has been obtained from the relation where N = N 1+ Ne2, where n= sample size, N = population size, e = border of mistake ; an mistake of 10 % has been considered here ( Pasigpasigan, 2007 ) . Table 2.3: Sample of instructors Population OF Teachers Sample OF Teachers Zone State Private AIDED Sum State Private AIDED 1 1145 1071 2216 16 15 2 907 971 1878 13 14 3 664 984 1648 9 14 4 723 551 1274 11 834393577701649512.3 Investigative TechniquesThe survey used questionnaires for informations aggregation. Questionnaires are rather cost- effectual and they can capture a big sample, while offering a agency of incorporating present findings with former similar surveies. They are the chief probe techniques used for big samples where quantitative informations is required. The survey employed this technique to roll up informations and this allowed for statistical use and generalization of the informations to the whole population. Questionnaires allow namelessness in response, thereby heightening informations quality and dependability. The questionnaire was structured in order to hold standard inquiries whose responses are predefined. This allowed for easy informations analysis, even though new stuff that the research worker may non be cognizant of can be omitted.2.4 InstrumentalityThe questionnaire used for the survey incorporated both the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire ( MLQ ) an d the Teacher Involvement and Participation Scale Questionnaire. The questionnaire is given in Appendix A.2.4.1 Multifactor Leadership QuestionnaireThis is a information aggregation instrument that measures leading manners. Respondents score their responses on the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire. Bass and Avolio ( 2000 ) crafted the MLQ from their full scope of leading theoretical accounts. Assorted trials have confirmed that MLQ is a good forecaster of leader public presentation and behavior. The MLQ scores leading behaviors on a graduated table from transactional to transformational manners of leading. This instrument was used to inquire instructors in Mauritius to give their sentiment on the leading manners used by their Curates. The altered MLQ instrument used for this survey excluded the steps for leading results since this would be measured by the T.I.P.S questionnaire. Therefore, alternatively of the usual 45 inquiries in the MLQ, the survey used 21 inquiries. Out of the 45 points, the questionnaire measures five transformational leading variables, three transactional variables, one variable of non- transactional leading and three result variables. The latest version of the MLQ questionnaire comes in two signifiers: the ego rater and rater signifier ( other people rate an person ) ( Bass and Avolio, 2006 ) . This survey used the rater signifier where the instructors will rate the Rectors in footings of their leading manners. Bass ( 2005 ) advances that transformational leading is based on five variables, as measured by the MLQ: Idealised Properties, Idealised Behaviours, Individualised Consideration, Intellectual Stimulation and Inspirational Motivation. The transactional leading variables or constituents are: Contingent Reward, Management by Exception ( Passive ) and Management by Exception ( Active ) . The result constituents measured are: Satisfaction with the leader, Extra attempt by Associates and Individual, Group, and Organisational Effectiveness. Laissez-Faire is the non-transactional constituent ( Bass and Avolio, 2006 ) . The MLQ is based on the 5 point Likert graduated table of 0 = Never to 4 = Frequently, if non ever. The MLQ has been applied extensively in research lab and field surveies of inactive / avoidant, transactional and transformational leading manners ( Bass and Avolio, 1994 ) . Harmonizing to Bass and Avolio ( 2006 ) , leading manners are non reciprocally sole since one individual can change his/her leading manners to accommodate different fortunes. Appendix B contains a description of all the constituents in the MLQ. Bass and Avolio ( 2000 ) progress that the MLQ has a dependability of 0.74 to 0.91 for each leading components that it measures. The tool has been used for 100s of surveies throughout the universe, both academic and commercial ( Bass and Avolio, 2006 ) . Lowe et Al. ( 1996 ) back up the cogency of MLQ through their survey of over 3 000 raters. It meets the rigorous cogency steps in research ( Trochim, 2005 ) . Appendix C contains Part B of the questionnaire and their variables within the MLQ model.2.4.2 Teacher Involvement and Participation Scale ( T.I.P.S )We started development by reexamining the literature on shared determination devising. Through the work of Conley and Bacharach ( 1990 ) , Sirotnik and Clark ( 1988 ) , David ( 1989 ) , and others, we discovered that execution of shared determination devising occurs across eight dimensions: Goals/Vision/Mission: the grade to which instructors are involved in bordering the ends and mission of the school. Facilitating Procedures and Structures: the grade to which instructors have equal clip, reduced learning tonss, releases from contracts and ordinances, and changed agendas to allow collegial work to happen. Curriculum/Instruction: the grade to which instructors participate in finding the school plan, course of study ends, text edition choice, educational stuffs, and schoolroom teaching method. Budgeting: the grade to which instructors participate in affairs related to planing and implementing the school budget. Staffing: the grade to which instructors are involved with the disposal in doing determinations such as recruiting, interviewing, hiring, and delegating staff. Staff Development: the grade to which instructors can plan and implement staff development activities that meet their ain demands. Operationss: the grade to which instructors are involved in pull offing the edifice ( its usage, betterment, and care ) . Standards: the grade to which instructors portion in puting criterions for their ain public presentation and for pupil public presentation and subject. Items on the TIPS 2 Instrument are rated on a Likert Scale from one to five bespeaking degree of teacher engagement in each determination during the past twelvemonth. ( The graduated table ranges from â€Å" Strongly Disagree †to â€Å" Strongly agree. †) . TIPS has demonstrated high dependability and cogency for the instrument as a whole and in each of the dimensions..2.5 Data CollectionThe sample used in this survey comprises secondary school instructors. The questionnaire was distributed to the respondents during a two-week period and the respondents were given a farther three yearss to make full in the questionnaires. The respondents were issued difficult transcripts of the questionnaires in their schools and, for those who were comfy to react instantly, the questionnaires were filled and collected. Otherwise a reminder was sent in two yearss and agreements made when the questionnaire would be collected. Email questionnaires were besides issued to respondents who preferred to react via electronic mail. These schemes were put in topographic point to guarantee that information was obtained in good clip. Data was collected from the several schools at prearranged times.2.6 Data AnalysisThe questionnaires used in the survey yielded quantitative informations which can be analysed statistically. The information collected was analysed by the usage of statistical bundles Microsoft Excel and SPSS ( Statistical Package for Social Sciences ) . The analysis was done in the signifier of descriptive statistics, which enabled the basic description of the sample such as the figure and gender of respondents, their length of service and makings. The descriptive information statistics included frequence, steps of cardinal inclination ( average and manner ) , steps of fluctuation and standard divergence. The survey sought to look into the impact of leading behavior on collaborative determination devising. This was achieved through correlativity statistical steps to find the being of a relationship.2.7 Ethical ConsiderationsThere is increasing consciousness that the people on whom research is conducted have rights, and that research workers have duties and duties to these research topics ( Mc Neill and Chapman, 2005 ) . The respondents in the survey are human topics and this required a figure of steps to be put in topographic point to guarantee that the topics were protected. The instructors are peculiarly busy at this clip of the twelvemonth ( terminal of 3rd term ) and they do non hold sufficient clip to give to studies. The accent was laid on the importance of this survey in order to actuate the respondents. The instructors were allowed to maintain the questionnaires and respond at their ain convenience. The chief ethical issues that have been given due consideration during this research are given below. Informed consent: inform all participants that they are capable to the research undertaking and that they are free to decline to take part. aˆ? Misrepresentation: true information given to all participants about the intent of the research. aˆ? Confidentiality: identifying information about the topics will non be made available to anyone. aˆ? Anonymity: the individuality of each participant will stay unknown. aˆ? Hazards: no topic will be harmed physically or emotionally. For this current research, accent is laid on three of the above, viz. informed consent, confidentiality and namelessness. Since instructors are involved in this research, the anterior consent of their school Rectors has to be obtained through a missive detailing the exact nature and intent of the research. However, many Rectors did non desire their schools to be explicitly identified in the study. The instructors who are selected are given the warrant that their individuality will non be revealed to anyone. Since the survey involved a reappraisal of Curates by the instructors, this may hold caused the latter to react favorably or experience unbarred to reply truthfully for fright that they can be identified, despite being given the confidence of complete confidentiality. Finally all those take parting in the research have non been named anyplace in the study. Puting accent on the above ethical jobs is of paramount importance because if the respondents do non swear the research worker , so the cogency of the information collected will non reflect the world.2.8 BiassBiass ever find a manner into research surveies and convey damaging effects to the survey. The most elusive and harmful prejudices are those that the research worker is non cognizant of. The research worker and the respondents differ in many professional facets, chiefly in that the bulk of respondents have non obtained a postgraduate grade while the research worker is in the procedure of geting one. This may hold made the research worker to be insensitive to the demands and positions of the respondents. To understate this prejudice, the research worker worked closely with the respondents to understand their paradigm and readily offered elucidations on the intent of the research. The contents of the informations aggregation instruments were besides explained to the respondents when necessary.2.9 Premises of the surveyThe research worker assumed that the features of composing and size of the sample accur ately represent the population of the survey. It was besides assumed that the respondents had interacted long plenty in the secondary schools to understand their leader ‘s behavior. Finally it was assumed that the instructors were besides cognizant of the effects of their Rector ‘s leading manner on their engagement in determination devising as instructors.2.9.1 Restrictions of the surveyThe methodological analysis chosen in this survey has restrictions which may hold adversely affected the result of the research. The survey used the MLQ which is a standard questionnaire for mensurating the modern school of idea for leading behavior. It has besides used the T.I.P.S which is another standardized questionnaire. Some respondents were non able to reply all the inquiries as they may non hold been cognizant of or were non concerned plenty with the occurrences in their schools. This decreased the figure of duly filled questionnaires used for informations analysis. Besides, the standardised questionnaire did non capture other emergent positions or new thoughts on the inquiries that were asked, restricting the contextual profusion of the findings. The period of the school calendar twelvemonth for this survey is decidedly unfavorable since all instructors are busy with school scrutinies. Many respondents may hold answered at random due to the confining clip factor. In research, larger samples are better since they reflect more accurately the features of the population. This survey used a little sample to let the easiness of informations aggregation and analysis in order to run into the deadlines. The fiscal resources required to transport out such an extended survey covering the whole island were beyond the range of the research worker. Furthermore, the Private non-aided schools were non included in this survey since entree was non granted in many instances. This besides explains the size of the sample used by the research worker.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Haggard’s King Solomon’s Mines Essay
 had three huge barns, nine wives and thirty children. â€Å"(Achebe, 15) These men held titles which gave them a higher status in society. It was the responsibility of the clansmen to watch out for other individuals in their society. We do not ask for wealth because he that has health and children will also have wealth. We do not pray to have more money but to have more kinsmen. We are better than animals because we have kinsmen. An animal rubs its itching flank against a tree, a man asks his kinsmen to scratch him. (Achebe, 145) This exemplifies the values of a traditional Igbo society where the bond between fellow members of the society as well as health was greatly cherished. They held the life of their kinsmen very high. Achebe goes a step further in describing the elaborate family system of the natives. Unlike Haggard’s previously discussed perception implying the underestimated value of money, agriculture played an important role in supporting the polygamous household. The natives grew crops and also reared and tamed animals such as chicken and goats. Achebe’s attitude discretely explains that the native society in the mid 19th century was civilized contrary to the image established by Sir Henry Rider Haggard. Africa is known for its majestic beauty, flora and fauna. King Solomon’s Mines offers wondrous descriptions of the landscape and wilderness found in the untamed, uncivilized, unadulterated land. â€Å"There are the deep kloofs cut in the hills by the rushing rains of centuries, down which the rivers sparkle; there is the deepest green of the bush, growing as God planted it†¦ †(Haggard, 32) The possibility of untold treasures still to be discovered within the hidden parts of the land naturally sparks ideas of heroic adventures. Haggard considers the unexplored land as being dark and evil. â€Å"But here and there you meet †¦ make out a little piece of history of this dark land. †(Haggard, 18) On the other hand, Achebe’s novel is embedded with multitudes of descriptions of the natural environment as well as how people have modeled their economy around it: The last big rains of the year were falling. It was the time for treading red earth with which to build walls. It was not done earlier because the rains were too heavy and would have washed away the heap of trodden earth; and it could not be done later because harvesting would soon set in, and after that the dry season. (Achebe, 142) Similar to Haggard, Achebe has depicted Africans as living in mud huts, but the distinction in their attitude can be easily made through analyzing the following description: Oknonkwo’s prosperity was visible in the household. He had a large compound enclosed by a thick wall of red earth. His own hut, or obi, stood immediately behind the only gate in the red walls†¦ The barn was built against one end of the red walls, and long stacks of yam stood out prosperously in it. (Achebe, 11) Things Fall Apart describes the homes were the representation of the owner’s prosperity and success in the society. The attitudes exhibited by both writers towards the topography of the land are similar, even though Achebe describes the significance of seasons and climatic changes in the natives’ lives. Sir Henry Rider Haggard’s King Solomon’s Mines and Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart are concise novels which offer insightful descriptions of Africa and Africans as discussed above. They elaborate upon the beliefs, values and harmony of the people with their native land. Haggard’s description of Africa and Africans shows that his attitude is not completely detached from the stereotypical European beliefs. Achebe is successful in offering a credible and historically accurate description of the rich land, diverse culture and unique traditions. His attitude cannot be considered completely just nor unbiased as he is discussing the history of his own people. However, the analysis of the two novels brings out an interesting pattern. The perceptions presented in the novels preserve the thinking of the society when the two novels were each written. The post colonial society of today is much more accepting of the diversity present in indigenous cultures. This acceptance and appreciation was suppressed in the colonial era when strong nations such as Britain were colonizing other parts of the world. Overtime, our global society has prodigiously evolved and continues this progression implicating a growth of acceptance and appreciation of cultural diversity.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Best Self Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Best Self - Essay Example I am also ambitious and can imagine things on my own. As far as my hobbies and pastimes are concerned, I write poetry as I believe this is something that holds a lot of value for me. I also indulge in photography and love traveling around new places and destinations. This excites me endlessly. Also reading is something that comes very naturally to me. My qualities include leadership skills, efficiency and skills to take on any job at any time. In addition, I am unselfish and take very little stress. I like to acquaint new places and explore buildings and architectures. I also have a liking for seas and water in essence. I am a firm believer of the green architecture and how this has shaped up the world in this day and age. Sunset and sunrise are some of the most significant pleasures that I derive from the different moments happening in a day. What others think of me is also important to me. My mother believes in me and she knows that I am an honest individual. She knows that I yearn for family and the relationships that hold me with all of them at all times. One of my friends (Ahmed) is a Director in a bank. He asserts that I am respectable and have a dignity of my own. He knows that I can come up with all sorts of creative ideas.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Ethics Awareness Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Ethics Awareness Paper - Essay Example According to the Ethics Awareness Test I had taken, my ethical perspective is based on what is good to be, the virtues and characters of an individual as opposed to what is good to do, i.e. the actions of individuals when faced in circumstances where they are forced to make a choice. In this paper, I will apply the results of this Inventory Test to my personal and professional development and thus explain how my experience in Education has contributed to the development on how I think ethically. I will also address the use of ethics in decision making and discuss potential conflicts that will arise in situations where people have different ethical perspectives compared to mine. According to the test, my ethical perspective is based on the obligation of an individual on what is morally good to be. In my professional and personal life, the results of this test indicated that I will most definitely look at the person’s actions and character to determine the intention of the said individual. For instance, as a law enforcement officer, while investigating a crime, I will first look at the character of the suspect and later on come up with a conclusion of the intentions of his actions. The test supports the idea that I look beyond actions to determine an individual’s character; uprightness and integrity are the key elements of my analysis. For instance as an interrogation officer within the police department, I may face difficult circumstances that will warrant me to make a choice. For example, while conducting interrogation on a bank robbery suspect, the robber confesses to me where he hid his loot but offers to pay me a substantial amount of money if I sit on his confession and let him go. My actions at such a scenario will depend on my character. My character will determine if I follow the Codes and Ethics of Law enforcement officers and use this confession to facilitate his prosecution (Corey and Callanan, 1998). I will be unable to act morally and in accordance with the codes and conduct of Law Enforcement agencies if I do not possess the character of honesty and Integrity. My ethical thinking and view are greatly shaped with my education experience. My experience in Studies on Criminal Justice Administration has changed my ethical view point from focusing on my selfish interests without looking at what my actions could lead to in the enforcement of the law. Before attending my studies on Criminal Justice Procedures, I thought of my own interests and did not have a clear picture on what results my actions have in the criminal justice system and the society at large (Campbell and Pfister, 2002). However, I have learnt that these elements - honesty, integrity and the urge to do right; significantly affect one’s ethical views besides building their characters. My ability to make decisions is based on my perspectives of ethics. For instance, some things might appear to be good but in reality they are not. Based on this, I am an individual who will examine facts about a particular situation or event, analyzing the characters of individuals involved in relation to their actions at the same time looking at what the impact of my decision will be to the criminal justice system and society. Based on the test, I have realized that people have their own ethical perspectives, beliefs and behaviors that they strictly adhere to. As an individual, I respect their views and behaviors with a condition that they do
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Health and safety in construction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Health and safety in construction - Essay Example Through this many industries will be able to prevent the occurrences of accidents in the workplace. The industries should also be ready to compensate anyone when he has been in involved in such accidents. This can lead to most people being able to be employed in this sector as most of the people are unemployed and also are not ready to work in construction companies. The health sector should also be checked because when people who are not fling well are not allowed to rest it may lead to accidents not only to him but to others. Some of the machinery used is not updated or old which may lose its efficiency this therefore will lead to occurrences of accidents and so it should b considered as some people lose their lives because of these. There should b a safety plan before the construction starts this includes type of construction, emergency procedures, public safety strategies, the kind of material s needed the location of the place in order for them to acquire the right equipment too ls and machinery. (Joyston-Bechal & Grice 2004) Statute law section Key requirements of health and safety law This can be termed as occupational safety and health. This is a disciplinary area which involves the protection of health and safety of the people involved in work. ... This includes protecting the employer and employees lives and also the health. The legal obligation includes compensatory purposes in case of accidents, punitive and also preventative purposes that protect the worker’s health and the safety. Occupational safety and health reduces the accidents which may include injury, illness costs among others which may be caused by the construction industry. The workers or everyone involved in the construction industry should be able to know his rights as a worker in cases like illness, injuries and his safety. Most of the citizens have the fear of engaging into construction works as they think that it will lead to them becoming disable, ill or even may lead to death which may lead to their families living in problems but this should not be a hindrance as everyone is supposed to fully know their rights in safety and health (Holt & Lampl 2006). Strategy for information retrieval Information retrieval can be achieved through improving the var ious ways of searching information. This can be opening a wide range of information collecting from different sources like the internet, other construction companies and from people with different specialties. This can improve the stability and efficiency of the industry reducing the occurrences of accidents and health problems from occurring. Communication is another key element for information retrieval in any given construction industry. This is because through communication there is a better interaction and exchange of views can be easily exchanged. Through this most suggestions are able to be put in place to which they can lead to the company’s development. Lack of communication leads to people not trusting each other and also does not
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Heart of Darkness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Heart of Darkness - Essay Example Kurtz is repeatedly described as mad and this madness had its sources in two important things: a) intellect/genius and b) unbridled power. Perhaps Marlow gave one of the best explanations for madness within Kurtz when he tries to understand the sources of depths of madness that he noticed in Kurtz. It is where he overcomes with this deep urge to kill Kurtz because the man looked just so extraordinarily inhuman: "Soul! If anybody has ever struggled with a soul, I am the man. And I wasn't arguing with a lunatic either. Believe me or not, his intelligence was perfectly clear-concentrated, it is true, upon himself with horrible intensity, yet clear; and therein was my only chance-barring of course, the killing him there and then, which wasn't so good, on account of the unavoidable noise. But his soul was mad. Being alone in the wilderness, it had looked within itself, and, by heavens! I tell you, it had gone mad. He struggled with himself, too. I saw it,-I heard it. I saw the inconceivable mystery of a soul that knew no restraint, no faith, and no fear, yet struggling blindly with itself." (144-145) This passage makes one thing clear. Kurtz was not a lunatic. His soul was the center of his corruption and his senseless antics. The man had lost faith, fear and anything else that could keep a watchful eye on his soul. Marlow testifies in favor of Kurtz's clear thinking.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Allocation Problem Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Allocation Problem - Research Paper Example I would, therefore, create a report on cost allocation based on certain estimations after analyzing Dell’s gross margin from income statements (Dell Financials, 2010). In Desktop PCs category, the main inputs include motherboard, processor, peripheral devices (keyboard and mouse), monitor, hard disks, DVD ROM, RAM, power supply, power buttons, speakers, outer casing, internal and external wire connectors, modem, LAN and 3D-graphics cards etc. The Desktop PCs category could be divided into departments such as purchases, component production, fitting and hardware installation, software installation, administration, inventory maintenance, after sales services (warranty expenses), wastage, breakage, pilferage etc. The costs will be allocated to each department after calculation of direct labor and direct material. Manufacturing Overheads will include indirect labor and material, while, the supporting expenses will include rentals, insurance, depreciation and amortization, advertis ing and marketing, general administrative and others etc. followed by miscellaneous expenses (Ross 2009); (Grover, 2010).
Monday, September 23, 2019
Tiananmen Square Massacre Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Tiananmen Square Massacre - Essay Example because of his people-oriented policies. But, later in life, he was forced to resign, without any clear causes. Initially, people began to gather in Tiananmen Square to mourn Hu Yaobang and attend his funeral. However, their sorrow soon turned to rage against the government as they started to wonder why he really was forced to resign and to demand more civil liberties. In late April 1989, hundreds of thousands protesters, mostly students, wielding placards and banners, began to gather at Tiananmen Square. In addition to Hu Yaobang's death, the protesters chose this time for their demonstrations because Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev would be visiting, and the attention of the world media would be on China2. As such, leaders were instantly chosen, and a series of dialogues were set up with the government, however, these were largely unsuccessful. The protesters were largely peaceful, but a few minor scuffles with police, resulting in injuries, were reported Soon, the students were joined by people from all walks of life-people who were looking for reforms in the government--teachers, doctors, factory workers, judges, and even some police officers and soldiers. Thousands of tents were enacted as they were intending to stay in the square for several days. Unhappy with the proceedings, the government resorted to cutting off the water supply to the square in an attempt to make the students disperse, but the protesters simply brought in water from other sources in Beijing. They engaged in dialogues with the government, but when the government, at first, refused to comply with their demands for democracy, they decided to go on a hunger strike-the goal was to force the government to cooperate with the protesters, or face thousands...Journal Title: World Affairs. Volume: 152. Issue: 3. Publication Year: 1989. Page Number: 148. This is a very useful journal on the hunger strike. It contains detailed account of the purpose of the hunger strike, and as such, quite useful for anyone who wishes to know the ultimate motives of the agitators.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The film PSYCHO (Directed by Alfred Hitchcock, 1960) Essay
The film PSYCHO (Directed by Alfred Hitchcock, 1960) - Essay Example Mark Lewis comes across a prostitute and starts to film her with a camera he has hidden into his coat. Mark follows the prostitute to her residence and kills her. Later Mark goes back to his house and gladly watches the film of how he murdered the woman. Meanwhile, Mark is also a member of a film crew. Deep inside he has thought of how he would make it to a filmmaker. He is a part-time photographer of women who are into soft porn as pin-up pictures. Mark is an anti-social person (Powell). He lives in his dead father’s house. Mark is fascinated by his neighbors downstairs. Most of all he is fascinated by Helen. Helen is a young woman who has been sweetly natured and she pity’s Marks. Out of this pity, she befriends Marks.The police officers follow Mark closely to a building where he does his photography. This time he is to take photos of pin-up model Milly and he kills her then returns home. Helen runs Mark’s films out of curiosity and Mark catches her in the proc ess. She is dead frightened and Mark tells her that he does that to capture the fear of his victims. The police arrive and corner him. Realizing this, he kills himself the way he killed his victims on the camera. This last scene provides the final part of his documentary. Aspects of the two movies 1. Historical background of the movies The film PSYCHO is an American horror film acted in 1960. The film is directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Joseph Stephano screen-played the movie based on the 1959 novel Psycho which Robert Bloch wrote (Hitchcock). Robert Bloch was inspired by the crimes of Wisconsin murderer and Ed Gein, a grave robber. Wisconsin and Ed Gein lived about forty miles from Robert Bloch. The film PEEPING TOM is a British thriller film acted in 1960. The film is directed by Michael Powell. The movie was written by Leo Marks. Leo Marks was a world-war 2 cryptographer and polymath. 2. Comparison of the directors Both directors have a passion for writing films which entrails psychological thrillers and suspense. However, we see that Hitchcock’s Psycho film elevated his career as he was nominated for numerous awards for directing it. Michael Powell’s Peeping Tom was a subject of critics, which at one point maimed his career as a direct or. 3. The principles of film form PSYCHO is a horror-slashed film. It brings about a negative emotional kind of reaction especially in the shower
Saturday, September 21, 2019
English Speaking Proficiency of Ip Student in the University of Mindanao Essay Example for Free
English Speaking Proficiency of Ip Student in the University of Mindanao Essay Research Design This research was designed using qualitative way of gathering information such as opinion, ideas, and knowledge of every respondent. The researchers preferred to use an interview guide for the participant within the campus of the University of Mindanao. The method was design and suited to facilitate the respondents of giving their answer that will be helpful on pushing down the information needed to this study to attain. The goal of their research and answer the question stated in chapter 1. The researchers used this kind of method because it was a fact-finding study with fully sufficient and accurate interpretations of the findings. The researchers also believed that this was the most suitable method to use. Research Subjects In order to accumulate information such as opinion, ideas, and knowledge, the researchers preferred the research subjects of this study are the two (2) respondents coming from the students of the University of Mindanao. There were 2 researchers subjects who were interviewed for this study. Respondents one (1) is a 19 years old coming from the Island City of Samal, singe, and presently pursuing the degree of Education major in English. She is one of the Indigenous Student in the University of Mindanao as one of the privilege scholar in the said institution. She belongs to the Uvo Manuvu tribe. Subject/respondents two (2) is also an Indigenous student in the University of Mindanao, she’s proud to represent her tribe as Ata. She is 20 years-old, taking up Bachelor of Secondary of Education major in English as one of the Government scholar in the said institution. She was crowned as â€Å"Hiyas ng Kadayawan†way back 2010. The two (2) respondents was driven down to the list ing of all courses and year level in the university to prevent biases. For purpose of confidentiality, the names of respondents are kept. Letter for memo CHOCOLATE HEAVEN EMPORIUM MEMORANDUM TO: All Staff FROM: Management T.C. DATE: November 9th, 20 SUBJECT: STAFF CHRISTMAS PARTY Its that time of year again. As you all know, Christmas is our busiest season of the year. Every year it is a struggle for management and supervisors to find the time and energy to organize a staff Christmas party. This year, we have decided to postpone the Christmas party until after our busy season. Party Details * Date: Second or third Saturday in January (T.B.A) * Theme: Beach * Food: Caribbean * Special events: Karaoke and belly dancing We apologize that the celebration will have to wait until the new year, but we guarantee that it will be worth the wait. Anyone interested in volunteering to help out with the event is encouraged to call Lucy, our events coordinator. Lucys cell phone number is 222-3098. Please contact Lucy outside of business hours regarding this matter. Thank you. T.C. Cover Letter for Trainer Peggy Wesson 54 Pinehurst Street, Apt. 4 San Francisco, CA 12345 123-555-1234 [emailprotected] March 30, 20xx Ms. Carol Pilsner Director of Human Resources Do-Right Weavers 250 Bradonton Road South San Francisco, CA 12345 Dear Ms. Pilsner, Thank you for spending time on the phone with me this afternoon. I am definitely enthusiastic about applying for the position of trainer. Im willing to do the required coursework on my own. In two months I can complete: * The Train the Trainer program at UC Berkeley Extension * John Capers Training Certification Is your schedule free for an interview soon? Ill call you to see when we can meet. Again, thank you for encouraging me to take advantage of this career opportunity. Sincerely, Peggy Wesson Enclosure: resume
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Marketing Communication Plan Marketing Essay
The Marketing Communication Plan Marketing Essay With the background information I have been given in this assignment, I have created a key objective for the health and fitness centre where I will gather a report that reviews and analyses the marketing communications activities also outlines recommendations for future communications activities. My aim at first place is to increase the number of members, I will also propose to use more personal selling to develop new accounts, this will increase the amount of trials and encourage other members to join a fitness club and be made aware of other promotions. Like many fitness clubs devote themselves to schedule a marketing plan, research shows that promoting for health club is managed by using telephone (telemarketing) Radio (radio advertising) Biz (business membership programs) Mail (direct mail and email marketing), TV (cable advertising) News (newspaper advertising), etc (Source: fitness360). These tools have been tested and proven that promotion is custom designed in particular relation with demographics region, time of the season, current members, male-female ratio and other information gathered from clubs profile before starting of the promotion. When analyzing them all together by designing multiple exposures marketing programs to achieve the campaign, Ill suggest to employ a pull up strategy, with most prospects aged between 10- 25 mostly targeting primary school, and college to offer them services that encourage students. This group has most free leisure time and most disposable income to spend on visiting a fitness club ever si nce most schools and colleges do not have the health and fitness service in their premises. This will also reinforce current members beliefs and help create loyalty which could aspire them to use a fitness club at some point in the future. Ill also suggest targeting the affordable sector of the market with a competitive pricing, including off-peak membership and low joining fees. Ill make the use of the PEST analysis to analyse external impacts on the health and fitness club that requires examining political, economic, social and technological environments. Political In the UK and worldwide government policy has potential influence to the market, specific initiatives could benefit the industry but theres also a broader push on the part of the government to try and promote healthy eating and exercise, possibly resulting in more people seeking gym membership. Early this year the government encouraged people to get fit ahead of the Olympic to come. Economic The economic factors such as utilities prices and wage rates will affect numerous aspects of any fitness club in the UK, the fitness costs will rise and members may need to prioritise their spending as cuts are made on their disposable income, especially in the prospect group. Not a lot of people are willing to spend much in the fitness club when they could on their own practice physical exercise at home, however price will be reviewed in order to well compete in the market and encourage subscribers to join a fitness club. Social Lifestyle factors such as growth in convenience foods and home entertainment have resulted in more muddy lifestyles; consumption levels of alcohol are rising which will effect gym participation and subscription. In todays celebrity cultures theres lots of pressure to looking better in the social life and have better appearance; this has influenced the levels of people who want to improve themselves such as some men that are influence to build six pact bodies to attract more females and such are also the desire of some women encourage their men not to be obese. Technological Its important that the health and fitness club have up to date machines to compete with others and satisfy the needs of the members. However I will also use technology to target the public in an effective way, text messages with special offers and online free trial vouchers and also create a page on the socials network.(source: 2.warwick) Task2. Marketing communications mix The first element of my strategy is the vision for health and fitness club, which is to ensure the quality of the fitness club, in which the communities get its service, where my goal is to maximize earnings. My mission is to create a winning strategy that is unique. Every fitness and health club plans is designed base on the personal exercise and nutrition history, past and presents events. In order to accomplish the marketing communications mix I will outline my strategy in more details and then bring forth my marketing communication mix to emphasis more on my ambition. The strategy section will be divided into discussions around objectives, message, and media. Objectives: The strategic objective will aim to provide the fitness club consumers, access to sport and exercise opportunities to the top range facilities by adopting a healthy lifestyle. A physical activity and exercise will be integrated into the curriculum wherever possible, The fitness club will work with its local partners in education and people to share information, knowledge, skills and expertise, for example with schools, Higher Education and local employers through the arrangement of work placements for students and will share good practice at national competitive sporting events. The fitness will give services to support pupils progressing from school to college a unique opportunity to consolidate good experiences or to re-engage those who have had a less positive experience. Allowing students to actively engage in recreation and extracurricular activities, including sport, when activities are discovered and adult habits are formed they will still be on the go to be familiar with the fitness centre, with a given benefit to ensure that all students have access to develop healthy and physically active. With the local customers of the fitness club, promotion will be given, such as free weekly passes to the members, allowing them to bring friends and close relatives, which could attract some new subscriber, with a discount packages to the current member that manage to bring friends, promote a fitness fair, by having an open house for the public to give free passes. Set up drop-boxes in a few public places advertising a chance to win a free 3 months membership, this will allow people to obtain contact names and numbers. Give people a call and put forward them a free 7-day pass, and have a drawing for the grand prize. Message: My message should sound making bold statements to draw the attention of people in belief of my commercial messages: organizing a public speaking and fitness group will means getting people together to motivate each other by allowing people to be aware of what we are attend to do and reminding them of our existence. However getting out and spreading words concerning the fitness club, is one way to promote fitness and organizing a fitness group is to explain in more details the importance of physical activity, therefore public speaking may be one way to get the word out to the public and sedentary friends and co-workers. To achieve this, Ill suggest the use of current staff and get them trained and have sufficient knowledge to encouraging people to subscribe, by telling their own experiences regarding the good effect since they joined the fitness club and how you got to be physically fit, they should also mention how fitness has changed their lives. Go over the benefits of phy sical fitness such as weight loss, improved self-esteem, and renewed energy. All of these could be done by demonstrating the good facilities that are there to encourage people, by joining the health centre, and why choosing to join us whiles other health centres are still there? In so doing, people will understand my overall message, where the key point is to promote exercise, consistency and offer support and encouragement, and then for sure people might now develop the need to join the health and fitness centre.( source: sales-and-marketing-for-you) Media: when hoping to bring a new product or in my case to promote a new service that will be ruining in fitness club, you need to carefully consider possible ways to promote your product. Being excited about the new services is fine but having to get the public excited about it will be the most important aspect, if the aims are to make money. However, using different mediums such as Radio, Bus, TV, public speaking, and social network are welcome (source: ehow). The key point illustrating on marketing communication mix is to create strategies and tactics goals around each stages of the sales process. As the growth of customer improve from side to side of the stages from unaware to aware, interested, evaluation and purchase, the message and communication tools, uses on every single stage needs to link into where the customers are in the journey and what sort of information will help them progress to the next stage. Specifically focusing on internet and face to face marketing in order to increase brand awareness. The adverts will show the benefits of healthy lifestyles, giving the consumer the idea about getting in shape. However: Population trends by socio economic group are an important influence on ability and prosperity to spend on fitness club membership. Consumers from the socio economic groups are the most likely to use health and fitness clubs regularly, most are light TV viewers so this medium is not an effective target, Radio is like ly to be more effective. (Source: sales-and-marketing-for-you).The use of social media has exploded in recent years as a way to raise awareness and generate free traffic. This is a very broad term which includes sites and services such as Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, and many others. The main advantages of tapping into the power of social media are that it is free and that your message has the potential to go viral and reach a huge amount of people without additional effort. The negative effect in social media is how to avoid being considered a spammer. The key to successfully promote services in social media is to provide content that is worth enough, that people really want to follow and take your advice when you recommend services that they are looking the most to get, for instance a page address will be create and give some brief explanation of what we do, who we are and what are the benefits of joining us, there shall be a drop up mail for people to leave note and comme nts, consistency survey will be on the site for people to tell us what they think, where improvement could be done to still attract subscribers.( source: clickbank) Task3. Marketing communication plan The section shields the strategic day to day aspects of setting up my plan into action, where the use of my judgment and discretion on deciding how to schedule and plan activities, calculating costs and measuring progress will be outlined. The cost of the marketing will certainly play a big part in what I am intend to do. Bad sales and marketing is as a general announcement focused on no one in particular. In order to maximize a huge return profit, it is always good to approach the marketing plan with consideration and not devote a lot of money on a single marketing channel or campaign. I will instead try to shape up a range of successful publicity approaches over a time, I will also outline its cost, and how much money will I have to spend on advertising campaign? How long and how much each communication method will be balanced against the marketing communication budget. I will at first place, be concerned about the break-even point before developing any sales and marketing program, including advertising cost. I will also find out how much is each new customer and exiting customer worth to the fitness club? When observing the lifetime value of the health and fitness club subscriber, I will use approximation such as fi guring out, how long each customer stays with the fitness club, where the contract will be given for 1-3 years for the new subscribers. Once I know the number and frequency of sales I derived from the average customer, I can then use profit margin to estimate how much each customer worths to the fitness club and how many customers is needed to obtain the specific marketing campaign, in order to consider it as a success: However, focusing on 4 different medium as a starter, to promote my new services, I found that the cost for ITV 1 channel per day in Yorkshire is of  £411, the cost of Local Radio Station is of  £40 per week with 8 short spot adverts of 15 seconds per day and the cost of transport advertising is of  £159 per week ( Source: Blackboard). My message needs to reach customers, therefore the out home advertising buses will be these that are seen on high street shops and go to different places of the city, where middle and junior management of the social class are liv ing. Based on my research, I will therefore recommend 4 weeks of advertising on radio which worths  £160 a whole month , 4 week buses advertising with the cost of  £636 the month and 4 Sundays advertising on ITV 1 as most weekends, especially on Sunday people stay home and get prepare for the coming week, where they will be target on the daytime services of 11am to be aware of the services from the fitness club at the cost of  £1644, the total average budget for the advertising will be estimated at the price of  £2440 for a whole month . Personal selling: This is the most frighten as well as the most costly methods in the marketing communication process. Nevertheless, as small business we are, it also can be the most rewarding aspects of my marketing process. Just as with usual marketing, good selling practice begins and ends with the customer. My whole objective is to remind the local area about the existence of the club, inform them about the new services that will be taking place in the health centre: However, due to the huge volumes of fitness club, Well differentiate ourselves from other fitness and health centre, by determining their needs and create the best solution for customers and then persuade them to subscribe with us. Report Executive Account Statement To: Brand Spanking Agency 29/10/2012 I Daniel Kevin AMATCHA, I am please to submit my report describing on how I intend to promote the fitness and health club. The purpose of this report was to gather sufficient information to render professional opinion about advertising your health and fitness club. This assessment includes research and figures concerning the cost of the whole month budget when using the mass media to promote the fitness club: however. I have also included the PEST analysis, which is an effective way to analyse external impacts on the health and fitness club, and planned the strategic action that will be of good use for the marketing communications mix as I separated into discussions around objectives, message, and media. I have also introduced a marketing communication plan on how to work side with the marketing mix, which I have designed along with its schedule and plan activities including the cost of the advertising. You may also find underneath of my report the weekly statement budget and the chosen mediums to promote your health and fitness club for a month period. Statement of weekly budget: Weeks week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 Total Communications Tools Radio  £40.00  £40.00  £40.00  £40.00  £160.00 ITV 1  £411.00  £411.00  £411.00  £411.00  £1,644.00 Bus  £159.00  £159.00  £159.00  £159.00  £636.00 Other costs Total  £610.00  £610.00  £610.00  £610.00  £2,440.00 If you should have any question please contact me on: [emailprotected] ID Num: 33287677 Sincerely Daniel Kevin AMATCHA Account Executive Bibliographies: Source: fitness360//>>campaign types//>> services/>> sales and promotions//>> © 2012 fitness marketing systems //>> viewed on the 24/10/12 Source: 2.warwick//>>fitnessfirst//>>pdf//>>context analysis and promotional//>> viewed on the 17/10/12 Source: sales-and-marketing-for-you//>>marketing communication plan//>>Copyright  © 2012//>> viewed on the 17/10/12 Source: ehow//>>ways-promote-new-product//>> by Larry Amon//>> viewed on the 17/10/12 Larry Amon Larry Amon has been working in the computer field for more than 10 years and has experience writing scripts, instructional articles and political commentary. He has been published online, as well as in NRB Magazine and Delmarva Youth Family. He started a nonprofit media organization in 2000. Source clickbank//>>common ways to promote products//>> Source: Blackboard//>>>> Viewed on the22/10/12 Source: myadbase//>> guide//>>advertising radio station//>> viewed on the 20/10/12 Source: ukbusiness//>> UK Business forums//>> Business forums//>> General business forum//>> viewed on the 26/10/12 Source: outdooradvertisingltd//>>Bus stop advertising//>> viewed on the 26/10/12 Source: sunriseradio//>> advertising//>> viewed on the 24/10/12
Thursday, September 19, 2019
A Guide to MADD Sites Essay -- Drunk Driving Essays
A Guide to MADD Sites â€Å"In 2001, more than half a million people were injured in crashes where police reported that alcohol was present  an average of one person injured approximately every 2 minutes†(Blincoe qtd. in MADD main). â€Å"In 2002, an estimated 17,419 people died in alcohol–related traffic crashesâ€â€an average of one every 30 minutes. These deaths constitute 41 percent of the 42,815 total traffic fatalities [in America]†(NHTSA qtd. in MADD main). From these statistics, it is clear to see that drunk driving is a serious issue that harms thousands of innocent American citizens. Although there are many organizations that address the issue of drinking and driving, MADD, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, is the most successful, as a group of citizens, in fulfilling their mission. It is ironic that the MADD organization was founded because of one person’s anger. Reports show that in 1979, Cindi Lamb and her five and a half old month daughter, Laura, were in a car accident involving a drunk driver. Their car was hit head on by a repeat drunk driving offender who was traveling at 120 miles per hour. As a result, Laura became one of the world’s youngest quadriplegics. This event prompted Lamb to start a war against drunk driving in her home state of Maryland (Lord qtd. in MADD main). On the west coast, less than a year later, 13-year-old Cari Lightner was killed by a drunk driver. According the article, the driver was released on bail for a hit-and-run drunk driving crash two days prior. In addition to this offense, the driver had two prior drunk driving convictions with a third offense for reckless accident. Despite all of these charges, he was still driving around with a valid ... up to the individual. Works Cited Blincoe, Seay et al. â€Å"Stats & Resources- General Statistics.†(2002). 4 Oct. 2003 . Lord, Janice. â€Å"Really MADD Looking Back at 20 Years.†DRIVEN Magazine. 27 Sept. 2003. Spring 2002 . Mothers Against Drunk Driving- Canada Chapter. â€Å"MADD Home Page.†(2003). 27 Sept. 2003 . Mothers Against Drunk Driving-Official Site. â€Å"MADD Home Page.†(2003). 27 Sept. 2003 . Mothers Against Drunk Driving- Orange County Chapter. â€Å"MADD Home Page.†(2003). 27 Sept. 2003 . National Highway and Traffic Administration. â€Å"Stats & Resources- General Statistics.†(2003) 3 Oct. 2003 .
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Function of Blogs :: Internet
The Function of Blogs There are so many things one could do with the relatively new medium of blogs. They can be almost anything a person wants: a journal, a compilement of links, a scrapbook of information, or even a discussion board. The only definition I've seen that can encompass it is that they are postings in reverse chronological order. Blogs are the newest Internet craze, but do they serve a purpose? Early on, experienced web users, who knew web-programming language, kept blogs to keep track of their mind’s wanderings. They were like a "Captains log on the quest of discovery" (Brown). For the average Internet surfer, they weeded out sites worth viewing from the rest. Now, sites like have taken the work with web languages out of blogging, opening it up to the general public. New age blogs are seen as "vain self publishing" by experienced bloggers (Fitcher). I can see their point, as many inexperienced bloggers seem to ramble on about themselves as if they are to be praised. They only seem to want attention. This has made me wonder, what is the point of personal blogs? All blogs must have some entertainment value; otherwise no one would keep or read them. Entertainment isn’t a very commendable purpose, but it has more value than watching television. It is better to be learning about news events and stating your opinion on it than just hearing it. At least then you’re developing your ideas, and the reading and writing will help develop communication skills. Bloggers learn to put more thought into what they say, or just the act of writing daily can help thoughts flow into words. A blogger’s thoughts may stem from a news article they recently read. In this case they usually link you to the article and state their opinions, or point out different aspects of it. Their comments are kind of a one-way discussion leading you down their train of thoughts. You can usually reply to what the author says, but the time delay in responses may result in the author’s lack of interest to questions posed. Walt Crawford threw an interesting concept my way in his article, Announcing Cubed: Media about Media about Media. Blogs are just another form of media coverage. Our media affects how we think to a great extent. It is always rating other forms of media, and many blogs are no exception (Crawford).
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Benefits of Community Service :: Community Service Experience Paper
A typical school day for many University students consists of sitting in a classroom and listening to a lecture. While there is great value in this style of learning, my community service work has taught me the many benefits of learning not only from professors, but also from fellow classmates, partners in the community, and individuals at volunteer sites, regardless of their age or educational background. It has also taught me to be an active member of our community and to share the burdens and responsibilities that goes along with that role  caring about the living conditions of others. I am very interested in literacy so I chose to volunteer at the Literacy Center and work with 11- to 16-year-old students after school. On my second visit to the center, I ate dinner with a 14-year-old boy and asked him how his day had gone. He said he didn’t like his reading class, and I asked him why. He replied, â€Å"I read at a third-grade level.†I was extremely shocked and didn’t know how to respond. After a minute of silence, he asked me if I knew about the Spanish_America War. I told him that I had just learned about it last semester in my college history class. He said he had to write a paper on it and asked if I could review what he’d written. I was amazed; a 14-year-old student was writing a paper about a piece of history I hadn’t even known existed until I was nineteen. This discussion gave me a new perspective on the concept of literacy. I learned that when considering what literacy means, it’s important to consider not only an individual’s ability to read and write, but also his or her total cache of knowledge.
Male Versus Female
The battle of the sexes has been going on since the beginning of mankind. Women were once stereotyped as mere housewives, and the men were labeled as breadwinners. Over time, the title given to the so-called weaker sex has evolved up to par with that of men. Now, they almost stand on equal footing as them. When it comes to leadership though, I believe that females outshine their male counterparts in almost every measure. According to Rochelle Sharpe (2003), it has been approximately twenty-five years since women have started pouring into the labor force and have been trying to be more like men in every way. They now wear power suits and go out on golf luncheons with board executives, but despite them doing all the copying, new research is beginning suggest that men ought to be the ones doing more of the imitating. As discovered in an in-depth performance evaluation conducted on the year 2002 by Hagberg Consulting Group in Foster City, California – out of the four hundred twenty-five high-level executives that were evaluated, the women executives got higher ratings on fourty-two of the fifty-two skills measured. Despite all of this growing progress for females everywhere, it is still obvious that men have continued to dominate a majority of the business world. According to the Labor Department, as of the year 2004, only two of the nations five hundred biggest companies have female CEO’s and of the one thousand largest corporations, only six were being run by women. The reason for this male dominance is simply because women are not given an equal stand as men when it comes to job opportunities. Some businesses view women only as workhorses, or in a sense that they are well suited for demanding careers in middle management, but not for prime jobs. As a result of this, most women get stuck in jobs that involve human resources or public relations – posts that rarely lead to the top. (Sharpe, 2003) Both men and women have different styles of leadership, and the actual difference lies between how much listening is done. When it comes to women, they are naturally more open about sharing information and take the time to communicate with people and to hear what their inputs are. It is through this that they are able to gather more information that they can effectively analyze then implement into a plan that uses the best of the ideas presented. On the other hand, men do not take time to stop and smell the flowers – instead, they have the tendency to go straight to their point of view and present it in a ‘as a matter of fact’ manner. This way, they save time and have everyone agreeing to their plan of action. Well this is because men are not as flexible or willing to interact with others. (Grenberg, 2004) As a result, male leaders may actually tend to force their perspective and use their position influence others. Despite this being the quicker way of getting things done in a non-sloppy manner, it ironically does not make it as efficient as the way the opposite sex works. The manner that females work is by most of the time, simply listening. They take the initiative to gather ideas, research, and so forth from the people they are working with. They do not force their ideas on them, but rather, improve them with teamwork. It is because of this that they are able to produce better outputs and are more effective leaders than males. From the very start, women have often been associated with being a mother figure; therefore, even female leaders tend to be seen more as caring mothers rather than strong-willed heads. In relation to this, there are companies who assume that people skills are not business skills, which basically undermines their strengths. (Fletcher, 2002). Men though, are then associated with being the breadwinners of the family – a person who knows how to lead. Male leaders are seen as powerful members of society who have a good head on their shoulders and are tough enough to handle anything that comes their way. The notion that women are not as tough, is only something that is assumed. Although the majority may not be as physically strong as their counterpart, they are on the same level in terms of intellect. Women are associated with mothers, which means that they know how to take care of those working for them. Because they know how to deal with the most energetic of children, they can put their motherly instincts into motivating people – they are gifted with inborn people skills. According to the book Disappearing Acts: Gender, Power and Relational Practice at Work, written by Joyce Fletcher in 2002, employees that feel cared about by their bosses or are inspired by them, often produce higher-quality work; and supervisors who know how to deal with conflicts get better results. The conclusion can only be that by taking care of their employees, they are not only taking charge of them subtly but producing greater output in the process. In the present, the number of women that posses high-ranking positions may only add up to a mere fraction of the male population in the same position but it does not prove that the latter is more competent but rather that the former is being viewed as incompetent. The never-ending bias against female leaders has been going on forever, but they have been fighting back little by little. Women have come a long way from being a gender with no equality with the other sex, a gender that had no rights to vote, and a gender that had been stereotyped as a housewife. They have fought hard all these decades, and still continue to fight for the equality that they deserve. But despite the evident inequality, I still believe that female leaders outshine their male counterparts in almost every measure.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Consumer Behavior In The Fashion Industry Essay
Introduction This study is aimed at analyzing the consumer behavior towards the fashion industry especially in consideration young and mature women in London. Fashions are concerned with the production of fashion clothing. Most consumers in the world today are concerned with the features of the product as they form most important factor in determining the consumer behaviors. Take for example of products of fashion show for young and mature women. The industry is involved in the manufacture clothing. Due to increase and growth of consumerism, the clothing should come up with clothes that make women move with times thus increasing consumption and production. Consumer behavior in the automotive industry especially in consideration to general motors is influenced by culture factors, social factors, Personal factors and Psychological factors. Look more: the consumer buying process begins when essay RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The answers to this question will enhance my professional knowledge and competence in many ways. As a professional I will understand factors influencing consumption in the industry and will enable me make recommendations on improving the fashions market share.The answers to this question also will assist me as a professional by motivating me to ensure that that I work improves their products. 1)To review literature on fashion behaviour and the factors influencing 2)To compare and contrast the buying behaviour of mature and young woman in London regarding buying of fashion clothing 3)To identified the key factors influencing the buying process of fashion clothing in young and mature woman in London 4)To provide recommendation to manufacture of fashion clothing and fashion retailer. Scope of the study The scoop of the study follows literature review of factors influencing. The researcher manages the entire gamut of processes from initial stage of identifying the problem to final stage of report writing. The capabilities required by the researcher in this research in managing the entire project and providing real time for information sharing, decision synchronization and research optimization to all stake holders. What are necessary attribute required by a researcher to manage the dynamics of marketing based on the requirements by industry. However, this study assumes that other factors like family background financial, stability of the family place of birth, race, have no impact on the consumer behaviors. The proposed study will be used as a supplementary framework to focus entirely on the competence of the research. The objects of the study will include; Experimental Correlation Survey Grounded theory Ethnography Narrative Mixed method Action research. This study will be based on a process based on experiment using practical’s as a platform to develop method which will be used as evaluation criteria for the research and researcher in this research question and future researchers The critical review Literature review Consumer behavior in the consumption of any product any where in the world is influenced by culture factors, social factors, Personal factors and Psychological factors. Culture factors In world today culture is one of the most fundamental determinants for one when deciding the product to consume. This is because of a wide range of products and services. Most of the people due to their cultural influence have started preferring certain products. Children growing up will learn the culture of parents or peers thus preferring specific values that are crucial to a determining consumption. One of the values they like most is comfort. These values common in children remain in them even if they grow up. From the culture, somebody may develop certain spending patterns is not something strange. A child growing up in specific culture is exposed to achievement, success, beliefs and other cultural factors that influence behavior towards consumption. Cultural factors real influence a consumer behavior. Where people believe in values like efficiency and practicality it will influence their consumption is such a situation products that are known to be very efficient in their operations will be preferred. Each culture consists of smaller subcultures that provide more specific identifications. To its some people consist of racial groups such as the Africans, Americans, Europeans and Asian each have good distinct cultural styles. They are known to prefer products for example consumption of pork may be rare in middle east because culture and religion. Social factor  Another factors consumer behavior is greatly influenced by social factors like statuses, family and reference groups. When once goes to the market to purchase a product he will take consideration to his membership groups, social class and family. These are groups having direct influence to once buying decisions. These are the groups one associates with most of his time. We have some groups like the upper class prefer buying some products which are not preferred by lower class. Since companies produces many types of products that fulfill needs this groups and attracts many people. The influence of a family is very great. These families using specifics brands greatly encourage their family members to also consume similar products. Co-worker also influence one’s buying decision. If a boss buys a given commodity the juniors will also try to buy the same. People are also influenced by reference groups in three ways. Reference groups usually expose a person to a new behavior and lifestyle. One can belong to a group whose lifestyle believes at consuming a certain product. If a company produces high quality brands it stands at a better chance of making more sales to such reference group. Reference groups also influence one’s attitudes because their desires fit in these groups. People may prefer some products from a certain company, hence once could like to join his friend or family member towards belonging to the same social class by buying a that product. Also reference groups influence similarity and conformity that may make a person to alive at a specific decision. So doing one will eventually buy a product similar to that of his friend. People who are in the same social class share similar values, interests, and behavior. For example there is upper class people who are social elite with a good family background. Personal factors Age and life cycle stage greatly influence consumer buying behavior of almost all products from all industries. Most Bachelors tend to prefer specific brands associated by most youths. But those who are newly married, young and better of financially prefer buying consume different products. In making the final decision of buying a product one’s personal characteristics like his age and life-cycle stage, lifestyle, occupation, economic circumstances and personality will influence his choice. Companies take much consideration to personal characteristics of various groups of people before coming up with a product in order to meet the needs and demand of its people. A child growing up and exposed to some values like material comfort, external comfort and achievement and success will be influenced by those characteristics to consume. For example in America people like buying products that gives them external comfort. People in various professions like occupation managers, school heads, senior government officers, mayors, engineers, lawyers and physicians usually buy some products with the most recent technology. Economic circumstances also influence once buying pattern. Most people especially those who are highly paid with good saving and with good personnel incomes buy expensive products. The lifestyle of a person influences his or her buying pattern. People may belong to the same occupation, social class and subculture but leading different lifestyles usually prefer products that feed that group. Personality and self-concept: Personality and self confidence also influence consumers buying behavior products and services. For example expensive car, which are electronically controlled and having four wheel drive systems are associated with people who have high Self-confidence Psychological factors Motivation: some people get satisfied when they buy specific products. people feel that they have satisfied specific needs by buying certain goods and services. Perception: once a person has been motivated he is willing and ready to act. Most people to be motivated in order to act will depend mostly on their perceptions of the situation. Two people in the same motivated state may act differently depending on how they perceive the situation. A product may appeal to the perception of a specific customer. For example various colors that cars are attractive giving customers a good picture of the real quality of this car. Beliefs and attitudes: most people follow some set of belief when making a decision on the type of product to consumer. A belief about a certain product will also influence consumption. These beliefs make up brand images and most people have been proved to act on these images. People always have good attitude towards specific products and if this product meets the performance according to the needs, desire and attitudes consumption will be influenced. METHODOLOGY: The purpose of the study is to find out factors that influence fashion consumption in UK. The phenomenological research design that will be used will involve a study of the consumer behaviors and consumption in fashion industry. This particular study will be done in two phases where the first phase will involve completion of a questionnaire which is commonly known as a questionnaire survey by individuals. This questionnaire survey will be done on a sample of twenty fashion show owners within London . And the second phase will involve the use of some interview which will be in some way semi structured. Each given phase in this design will address the different research questions and their concerns. At some point within the first phase, there will be cases of the first qualitative phase relying on the some quantitative phases that might have been in use in the design. The interviews that will be used in the design will be carried out in a sample of twenty fashion show owners. The interviews will serve to give out information concerning buying behaviors’ among women. These surveys will therefore give some contextual information about the consumption of a specific fashion. Some studies will be conducted using single stage designs and others like this one will be conducted using the two-stage design. When using the two stage design, the contextualization that will be given in the first stage will be very much helpful (Jasper, 1994). The survey will provide a specific frame for which sampling will be done from for the semi structured interviews that will be done on the fashion operators and buyers. And gaining access to the twenty fashion owners will be very essential to getting the right information concerning the consumption of fashion among young and mature women from the sampled group of a given part of city which will be a representation of the whole population of the young and mature. The given questionnaires will have the contacts so that the used sample can be contacted incase more information will be needed. The quantitative data that will be gotten from the phase of questionnaire survey will now be used to get through to the qualitative sample. The questionnaire surveys have always been made with the above additional purpose in mind. In the cases where one researcher will have to make attachments of qualitative sub samples to samples that will be statistically derived will lead to another mixed method of designs in qualitative research methods (George, 2000). Such mixed methods of designs will most of the time benefit the qualitative researchers in that they give them the chance to have a selection of the specific cases from which they will be able to draw upon information that will be contextual that will also enable them to put their hypothesis under test on a large samples that will be statistically be represented. Therefore in most cases, the researcher will have to be decided on which research design he will use in his project. Some researchers do use multiple designs while others will use single designs. This purely depends on the project that one is doing and which research design the researcher will be most comfortable with. There are three major components in a research design model and they are; determination of the limits of the people to be investigated and also what will be investigated, the collection of data and the last component is the analysis of the collected data in a phenomenological manner. In the first component, the researcher will have to know to what limits the participants in the survey will get in trying to give him the required information. Here the researcher will have to put in mind the limits of the twenty fashion owners in trying to give him information as far as matters of fashion consumption. In addition, the researcher will have to have specific issues which he would want to research on (Joan, 2004). At this point in time, the researcher will have to carry out his project purely on the safety of the crane operators. In trying to get information, the phenomenologist will have to engage himself in an in-depth probing so that quality information may be found. After identifying the sample group that will help in giving the required information, the following step will now involve identifying the most efficient data collection methods. The following methods will be the most preferred methods for this particular survey; the in-depth semi structured interviews that will have to be tape recorded and later on be transcribed. The second data collection method will be the use of a documentary study from which the writings of the subject matter will have to be reviewed so that their meanings can be properly derived from them. This second method will be used hand in hand with the first method (Johnson, 2000). The third and the last data collection method will be the technique of the participant observation. This particular technique will lead to a generation of some kind of an interview. It will be worth noting that in phenomenological research tape recording is important because the tapes will later be transcribed. Sampling designs strategies in qualitative research. There are many different qualitative sampling designs that will be used at the different stages of the research or still they will be used for the different purposes of the research. There are those questions that the researchers should constantly be asking themselves which will serve to give relevant information on the sampling strategy design that the researcher would have chosen to use. It will be very crucial for the researcher to give a clear definition of the objectives of the research. The time that will be spent making clarification with the client will be a time that will be well spent (Kendy, 19976). Most of the times, in qualitative research, the objectives of the project might be refined as the research will keep on progressing. Sometimes the available resources will try to undermine the progress of a researcher’s project. This should be prevented to happen by considering the available human resources to the project at hand and also the nature of the method of data collection. The length of interview that is the qualitative interview will have a great impact on the qualitative sampling design strategy and the final decision of the given sample size. For instance longer interviews will provide detailed data than shorter interviews. With this in mind a decision may be taken on whether to carry out longer or shorter interviews.The sampling size should also be put in mind. This will basically depend on the homogeneous or the heterogeneous nature of the population to be sampled and the requirements of the methods of the data collection that will be employed in this research. Data analysis After the researcher will collect the data, she/he will tabulate the data into tables and analyze it using frequencies descriptive and percentages. The processing of the survey results. The processing of the survey results need not to wait until has been completed, but can begin as soon as the first questionnaires are received. The main steps are; Coding. Nowadays the computer is used widely to process information. For that reason it is often advisable to code the information or even use a preceded questionnaire to facilitate the necessary processing and calculations. Punching. Subsequently the information can be punched for computer purposes. Data tabulation. With the aid of a computer, raw tables may be compiled. These tales are often only preliminary and may serve as guidelines for further analyses and condensed into possibly more meaningful tables. Statistical processing. With the previous step as a basis the information can be processed further until it yields objectives and clear answers to the problem or opportunity which is being investigated. REFERENCES Aaker, D.A., Keller, K.L. 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Sunday, September 15, 2019
Writing A Paper Takes Patience and Time
A good piece of writing job is never easy to do. Writing is not as simple as it looks. There are too many things to think about even before a person would start writing. The first task of a writer is to think of a subject or topic that he or she is interested in writing about. He or she would then have to do researches to know if there will be sources to back up the paper. Next, the writer should make an outline to make his or her ideas organized, which would help the the whole paper to make sense. After making an outline, the writer can start with the writing process and make a first draft. Everyone should remember that they should never be satisfied with just a first draft because there are still many things to do after writing this draft. Usually, papers take too long to be written because writers tend to spend too much time thinking and deciding what topic to write about. However, once the writer knows what to write about, everything is expected to go smoothly. A lot of time and effort goes into researching about the chosen subject. At times, problems would be encountered when the writer finds out that there are only few sources that he or she can use. Researching requires a person to go to the library, conduct surveys, or search the Internet. All of these things take up time, which is why writers should allot enough time to write their papers. Or else, if unavoidable circumstances arise, it might be too late to do anything. Making an outline will make one's ideas flow continuously without awkward transitions from one topic to the next. A good writer also knows that to be able to produce a sensible paper, he or she has to follow a schedule because this would lessen the chances of cramming. A paper will always look as if it is rushed so having a schedule is better than to receive a failing mark. Before even beginning to write the first draft, writers should think of their audience. This is the people they intend to talk to through their work. Writers should know how knowledgeable their audience are about the topic being talked about so that no one will get confused and effort would not be wasted. Knowing who the audience will be also contributes to the ease of writing because the writer will know how extensive he or she needs to get on the paper to be able to communicate with the audience. Writers should readily accept that first drafts really do have mistakes. This is why they are called drafts. Not all writers can perfect a writing job the firs time around because it is hard to concentrate on thinking what to write and think about the grammatical structure of the whole paper at the same time. Drafts are meant to have mistakes and writers should always remember to make room for improvement. Writing takes time because writers should make sure that what they are writing about makes sense. They should be able to write sensibly and continuously without gearing off the topic or focusing on one aspect of the paper that other topics are being left out. After making a draft, writers should revise their papers and have them proofread by someone who has knowledge on the subject or someone who has the authority to do so. Revising will correct mistakes and make sure that the whole paper is complete in terms of ideas. Allowing somebody else to read the paper would help produce an unbiased opinion about the areas of the paper that need improvement. Revising would take time because checking for mistakes can take into two forms: one is for grammatical mistakes, and two is for the content errors. One cannot check for both at the same time. After having the first draft revised and proofread, the writer should follow the suggestions and comments by the other person and apply the corrected mistakes on the next paper. This process is repeated until the time comes when both the writer and the editor are satisfied with the work. Aside from these things, writing does take time because of the writers. It is known that writers cannot force themselves to write whenever they do not have the proper inspiration to do so. There are those who can write only at a certain time of the day. There are those who has to have a something before or during writing that without it, they will not be able to function. This is because writers need to be in the right state of mind and at the right moment to be able to come up with a good paper. This is opposed to other types of work where people can start and end their jobs at designated times. Writing does take a lot of patience and time but this is only because writers want to make sure that they bring out the best piece of writing to their audience. It does take a while and writers need to go through several processes but these efforts would pay off when they see the results of their work.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
The process of developing and designing products
The process of developing and designing products has taken a sharp change in the last couple of years. Companies are being pushed by demanding global customers and are being challenged by rapid change of technology. Manufacturers have had to increase the speed of design cycles while at the same time cut the cost of development and manufacture. They must ensure the product takes full advantage of the latest and best technology. Leading companies have found that obstacles in the market today are far too rigorous to overcome on their own. This process of design and development of products has never been so competitive and daunting. However, it is more critical for future success. The Success of modern day companies is due to help from a resource that has been present since the early days of the company. The answer is suppliers. In some industries suppliers are taking on responsibility for designing parts, components, materials, assemblies, and even complete systems for automobiles, computers and other products. Leading manufacturers are using their supply bases as a key element of their product design strategies, and it’s paying off in a big way. In other words the old saw â€Å"Slow and sure wins the race†no longer holds. Speed is competitive edge today s business needs to succeed. Including suppliers in the manufacturing process adds to the clock-speed of a company. The Honda Motor Company is one such company that has recognized this need for speed and has thus adjusted its production to accommodate. The Honda Motor Company is one of the world s most well known producers of motor vehicles. The Company itself is based in Japan, but it had branches all over the world. From a simple start, Honda has grown to one of the world s most successful motoring companies, selling products in almost 200 countries. Honda has set new standards in vehicle production and design. From the Civic to ongoing participation in automotive racing, Honda s spirit of challenge and commitment forms the basis for every Honda project. Honda’s new â€Å"world platform†strategy will produce four variants of the new mid-size Accord platform. Honda s Research and development team found that the easiest way of producing their most popular make of car, the Accord, was to produce a world platform. This platform is an Accord chassis around which different accord bodies are built. For example; The Accord built for America will be larger than the one built in Japan because there is a market for larger cars. The one built in Europe will narrower so that it may compete with other cars on the European market. Essentially the Accord platform is universal. The car s appearance changes due to its location around the world. Accords will be produced in 11 and sold in 100 countries.
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