Saturday, August 31, 2019
History of Cocaine
One of the most widely used illegal drugs in the United States is cocaine, and like many other drugs, it comes from a plant that has been used for thousands of years in other parts of the world. Cocaine comes from the coca leaf, a plant that has a long history in spiritual rituals. It used to be that in the Andean Indian culture, the coca plant was linked to a sacred goddess. These cultures believed that they had to please the coca goddess in order to have a successful harvest.The leaves of the coca plant were chewed or smoked to help these natives connect with spiritual beings, as well as provide magical protection and powers. Coca leaves were chewed only by the leaders or royalty. Over time lower classes were encouraged to chew the leaves to experience the benefits. Over the course of the next several years the American majority became more and more aware of the dangers of cocaine. As this problem got eventually so bad it came to no choice but to ban the social use of cocaine. This public pressure forced Pemberton to remove cocaine from Coca Cola in 1903.Eventually the public pressure became so great as to place a national prohibition on cocaine and in 1920 cocaine was added to the list of narcotics to be outlawed by the passing of The Dangerous Drug Act of 1920. Unfortunately with other drugs like heroin, the dangers of cocaine abuse were recognized by law makers after the fact. The market for cocaine had already been established into American history and culture and is with us today. Cocaine has had a rocky history in the United States. There has been much controversy about the connection between the United States government and cocaine dealers.There have been articles and books written about the CIA working with cocaine dealers to help win the war on communism. Others argue that the aggressive role the U. S. government played in banning the drug actually led to the smuggling of it into our country. In fact, it was the negative side effects of cocaine use t hat was responsible for the phrase, â€Å"dope fiend†. This came about because of the behavior of a person abusing cocaine for prolonged periods of time. Because cocaine is such a powerful stimulant, prolonged daily use of the drug creates severe sleep deprivation and loss of appetite.A person might go days or sometimes weeks without sleeping or eating properly. The user often experiences psychotic behavior. Coming down from the drug causes a state of depression for the person in withdrawal. This person can then become so desperate for more of the drug that they will do just about anything to get more of it, including murder. If the drug is not readily available the depression experience in withdrawal can become so great the user will sometimes become suicidal. It is because of this effect on the user that the word â€Å"fiend†became associated with cocaine addiction.
Friday, August 30, 2019
As You Like It By William Shakespeare Essay
1. As you like it is full of characters pretending to be someone other than themselves. To what degree are the characters aware that they are role-playing? Does their acting have serious consequences, or is it merely a game. In the text as you like it by William Shakespeare many characters have alter egos in whom they use to influence and associate themselves with other characters. The two main characters that are pretending to be someone other than themselves are Celia and Rosalind. In act 1 of the text Rosalind is banished from the court of the duke and decides to seek upon her father in the forest of Arden. Rosalind and Celia decide to disguise themselves, Celia as a country girl named Aliena and Rosalind as a young man named Ganymede. Rosalind and Celia are unaware of the consequences that occur from having disguises. A consequence of Rosalind’s male disguise as Ganymede is that she makes Phebe, a female shepherdess in the forest of Arden fall in love with her. This disturbs the natural order in which Phebe is in love with a fellow shepherd Silvius. Rosalind’s gender swapping has created a consequence in she has made a woman fall in love with her when she is in love with Orlando. In the end Phebe goes back to Silvius and the consequence of Rosalind’s role-playing is resolved. The role-playing in the text does have effects on the other characters but Rosalind does end up marrying Orlando, Celia ends up marrying Oliver and Phebe ends up marrying Silvius. So the long-term consequences of Celia and Rosalind’s role-playing are miniscule only making the text more intricate and interesting for readers. In conclusion although characters in the text as you like it do pretend to be someone else, the consequences add to detail in the text and have have no serious consequences.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
History Of The Amputation Procedure Health And Social Care Essay
Harmonizing to WebMD â€Å" an amputation is the remotion of portion or all of a organic structure portion enclosed by tegument. Amputations are performed to take morbid tissue or to alleviate hurting †. The first amputations were performed in the Neolithic times, the first recorded instance of an amputation and prosthetic replacing surgery appears in the book of the Vedas. Most of the first amputations occurred during times of war, where injury to the appendages was really common. During the American Civil War if you were shot in the trunk there was a great opportunity that you would decease, but if you were shot in an appendage, quickest and most common option was amputation. When available the civil war sawboness put Chloroform on a fabric, so the fabric was held over the victim ‘s oral cavity and nose until the individual became unconscious. Because of the big figure of hurt soldiers the sawboness became experts with amputations, most of the clip the amputations could be performed in approximately 10 proceedingss. The sawboness were non healthful, because there was a deficit of H2O therefore they made no effort to rinse custodies or instruments between surgeries, despite all of this the survival rate of the amputees was at about 75 % . The bulk of the Civil War sawboness learned this process from this book â€Å" The Practice of Surgery †, by Samuel Cooper. This book was the â€Å" How To †book of executing amputations for the sawbones s. This book discusses the measure by measure ways to cut off the leg, below the articulatio genus, the arm, and the fingers and toes. Some of the instruments that the Civil War sawboness used were the compression bandage, scalpels, bone proverb, and bone childs. The compression bandage was used to curtail the flow of blood during an amputation process. The scalpel was used to do scratchs in the tegument. The bone proverb were used to cut straight through bone, and musculus. The bone childs were used to take matchwoods from the bone that the bone proverb could hold caused. Today there are many different types of amputations ; they are first categorized under upper limb amputations, and lower limb amputations. The upper limb amputations include: amputation of single figures, multiple digit amputation, metacarpal amputation, wrist disarticulation, forearm ( trans-radial ) amputation, elbow disarticulation, above-elbow ( trans-humeral ) amputation, shoulder disarticulation, and forequarter amputation. Amputation of single figures is the remotion of a finger ; this will do the patient problem hold oning objects. Multiple digit amputation is the remotion of two or more fingers, hold oning ability may be aided if the sawbones is able reconstruct the musculus. Metacarpal amputation is the complete remotion of the manus, with the carpus still integral ; with this type of amputation there is no ability to hold on. Wrist disarticulation is the remotion of the full manus up to the degree of the carpus articulation. Forearm ( trans-radial ) amputation this is the remotion radius, it is classified by the size of the staying stump ; as the stump length decreases so does the ability for the patient to revolve their forearm. Elbow disarticulation is the remotion of the full forearm up to the cubitus ; the patient still has the ability of keeping weight. Above-elbow ( trans-humeral ) amputation is the remotion of the humourous anyplace above the cubitus and below the shoulder ; prosthetic device could be used if there is some length left on the humourous. Shoulder disarticulation is the remotion the of the full arm, the shoulder blade still remains and the collar bone may or may non be removed. Forequarter amputation is the remotion of the full arm, shoulder blade, and collar bone, normally some bone is left in order to attach a prosthetic devices. The lower limb amputations include: foot amputations, ankle disarticulation ( Syme amputation ) , below-knee ( trans-tibial ) amputation, knee-bearing amputation, above-knee ( trans-femoral ) amputatio n, and hip disarticulation. Foot amputations are the remotion of any portion or part of the pes including toes, and mid-tarsal ; this type of amputation may impact balance and walking. Ankle disarticulation ( Syme amputation ) is the remotion of the full mortise joint ; with this type of amputation the victim can still mobilise without a prosthetic devices. Below-knee ( trans-tibial ) amputation is the remotion of the shinbone above the mortise joint, but below the articulatio genus ; victims keep the usage of the articulatio genus, but have problem seting weight on the stump. Knee-bearing amputation is the complete remotion of the lower leg ; it is normally more hard to make a prosthetic device for this type of amputation. Above-knee ( trans-femoral ) amputation is the remotion of the thighbone up to the degree of the thigh ; the victim can still sit with this type of amputation. Hip disarticulation is the remotion of the full leg ; sawboness try to go forth every bit much of the t highbone as possible in order to attach a prosthetic device. With all the amputations, upper and lower appendages, the sawbones will seek to go forth every bit much bone as possible in order to attach a prosthetic device. In the United States entirely there are over 350,000 amputees, and over 135,000 amputations happening each twelvemonth. In the United States the taking cause for amputations is disease ( 70 % ) , the 2nd leading cause is trauma ( 22 % ) , inborn or birth defects ( 4 % ) , and tumours ( 4 % ) . The most common diseases and conditions that can do an amputation are peripheral artery disease, arterial intercalation, impaired circulation as a complication of diabetes mellitus, sphacelus, terrible cryopathy, Raynaud ‘s disease, and Buerger ‘s disease. More than 90 % of all disease doing amputations are due to circulative complications of diabetes. 60-80 % of all of these amputations involve the lower appendages. Peripheral arteria disease causes amputations by the blood vass indurating that causes the blood to be blocked from making tissues in the organic structure ‘s appendages ; because of this these tissues finally die, which causes the demand for an amputation. Arteri al intercalation causes a blood coagulum to organize which blocks the flow of blood and so causes the tissue to decease and necessitate to be amputated. Diabetess mellitus is a disease where non adequate insulin is produced by the organic structure and hapless circulation occurs as a consequence of the diabetes, the hapless circulation can do tissue to decease, which would so necessitate to be amputated. Gangrene is the decease and decay of one time living tissue, the dead tissue is removed through an amputation. Frostbite is when tissue on the organic structure freezes, ensuing in hoar bite, in terrible instances the tissue dies and so would hold to be removed through an amputation. Raynaud ‘s disease is a disease largely found in immature adult females, it causes reduced blood flow to the appendages ; this could so do the tissue in the appendages to decease. Buerger ‘s disease is a episodic disease that causes redness and obstruction of the venas and arterias of the ap pendages, normally merely occurs in work forces under age 40, who smoke, this disease may necessitate amputation of the custodies or pess. The 2nd prima cause of an amputation is trauma. Harmonizing to Merriam-Webster injury is an hurt ( as a lesion ) to populating tissue caused by an extrinsic agent. There are many different possible injury, they can happen with but are non limited to auto accidents, terrible Burnss and gunshot lesions. During a traumatic hurt, blood vass and other organic structure tissue constituents are ripped or torn beyond fix by these types of hurts, go forthing no other option but amputation. Another cause of an amputation is a congenital or birth defect amputation. Congenital amputations occur in the uterus while the babe is still developing ; blood flow to a limb can go restricted because of other tissue. As a consequence the limb could be lost and the babe is born with a inborn amputation. The other cause of amputations are by tumours. Peoples with malign ant neoplastic disease that have malignant tumours, need to cut off the country in which the tumour is, in order to forestall the malignant neoplastic disease to further spread to other parts of the organic structure. Undergoing an amputation has many effects on the organic structure, both psychological and physical. These effects are happening before and after the surgery. Many new amputees have a hard clip with covering with the loss of a limb which has been with them since birth, merely the idea of holding to work without something that you have had entree to your whole life is a traumatic event in of its ego. When people are told that they are traveling to necessitate an amputation the most common reaction is shock. Many of the victims go through a period of denial, the people think â€Å" this ca n't go on to me †or â€Å" I wo n't allow you make this to me. †Many amputees may besides develop choler towards themselves, loved 1s and God. Amputees think to themselves â€Å" why me? †Many of the new amputees face being worried about the hurting during surgery and during the recovery period. Before the surgery the patients try to â€Å" dicker †with God, the sawbon es, or both to halt the demand for the amputation. After this does n't work many times the patient begins to hold symptoms of depression. Most people in the terminal learn to get by with the loss of their limb and accept what has happened. The amputation will hold a important impact on the patient ‘s self image, which could be positive or negative. Some of the amputees may experience a greater feeling of strength developed in the attempt to get the better of the losingss which have occurred late in their life. A good thing for amputees is run intoing with other amputees to assist each other header. However this new ego imagine of themselves could besides be negative if the amputee is concerned about how people will comprehend them, because they feel that they need to affect. Many are besides concerned because they feel that they wo n't be respected because they are crippled. Just like people need clip to retrieve psychologically and emotionally, the amputees need to retrieve p hysically. After the process, the patient will necessitate to be prescribed pain medical specialty, and antibiotics in order to forestall an infection from happening. The amputated part demands to be moved in order to make good circulation. The patient normally will get down physical therapy within 48 hours after surgery, to advance a speedy and effectual recovery. Depending on the gravitation of the amputation, depends on the clip that the patient will pass in the infirmary, it normally varies from several yearss to two hebdomads. Rehabilitation is a long procedure for amputees. Patients with an upper appendage amputation will most likely work with an Occupational Therapist. Patients with a lower appendage amputation will most likely work with a Physiotherapist/Physical Therapist. The clip that a recovery takes depends on assorted factors such as: physical form before the amputation, age, other medical jobs, ability to larn how to utilize a prosthetic device, how good you follow wa ies, motive to retrieve, and your psychological province. As with any major surgical process, amputations have major hazards with undergoing with this process. Hazards with the anaesthesia exists, every bit good as the possibility of heavy blood loss, and the possibility of blood coagulums organizing. Another major hazard of the process is infection to the amputated part. The rate of infection is at approximately 15 % , if the stump were to go septic the prosthetic device would hold to be removed and perchance a 2nd amputation higher up the appendage. Another major hazard is the stump neglecting to mend. This normally happens when there is a deficiency of blood to the amputated limb. Another hazard is phantom limb hurting, which is hurting that feels like it ‘s coming from a organic structure portion that ‘s no longer at that place. The intervention to phantom limb is hard, but it is possible. New amputees will sooner or subsequently have to confront that it will be harder to make the mundane undertakings that they used to finish. Although most of these undertakings are more hard, they are n't impossible, because of prosthetics. From the clip that amputations started, there were prosthetic device for the losing limbs. The prosthetic device were every bit simple as a wooden leg in the clip of early prosthetics. Today as engineering has advanced from the clip of early prosthetics, so has the prosthetic device made for amputees. Today there are prosthetic device that can pick up urges from the nervus that are amplified into a motor that make the elbow crook or unbend out, or the fingers open and near. For above the articulatio genus patients there are new prosthetic device which use motion-tracking detectors, vacuity suction engineering to supply improved tantrum, comfort and control. Since the recent promotions of these new prosthetic device people can populate similar to th e life that they used to populate. Amputations are a minor reverse for some unbelievable people who have gotten through their calamity, and have become noteworthy people in the universe of amputees. Heather Mills was the former married woman of Beatle Paul McCartney ; she was besides an English militant and a former glamor theoretical account. In August of 1993, Mills was hit by a constabulary bike while traversing the route, her hurts included crushed ribs, a pierced lung, and terrible hurt to her left leg. She needed a metal home base put into her pelvic girdle and the amputation of her leg below the articulatio genus. Bethany Hamilton is an American surfboarder who survived a shark onslaught in where she lost her left arm ; she overcame the serious and debilitating hurt and returned to surfing. Her narrative was so inspiring that there is a film that was late released about her called â€Å" Soul Surfer †. Daniel Inouye President pro tempore of the United States Senate is another noteworthy amputee. Daniel Inouye lost his right arm in the war, he remained in the armed forces until 1947, and he was uprightly discharged with the rank of captain. Inouye had programs to go a sawbones, but because of the loss of his arm, he abandoned his dream and returned to college to analyze political scientific discipline on the GI Bill.
The Politics of Development Looks Different at the Grassroots than at Essay
The Politics of Development Looks Different at the Grassroots than at the National Level - Essay Example This paper highlights that in many developing countries like Malaysia and Vietnam, governments are ruled by a few elite members of society. Since these government officials do not truly represent the majority of the people, they tend to have narrower visions of development. In most cases, their visions of development do not really go past their own personal interests and the interest of the group where they belong to. For many politicians and government officials in both Vietnam and Malaysia, politics and governance is but a means to stay in power and protect their own interests. On the other hand, although there are also a number of people in the Vietnamese and the Malaysian governments that are for the development of the country as a whole, the efforts of these people are often misguided and do not really produce the desired impact into the lives of the people at the grassroots level. For instance, in Malaysia, the thrust of the government to unify the country resulted in the degra dation of culture and diversity among its people. This study outlines that international forces play a big role in the policies that the national governments formulate. In past years, the demand for integration and globalization forces the national governments of developing countries to rethink their priorities and come up with policies that will make their countries globally competitive. The idea that a country could not survive if it does not conform to the requirements of globalization sent the governments scrambling for national development frameworks that will user changes especially in the countryside.Â
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Radical Feminism most effective for the third wave of feminism Essay
Radical Feminism most effective for the third wave of feminism - Essay Example Passive methods of action will only do so much as structural and societal constraints will prevail. Unless there is a more radical outreach, women will remain the â€Å"underdog†in society, especially because the focus is more on conceptual ideologies such as the abolishment of gender role expectations. These issues, much like in the second wave of feminism, will only become marginalized by other social outcries such as welfare that are apparent and seem to need greater attention. Radical Feminism has proven to be the more effective choice of action since it promotes a greater, positive dialogue and initiates a course of action in support of feminist ideals. Therefore, radical feminism may arguably be considered more appropriate for the third wave of feminism. The following paper will define the term radical in relation to feminism and identify boundaries due to its significant spectrum. Furthermore, to support the above-mentioned claims, cases in which radical feminist movem ents in the past have been more effective from relatively passive movements in the incidence of the Women’s Suffrage, will be identified. Like much of feminism, radical feminism too is highly misunderstood. The textbook definition of the term is as follows, â€Å"Radical feminism is a "current" within feminism that focuses on the theory of patriarchy as a system of power that organizes society into a complex of relationships based on an assumption of "male supremacy" used to oppress women†. Additionally, â€Å"Radical feminists tend to be more militant in their approach (radical as "getting to the root") than other feminists are†(Lewis, 2014). The first part defines the term in a broad ideological sense whereas the second shares the thought response. In the technical sense this is fair considering being a militant refers to a broad group of people such as activists, revolutionaries, terrorists or even insurgents, and feminists can be both revolutionaries and activists.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Report on the NHS Cardiology Provision Assignment
Report on the NHS Cardiology Provision - Assignment Example Increased in health care cost 8 4.0 Recommendations 8 5.0 Conclusion 8 6.0 References List 10 1. Introduction The National Health Service (NHS) ensures accessibility of care regardless of wealth. Its core principles involve care that meets the needs of everyone, care that is free at point of delivery and care based on clinical need (NHS, 2011, n.p.). NHS cardiology provision offers cardiac care and rehabilitation that is accessible, affordable, and disease-focused among patients suffering from cardiac diseases or disorders such as congenital heart disease, acute myocardial infarction, unstable angina, dysrhythmias, and even heart failure. NHS also entails seven (7) key principles that will guide patient rights to health services offered, which include: provision of a comprehensive service irrespective all biases, access based on clinical need and not on the ability to pay, aspiration of the highest standards of excellence and professionalism, reflection of patients, families and care takers needs, partnership and collaboration with other organisations to promote the best interest of patients and greater population, provision of effective, fair, and sustainable resources using taxpayers’ money, and accountability to the patient, public and community (NHS, 2011, n.p.). ... This report aims to identify the present status of NHS cardiology provision in UK and its impact on the population and health care sector. Focus will be given on the good aspects of cardiology provision such as decline of CHD, growth of cardiology workforce, as well as advancement in cardiology research and interventions. The bad aspects would likewise be determined and recommendations to address and improve the system would be proffered. 2. Positive Aspects of Cardiology Provision Despite variations in the cardiology provision of the National Health Service (NHS), a number of positive aspects had been noted, to wit: decline of age-adjusted congenital heart disease (CHD) mortality, growth of United Kingdom (UK) cardiology workforce, and advancement in scientific research involving cardiology treatments, devices, and interventions (Boon et al. 2006, p. 873-877). 2.1. Decline of age-adjusted CHD mortality. Survey report from Mindell et al. (2003)found out that the NHS-funded age-standa rdised revascularisation rates varied from 95.2 to 193.9 per 100, 000 (NHS standard is 131.9); thus, cardiology provision reflected no significant difference in terms of age distribution (p. 2). In England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, approximately 299, 000 patients were diagnosed with acute myocardial infarction, unstable angina, revascularisation, and other cardiac diseases (Beswick et al. 2004, p. 2). It can be gleaned from the data presented that cardiology provision was an emerging need; regardless of age or UK nation. With the establishment of the NHS system, the rates of mortality from CHD declined. Data from the 1999-2003 survey of the British Heart Foundation
Monday, August 26, 2019
Prime Time TV Show - Greys Anatomy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Prime Time TV Show - Greys Anatomy - Assignment Example The basic ideology present in Grey’s Anatomy is a pro-feminist approach. The female doctors outnumber the male doctors nearly in all seasons. The major feminist character of the show is Miranda Bailey played by Chandra Wilson. She is portrayed as a strong and a dedicated doctor who is in one episode doubts her ability as a doctor so in another decides to build a free clinic. (Nicole). Also, the show avoids all stereotype issues especially since it has placed many of the black and Asian doctors in a respectable position in the show (Pierce). Clothes have been used as a symbol to show everybody’s position and personality in the hospital. While all the hospitals have one coloured uniform for every employee, in Grey’s Anatomy the situation is quite different. The interns wear light blue while surgical attending wears dark blue, doctors in nursery wear purple and OB-GYN wear pink while all the nurses wear light green which doesn’t bring them out in the mainstream as they rarely play any major role. Apart from this in several places food has been used as a symbol to identify the relationship status. For instance, Meredith doesn’t eat at Thanksgiving because of her troubled relationship with Derek and Izzy bakes excessively each time she is upset. While Grey’s anatomy enjoys appraisal by many it is also criticized for being a non-reality show. When questioned by doctors they laugh at the show saying an intern having a relationship with an attending is almost impossible and the part where Izzie puts her patient into danger by cutting the wire connected to his heart to make him sicker so he ends up having a heart transplant is a bit farfetched. Especially when the patient dies and Izzie doesn’t even get terminated. Another reality which was highly miss-presented was when Meredith rises from the death and ten seconds later starts talking to Derek (Frey).  Some of the popular Grey’s Anatomy sponsors were and Alpen bar, Weetabix's cereal snack and Volkswagen Polo. Â
Sunday, August 25, 2019
International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words - 1
International Business - Essay Example In the year 1995, launched its first online shopping site, while eBay did their web portal in 1996 (Palmer Kimberly, 2007). 1-1 The development of online shopping In this 21st century, the use of the Internet (World Wide Web) has been through a very dramatic growth of ensuring efficiency, proper connectivity, security, usability and cost effectiveness. These achievements have been realized by getting many of its benefits especially for commercial companies’ positions as was the case in 1993. The World Wide Web was initially developed to be used as a commercial tool, by the British scientist Tim Berners-Lee (Berners-Lee, 2000). Instead of using the Internet solely as a technological tool, it quickly became an effective channel used for the commercial outlet purposes by business vendors and customers who are world wide. By late 2000, the total number of immense internet users had risen to more than 450 million because of its conveniences (Nua, 2012). According to esti mates done by Nua (2012), there were already more than 30 million hosted websites as reported by the various server organizations by 2012 (Web update, The estimated number of users have since its invention increased, signifying that online purchasing and transactions have been on the rise as well (Joines, Scherer & Scheufele, 2003). Online transactions such as purchasing of both goods and services have been cited by many of the web prototypes’ users as advantageous over the traditional techniques that were initially used since web portal applications do not commit consumers to shop at any specific times or specific locations .This advantage of web application has created a quantum leap from the traditional ways of shopping. According to (Joines et al. 2003), online shopping is classified as the most convenient method for customers since all commercial websites provide online visitors with advantages of easily browsing through the available goods and servi ces, and effectively purchasing any of their products and or services at any time by just a click of the button. Equally important, online customers are provided with chat and call applications where they are able to discuss their needs with their product providers and get immediate responses at very low or no costs at all. Additionally, customers have been able to benefit profoundly by using the online transaction methods because of the products’ or services’ reduced prices. Online shoppers are therefore able to shop from any vendor who is offering the desired goods/ services around the world at very low prices. Besides purchasing, no transit charges are appended to small items (Oppenheim et al., 2006). Searching through the internet for products/ services and finding more information about them before doing purchases is always very important to avoid false buying/ purchases. Unlike for the traditional method of
Saturday, August 24, 2019
The impact of socioeconomic inequalities on mother-child HIV Thesis
The impact of socioeconomic inequalities on mother-child HIV transmission and the therapeutic intervention in South Africa - Thesis Example Absolute poverty in this case is the inability for one to meet basic need while relative poverty is whereby individuals and the community lag behind in welfare. According to Mail Guardian (2011), almost half of South Africa population lives below the poverty line, surviving on just over R500 a month. Though poverty levels have been decreasing over time, the country still lags behind due to the high level of unemployment. It is estimated that only 41% of adults are employed (Mail Guardian 2011). According to Cox (2008), poverty has caused a significant effect on the financial power of the affected women than men. According to Rosenweig et al. (1998), lack of adequate finance, affordable housing, and skills have exposed single parents to engage in dangerous promiscuity like prostitution hence increasing their risk of contracting HIV and Aids. In South Africa, women accounts for more than 57% of individuals living with HIV (Henry 2005). Moreover, majority of women living with HIV are within 25 to 35 years (Henry 2005). This is a childbearing age hence; there is a very high likelihood of having mother-to-child HIV transmission. In response to the effect of HIV and mother-to-child transmission, the government of South Africa has come up with various intervention strategies. Among them is public health education, advocating for Caesarean section during delivery, substituting breastfeeding after delivery, use of antiretroviral drugs for the infected mothers and tax waive on antiretroviral drugs (Haarmann 2000). However, Antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) are the most popular of all the interventions on mother-to-child HIV transmission (Chigwedere et al. 2008). It increases child survival and decreases HIV related morbidity and mortality. For a pregnant mother to be able to use ARVs, the person goes through several phases with screening for pregnancy being the first stage. Upon
Friday, August 23, 2019
World of work bronze statement Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
World of work bronze statement - Assignment Example I have been involved in working with others to avoid and clarify any arising ambiguities. I have great customer service skills illustrated by my abilities of meeting as well as exceeding my customer expectations. I have the ability of anticipating the future customer needs and regard customers very special to the organization. I always will be responsible to develop long-term customer relationship to enhance organizational growth. I have the ability of going an extra mile for the customer and regard them to be very important. I have made high quality decisions based on logic and analytic skill information. I have the ability of breaking very complex data in to smaller component parts as well I poses the ability of considering different outcomes of a varying course of actions. I have drawn important conclusion for conflicting information sources and I have made sound decisions in a timely manner. However, I need to develop effective communication skills that I need for my potential employment option. I am a little bit shy and I lack strong verbal communication skills when dealing with my fellow workers. I have strong ideas but I hardly air my ideas, which I need to improve on. Following this, I have been involved in various presentation talks in my previous job and in the future, I plan to improve on my communication skills and become more assertive. I have work values that drive and motivate me towards attainment of my goals and objectives. I possess the ability of managing and prioritizing my work effectively in a timely manner. I can work alone and take responsibility of my own time and work. Through personal organizational skills and effective time management, I have been able to rise in the ranks to the sales and purchasing manager in my previous job career. Through good personal management, I have been able to emergence as a top student and attained my master’s scholarship
Thursday, August 22, 2019
My Life Learning Experience with R.S.V Essay Example for Free
My Life Learning Experience with R.S.V Essay R. S. V My Life Learning Experience with R. S. V Name Course Title Teacher Date Abstract Many individuals have experienced problems with their hospitals or health care facilities. An important concept that I learned from facing this family crisis that will be examined in this paper is that, when a family member becomes seriously ill, they need quality medical care. Sometimes, when a persons life is at stake, the further a person lives from medical facilities which can offer quality care can be a grave factor. R. S. V 1 R. S. V in Infants This paper will examine several lessons and concepts which I learned from personal life-learning experiences. Three examples that will be addressed in this paper will examine a different aspect of a certain life-learning experience. In researching and analyzing each aspect of a life-learning experience, this paper will examine the four elements of Kolbs Model of Experimental Learning. The first aspect of the lessons I learned after enduring a family crisis which this paper will explore includes how I learned about an illness that frequently affects infants called Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Respiratory Syncytial Virus, or RSV, is a respiratory virus which has many of the same symptoms as the common cold and is usually contracted by children during winter months. After my newborn son, Carter Forrest Barnhart began displaying symptoms of a common cold, my husband and I took Carter to his local pediatrician. Unfortunately, the pediatrician improperly diagnosed the virus as a simple common cold and sent Carter, my husband and I back home. However, after we returned home, his symptoms did not improve. Instead, he began coughing profusely and did not want to eat. I became greatly concerned about our sons health. Within a few days, Carter had lost weight and become weak. Then his breathing appeared to be abnormal, and my husband and I began to suspect that something else was wrong with Carter. R. S. V 2 By April 7th, 2002, Carters breathing problems got considerably worse, and my husband and I thought that he could possibly suffocate. So, in a desperate attempt to help Carters health, we brought our son to the nearest hospital. He was then hospital, arrangements needed to be made to send him to Charleston Area Medical Center. Carter later arrived safely at the Women and Childrens Hospital, a division of the Charleston Area Medical Center in Charleston, West Virginia. He was then placed in the hospitals Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, where he remained for five days. Looking back, I now realize the high importance of residing in communities which have high quality health care facilities. I learned that the first doctor who diagnosed my son did not diagnose Carter properly by failing to recognize that what looked like the common cold was actually Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). The pediatricians error could have cost my son his life. After Carter was taken to the emergency room at our local hospital, I learned that, when someones life is at stake, the distance from a medical facility which can provide quality care is sometimes a life and death matter. Thus, one of the lessons that I learned by this life-learning experience is that it is important for all individuals to have quick access to a state of the art hospital or medical facility. A medical facility must be able to provide the excellent care that a seriously ill R. S. V 3 ndividual needs. In this example, a baby needed to be treated by a special infant care unit, which our local hospitals did not have. Therefore, the baby did not have ready access to the kind of medical facility that he needed. The proper medical facility can mean the difference of life or death, thus, I now understand that the quality of the medical facilities, and the services received from those facilities provided, is one of the important issues facing people today. Learning about the importance of living near a high quality health care facility helped me become amiliar with the idea that a person should be fully educated about the health services in his or her community before something critical occurs. I regretted the fact that we were not more prepared to deal with this crisis. Thus, I have since learned that I need to research the qualifications of any professional my child will be receiving treatment from. In the future, I will research hospitals or schools before enrolling my child in them. I can also apply the concept that quality care is an important aspect of a persons life to other situations as well. For example, I will have o make sure that my child has a qualified pediatrician and dentist to take care of his health needs in the future. I will also have to ensure that my child gets his vaccinations. Moreover, I learned that there is no substitute for being prepared for an emergency situation. I plan on researching the response time of our police and fire departments and plan to learn about the efficiency of our ambulance services. Another part of the lessons I learned while confronting this family crisis is how I learned that high quality heath care is best provided by highly qualified doctors. I lso learned that an unqualified doctor may easily misdiagnose a patients symptoms. The discussion below will show how I have learned to ask questions before selecting a pediatrician. My son was initially treated by a pediatrician who misdiagnosed the babys medical symptoms and declared that our infant was we were told to take our child home and give him some cold medicine. This was our childs only treatment, and the medicine did not work. Carters symptoms did not improve after a reasonable period of time. Thus, my husband and I began to suspect that something else could be wrong. Then, when our baby turned pasty in color, started to cry inconsolably, refused to eat or drink anything, lost weight, and then hardly cried or moved in his crib, my husband and I became more concerned. We later learned that Carter had RSV and double pneumonia. Since then, I have spoken to many doctors about rural medicine. One of the doctors I spoke to that works at our local hospital explained in a recent personal interview which I conducted with him that many people do not ask enough questions of their doctors after they have been told the results of a diagnosis. He advised that potential atients should ask about all terms that describe the problem and that the doctor should fully explain the R. S. V 5 condition to the patient. More importantly, when the patient is a baby, the infants parents need to understand the complete diagnosis of their childs condition The doctor also said that a great deal of rural patients do not know how to properly ask their doctors specific questions related to the diagnosis. Therefore, rural doctors need to take more time to explain things to their patients, especially in cases where doctors are not absolutely sure of the diagnosis. I was also told that some patients have no reason to be told when something is misdiagnosed as nothing more than the common cold, especially when a childs doctor confidently tells an infants parents that the symptoms should improve when the baby took the cold medicine. The lesson is that parents must be very careful when choosing a pediatrician. I learned that a good pediatrician knows how to check a baby for a variety of diseases. In the case of my son, the first pediatrician failed to properly diagnose the baby because he was, at the very least, was not familiar with the symptoms of RSV. Thus, I learned that receiving treatment from a qualified pediatrician is an essential part of a childs health care. I also realized, in other areas of my life, I need to be certain that I am qualified to perform any Job that I might later want to undertake. So it is imperative that I take my education as serious as possible so that I will later be prepared to succeed in my chosen career. R. S. V6 Another important concept that I learned through my life-learning experience is that Just like other people, doctors make errors too. Unfortunately, a doctors mistake can cause the loss of ones life. Any professional should avoid making unnecessary mistakes at all times. Therefore, I would like to avoid making mistakes which would be considered negligence in my chosen career. Thus, I now believe that I need as much training in the field of health care management as possible, because that is the field which I intend to begin my professional career once I have received my Bachelors Degree. I also now would like to become actively involved in professional organizations and associations in which school friends and successful will help me exchange information with other health care management professionals hich will hopefully help me keep atop of current developments in my field. The third aspect of the lessons I learned which this paper will explore is that many rural health care facilities in America do not have up to date equipment. I also learned that, for the past several years, many local family health care facilities have suffered from recent cutbacks in federal grant money. This paper will now discuss my findings about the importance of selecting a health care facility which has up to date equipment and employees that keep on top of current developments in the medical ield. R. S. V7 Not only were the doctors more knowledgeable at the Women and Childrens Hospital in Charleston, but the doctors at the hospital in Charleston also had more current equipment and also performed their duties much more quickly and efficiently than the doctors at the local hospital. I learned that, when the life of a loved one is at stake, a hospital with modern equipment and trained staff can mean the difference between life and death. I also now believe that parents should visit the local hospitals before their first child is ever born to make sure those hospitals re not understaffed, dirty, or not funded properly. While larger hospitals may charge more money for visits, the money paid for a proper diagnosis at a quality facility is far less than the money one might pay if an illness is misdiagnosed. In addition, local medical care facilities need to provide quality, up to date services to their patients. In this situation, Carter needed to be treated in a special care unit in which patients are attached to electronic monitors which track vital functions as well as to other equipment that support breathing (Roberts, 1993, p. 170). Unfortunately, only larger acilities usually have modern pediatric intensive care units, and large hospitals are not all cities. I have learned that a high quality health care facility should have up to date equipment. Modern equipment is essential to provide patients with the best possible R. S. V8 health care. However, a lot of rural hospitals cannot afford this. The issue of a facility which does not have modern equipment is a very important one, and the concept applies to other situations which I may have to deal with later on. For instance, I will want to make sure that, any school my child is enrolled in should have adequate acilities. I will want to ensure that the school has smoke detectors in every classroom and that the fire extinguishers are in proper working order. This paper analyzed the various lessons and concepts that I learned from some life-learning experiences. Each of the papers three parts explored a different aspect of my experiences. This paper used the four elements of Kolbs Model of Experimental Learning to detail how I used the lessons during a family crisis. R. S. V9 References Mesa, CA: ICN Pharmaceuticals. Roberts, M. J. (1993). Your Money or Your Life: The Health Care Crisis Explained. New York: Doubleday.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Advertisements That Make Women Look Bad Essay Example for Free
Advertisements That Make Women Look Bad Essay Some advertising companies do not see the problem with using women to sell their product and make money. â€Å"In advertising today, women are still dismemberedâ€â€just parts of them presented to sell a product. Kilbourne says in the imposed American obsession with breasts, uplifted derrieres, etc., women forget things like the sensation they lose when they have plastic surgery on their breasts†(Kilbourne). Advertisements should make sure they do not portray women in a derogatory manner. The roles of women have dramatically changed over the generations. Women have gone from housekeepers and wives to sex symbols. Placing women on advertisements in hardly any clothing draws attention to the product itself, but making women seen vulnerable. Dolce and Gabanna, for example, uses and ad where there is one female wearing a strappy, black dress and some high heels. Dolce and Gabanna has her lying on her back, while a shirtless man is on top of her, as if he were pinning her down. There are also three shirtless men in the scene who are standing around watching. Having an advertisement, such as this one, might work to sell a product because of the impression it places on the consumer. Male viewers would presume that the only way to get a beautiful woman to be submissive is to wear products of Dolce and Gabanna. Advertisements like these make the woman in the ad provocative; therefore, viewers conceive their own opinion about women in general. See more: The Story of an Hour Literary Analysis Essay There becomes a problem when teenagers and young adults see these women on ads dressing seductive and inviting. Women and young girls alike, start to believe they must dress in this manner because that is what the models are wearing. Women also see ads, such as the one Dolce and Gabanna have published, and they look at the women in the ad that dress tantalizing and getting handsome men, that the female viewers too, think they must dress appealing to capture a man’s attention. These advertisements are ultimately doing more damage and are corrupting our society. Advertising companies need to produce ads that make everyone look at women as beautiful, smart, and self-sufficient human beings and not a body used just to sell a product. Doing this would help society see that women can be beautiful and classy without having to be a sex symbol. It would help women get a better idea of how to be a lady. Also, the viewers of the ads would understand women are not really inferior to men, and buying a certain product does not make a person admirable. Something should be done about these advertisements. It is only putting bad ideas and morals into the consumers heads about the way they should view women. Society should appreciate women. All in all, bashing women in advertisements should be stopped and talked about by the advertising companies. Ads of this sort should not be posted all over the billboards, subways, Walters 3 televisions, and computers. Women-bashing is an ongoing problem, and it will continue to escalate if we do not open the eyes of the businesses selling the product and the viewers who agree that basing women is a sufficient way to sell a product. The ads are slowly getting out-of-control, and if we do not put our foot down now, nothing will ever be fixed, and advertising companies will continue to look for ways to make women seem less than average. Works Cited Dolce and Gabbana Boutique For Men Only 10 May 2010. Web. 21 Sept. 2010. Kilbourne, Jean. Summary of Killing Us Softly 3 Welcome To Journalism Web. 1 Oct. 2010. Killing Us Softly 3: Advertising’s Image of Women | Watch Free Documentary Online. Web. 19 Sept. 2010. 10 Worst Woman-Bashing Ads | Business Pundit. Business Pundit: Your Daily Dose of Smart Business Opinion. Web. 19 Sept. 2010.
Straight Outta Compton Song Impact
Straight Outta Compton Song Impact People are usually get entertained by listening to music. These songs were either pop, rock, classical or Jazz. Listeners often select the kind of music depending on their preferences. Sometimes, they just like the sound while other love the lyrics. Musical composers create lyrics and melodies depending on the kind of message they want to express to their listeners. However, the message they want to impart may have a different meaning to its listeners. One good example is that song by an American hip-hop group N.W.A. called Straight Outta Compton song from the album of the same title. It is one of the most controversial songs created during its time. This paper analyzes Straight Outta Compton as well as its potential interpretations (NWA Straight Outta Compton, 2012). Straight Outta Compton song represents the harsh realities of south central Los Angeles, such representation can produce a variety of interpretations, and most of them were unfavorable. The song Straight Outta Compton is the title track from the debut album of N.W.A.s debut album last 1988. The composer behind the song created the lyrics based on the lives of gangsters on the streets of a south central area of Los Angeles (Songfacts, 2010). The first three sentences introduced a person named Iced Cube from came from the black-American gangster group. The next five sentences suggest that the singer is carrying a gun and they can pull a trigger to injure other people. No one should mess with him, or he could be dangerous to deal with. The words being used were the typical terms used on gangster streets of Compton (NWA Straight Outta Compton, 2012). The subsequent lyrics also suggested that their gangsters are the typical ones who like to rumble. The lyrics also mentioned that they could use ammunitions like AK47 and he would be forced to use it if anyone does something bad to him. In other words, if would be recommended to avoid those people that the song mentioned. They also mentioned profanity and sexism. The song did tell something about smoking and illegal possession of firearms. The sounds of the song also involved a police chasing the gangsters, indicating that they have violated laws many times. In some cases, they avoid trouble especially if they knew that the law enforcements were around. They do not avoid the law enforcements, but they just lie low (NWA Straight Outta Compton, 2012). The people who created the song only said that they simply documented the happenings in the city of Compton. It also describes the characteristics of their musicians behind the song. Ice Cube explained direct interpretations of the song in his youtube video by Vanity Fair. Ice Cube mentioned that the sawed off also represents a metaphor knowledge. The sentences that suggest about murder rap and Charles Manson can be directly interpreted as Cubes rap will keep their listeners entertained, and he is also comparable to the cult leader/murderer Charles Manson of the Beach Boys (Ice Cube Responds to Rap Genius Interpretations of Straight Outta Compton 2015). The phrase out of the box indicates competition, musical charts or the winners circle. However, the lyrics also mentioned about daily, weekly and yearly and this implies that out of the box means musical charts. The sentence that starts with As I leave and then ends with Straight Outta Compton claims that after shooting house, he would stomp on the gas pedal and drive his car out of Compton City (Ice Cube Responds to Rap Genius Interpretations of Straight Outta Compton 2015). However, many people are interpreting it differently. For instance, they believe that the song glorifies the criminality through mentioning AK47 and something about killing. The first potential backlash is that the listeners may judge the song being the way of encouraging people to use firearms whether they acquire those arms illegally or legally. The song stated that they could use guns if they are pissed off indicating that if any people who not do any good towards them, it would be better to avoid them. Even though the word sawed off is a metaphor for knowledge, many people do not know about that. The rap song also has a catchy tune that may imply that using firearms illegally is okay as long as they can avoid the law enforcements (NWA Straight Outta Compton, 2012). Another possible interpretation from other people is that the music encourages listeners to engage in weed smoking. The lyrics also mentioned that they smoke weed and since rappers are considered cool, the listeners might think that it is cool to smoke weed. When the song said that the people should duck in the area of Los Angeles, they might interpret that they should be careful while in the area. Because violence is a norm in that location, people especially who are not familiar with the location must be extremely careful and sometimes they might have to duck literally (NWA Straight Outta Compton, 2012). The message is geared towards the listeners who love to rap and those who love hip-hop. However, because of violence and profanity, the song only targets adults. Nevertheless, adults could misinterpret the song especially if they are not aware of the genuine situation of the Los Angeles area. They would consider the song as a glorification of violence. However, if they live in the area, they would simply agree with the lyrics of the song as true (NWA Straight Outta Compton, 2012). On the other hand, the children would interpret it differently and directly. They might learn that being a bully is cool since they may consider the singer as the bully. Bullies are the ones who initiate violence, and they will surely consider people behind the lyrics were initiators of violence. In the first place, they could get away with it if they can escape the law enforcements. Since the lyrics only mentioned smoke, the children might believe that it is socially acceptable to smoke, whether tobacco or weed. The children may interpret the song that it is acceptable to be avoided by many people. They may also consider using guns illegally as acceptable. Consequently, it would attract potential controversy especially for teachers and parents of young children and even teenagers. Personally, the song does not sound good since it highlights criminality and violence. Even though they do not intend to promote criminality as they simply document it, they still made violence sounds good through this song (NWA Straight Outta Compton, 2012). Conclusion Straight Outta Compton song represents the harsh realities of south central Los Angeles, such representation can produce a variety of interpretations, and most of them were unfavorable. The people who created the song only said that they simply documented the happenings in the city of Compton. It also describes the characteristics of their musicians behind the song. The message of the song is geared towards the listeners who love to rap and those who love hip-hop. Since it has profanity and violence, it only targets adults. Ice Cube even discussed their direct interpretations of the song. On the other hand, other people interpreted it differently. The children would interpret it differently and directly. They might learn that being a bully is cool since they may consider the singer as the bully. Even adults misinterpreted the song especially if they are not aware of the genuine situation of the Los Angeles area. They would consider the song as the glorification of violence. However, if they live in the area, they would simply agree with the lyrics of the song as true References: Ice Cube Responds to Rap Genius Interpretations of Straight Outta Compton (2015). Retrieved from NWA Straight Outta Compton. (2015). Retrieved from Songfacts. (2010). Retrieved from
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Physics of the Atomic Bomb :: physics atom atomic bomb nuclear a-bomb
The atomic bomb (also known as the atom bomb, A-bomb , or nuclear bomb) has a destructive power created by the fission of either uranium or plutonium. But, not any isotope of uranium can be used. Only U235 is used in the production of an atom bomb. U235 is very hard to come by due to the fact that it is only present within 0.7% of all natural uranium. In order to separate the U235 isotope from natural uranium a process of enrichment is used. The uranium must be enriched to 90% for actual use in a bomb. The enrichment process is complicated due to the fact that the uranium isotopes are practically chemically identical. This means that the different isotopes cannot be separated with just an easy chemical reaction. The isotopes must be separated by exploiting the little mass difference between the isotopes. There are many different methods used to separate these isotopes a couple of these are the commercial-gaseous diffusion process and the centrifuge process. Another method of separation is the Electro Magnetic Separation process. This enrichment method was created by E.O. Lawrence. It involves passing uranium ions through a magnetic field which causes the U235 ions to separate and take a different path than the U238 ions. Following this collectors are used at the other end of the semi-circle to capture the separated U235. Fission of U235
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Power Struggle in Shakespeares Macbeth Essay -- GCSE English Lite
The Power Struggle in Macbeth        In Shakespeare's Macbeth, the focus that is placed on the character of Lady Macbeth helps to convey the play's theme of the strife created by the struggle for power and control that is present throughout the entire work. Shakespeare presents her character in great detail and shows her to be a dominating, authoritative woman who thrives on the power she holds over her husband. He then shows the principle character, Macbeth, rise up and join his wife in a struggle for power of his own. It is the actions that Macbeth takes in attempt to achieve ultimate authority that lead to his downfall, and it is Lady Macbeth's loss of control over her husband as he gains this independence which causes her own weakening and eventually leads to her demise as well. The struggle for power and control in Macbeth is present from the very beginning, as Shakespeare portrays Lady Macbeth as a ruthless, overpowering woman who dominates her husband and his actions. She makes Macbeth's decisions for him without giving him any say in his own actions, and she orders her husband to do what she determines to be best for him. It is Lady Macbeth who contrives the plan to kill King Duncan, because she knows that Macbeth would never commit such an act on his own without her prodding. She develops the plan and organizes the details while expecting Macbeth to merely follow her orders. This becomes evident when she says to him, "Only look up clear,"(1.5.70) and "leave the rest to me"(1.5.72). She intends to keep him under her control by making decisions for him and not allowing him to think for himself. Lady Macbeth is able to achieve such power over her husband by continually insulting his manliness and boasting her... ...e is an authoritative figure who thrives on her ability to rule her husband's life, and watching Macbeth gain independence at her expense eats her up inside and causes her to lose her sanity. She sees the tables of power being turned, and she begins to see herself in the position her husband formerly held, that of a weak, submissive individual. She can not allow herself to live her life that way, and, as it is explained in the last speech of the play, ". . . [Macbeth's] fiendlike queen,/Who, as 'tis thought, by self and violent hands/ Took off her life. . ."(5.8.69-71). Lady Macbeth saw death as the only way she could escape a life of passiveness and weakness which she believed was inevitable once she lost control of Macbeth's actions. Works Cited: Shakespeare, William. â€Å"Macbeth.†The Complete Works of Shakespeare. Ed. David Bevington. New York: Longman, 1997
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Analysis of the Character Hamlet in William Shakespeares Hamlet, The Prince of Denmark :: Papers
Analysis of the Character Hamlet in William Shakespeare's Hamlet, The Prince of Denmark First performed in 1603, Hamlet, The Prince of Denmark is probably the best known of William Shakespeare's works, and may well be the most famous English language play ever written. The character, Hamlet, is one of the most compelling characters to ever emerge from the pages of English literature. Hamlet has been the center of admiring critical commentaries. It has also developed a reputation as a difficult work to analyze. Hamlet features a very complicated character, with many complex themes, and presents the reader with a multi-layered text, which defies easy reading. He has been subjected to numerous interpretations and studies over the centuries, his actions and thoughts analyzed again and again. Probably more than anything else is the reason for Hamlet's charismatic appeal. In the first scene Hamlets father, the king, dies mysteriously just two months prior. Claudius, has taken the throne and has married the dead king's wife, Queen Gertrude. The members of the watch, including Prince Hamlet's loyal friend Horatio, are alarmed over the recent appearance of a ghost who resembles Hamlet's late father, and they plan to tell Hamlet about this eerie visitations. The Ghost of Hamlet's father speaks to his son directly and urges him to follow him to a one-on-one encounter. There he explains in detail of his horrid death and tells Hamlet that this heinous crime must be avenged and that it is up to his son to justify this by killing Claudius. â€Å"I am thy father's spirit; Doom'd for a certain term to walk the night, And for the day confin'd to wastein fires, Till the foul crimes done in my days of nature Are burnt and purg'd away.†Hamlet (Act I, Sc. V) Hamlet has trouble depicting truth from fantasy in this scene, whether or not to believe the ghost who assumes the form of his deceased father. The death of his father leads Hamlet down the road to insanity. With his mother marrying his uncle only a month after King Hamlets death, makes the road a one way street. To confirm the truth Hamlet puts on a play, inspired by his father’s unfortunate, to get an reaction from his Uncle. After witnessing his Uncle’s expression towards the play
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Roman Gladiators
The Gladiators in general were either condemned criminals, prisoners of war, slaves brought for the purpose of the games and people who volunteered on their own will. The gladiatorial games reached their peak between the 1st century BCE and the 2nd century CE. Men who committed a capital crime were sent to the gladiatorial arena without a weapon defending themselves with their bare hands. The men who did not commit a capital crime were sent to training schools called Ludi. The earliest training schools were in Campania. At these schools they did not teach them to kill people but instead taught them to disable and capture their opponent. Criminals who trained in the schools were allowed to pick their own weapon and defence. If they survived a couple of years without dying they would receive freedom. The gladiators had to do what their owners (Lanista) told them to do otherwise they would be punished either by no food or beaten up. The gladiators were given adequate food supplies eating 3-4 times a day and received medical care. The Roman militaries success in war meant a big haul in of prisoners of war for the use in the gladiatorial games. Men who entered the games by free will had to take an oath in which they had to agree to the consequences of the game. This oath was: Being branded. Being chained. Being killed by an iron weapon. To pay for their food and drink they received with their blood and to suffer things even if they did not wish to. In the morning season of the games the Bestiarii or combatants who were taught to fight against animals were sent into the ring to fend for their lives against animals such as lions, tigers and bulls. Thousands of animals were slaughtered due to this proceeding. After these battles, unlucky men who had committed capital crimes were executed in front of the whole crowd by a sword. The winner of the gladiator battles received a palm branch form the editor. If he was outstanding he may even receive a laurel crown and money but the most sought-after award was the wooden training sword or staff given by the editor. There were many different types of gladiators. The Thracian gladiators were prisoners who were sent to Capua to train for the games in amphitheatres. Their uniform consisted of light leather for the body, little helmet, light shoes and a small round shield. They were trained to run around their opponents this is why they only had light gear. They had great mobility and stamina. Reziarius were equipped with a long net which was used to trip and trap their opponents, a fuscina (trident) which was their offensive weapon. They also had a small dagger which they used to give the final blow. They wore leather for protection and no helmet or shield to deflect their opponents strikes this is why they had to by agile and fit. The Dimacheri had two short swords and only two short leather arm guards to protect themselves. Speed was their speciality, they ran around their opponent and quickly evaded them making the opponent tired before killing him. Sannita were part of the heavy uniform gladiators. They wore a metal plate to protect the chest a long shield, a helmet with a grid to cover the eyes and a long sword to attack. These gladiators were slow but effective within the ring. The Generic gladiators had no particular skill they were used to fill up the space when the event went the whole day or more. Other types of gladiators include the Provocatores, Sesterziarii, Catervrii, Mirmillion, Essedarii, Paegnaria (dwarfs). The weapons of the gladiators consist of fascina(harpoon), galea(visored helmet), galerus(metal shoulder piece), gladius(sword), hasta(lance), iaculum(net), manicae(leather elbow or wrist bands),parma(round shield) ,scutum(large shield) and sica(curved scimitar).
Friday, August 16, 2019
The Individual, Marriage, and the Family
Instructor: Mrs. Joy Jacobs, CFCS, MAEd (â€Å"Mrs. J. †) E-mail address: [email protected] edu Please always use â€Å"HDFS 145†³ on the subject line when you e-mail. Office hours: Mrs. J. will be in the classroom one half hour before and will stay after class until all students are gone, or you may make an appointment with her. Go to this website: https://ntweb11. ais. msu. edu/aas/ Because of advising responsibilities, she is not available for walk-in appointments and she cannot take phone calls from students. She HATES playing â€Å"phone tag†, so please do not try to leave phone messages in her office!Undergraduate Learning Assistants who will be helping with this class: Abbey Feldpausch [email protected] edu Keeps track of students whose last names begin with A through K Carly Lesoski [email protected] edu Keeps track of students whose last names begin with L through Z Office hours: Tuesdays from 4:30 to 6:30 PM in the Student Lounge, Room 4 Human E cology Two Required Texts (bundled together if purchasing new): The Marriage and Family Experience (11th edition) by Bryan Strong, Christine DeVault, & Ted Cohen, Cengage Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, Publishers (Do NOT let a book store employee tell you that the 10th edition is OK.The reading assignments will not make sense if you have the 10th edition. ) and FCE 145 Additional Readings supplemental text Custom Editor Steve Korb, Cengage Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, Publishers The study guide to the Strong & DeVault text is not recommended nor required, This class uses the ANGEL class management program. The syllabus, handouts, and some announcements will be posted on ANGEL, although some times you may will be contacted directly via e-mail. If you forward your MSU mail to another e-mail service, be certain that the transfer is working.You are responsible for knowing the content posted on ANGEL and e-mailed to your MSU e-mail address. Course Description: â€Å"The Individual, Marriage , and the Family†is one of several undergraduate courses offered in the area of family life by the Department of Human Development and Family Studies. In this class we use a developmental approach, presenting individual, marriage, and family life cycles with special emphasis on the late adolescent and early adult years. This is a survey course over topics regarding maturation, intimate relationships, and families.Issues to be covered include the development of the person, of relationships, and of families; issues of gender, sexuality, child development, and parenting; methods of communication; work and family interface; and developing family strengths. An emphasis is placed on understanding diverse family types. You will be expected to learn basic concepts related to families, to understand specific developmental issues of both individuals and families, and to gain a level of tolerance for different perspectives. You will be provided opportunities to explore your personal val ues.In addition, specific methods will be taught that you may use to enhance your own personal relationships. Course Format: This course will use a variety of teaching techniques including lecture, discussion, videotape, and in-class individual and group assignments which will play a role in challenging you to develop different ways of thinking about various issues and to appreciate the opinions of your classmates. If you want to do well in this class, you will read the assignments, and ESPECIALLY, you will attend class.This class is a collaborative process and necessitates a commitment from all of us to properly prepare for each class session. There are many important topics in the areas of marriage and the family, however, there is not sufficient time to include all of them. Subject matter and activities are selected in an effort to be meaningful to people of college age, and to enhance their personal development. Course Objectives: 1. To gain both historic perspective and an accu rate contemporary outlook of the demographic, political, social, and economic status of individuals and families. 2.To examine personal and societal attitudes, assumptions, and values about intimate relationships and families. 3. To examine the range of lifestyle options available to young adults. Special attention will be given to intimate relationships and to the social forces of the young adult period of life. 4. To appreciate the diversity of ethnicity, gender, religion, and social class which is represented in our society, and to gain an accurate perspective of the challenges and strengths of diverse people. 5. To examine key family issues such as communication, parenting, and the balance of work and family. -26.To develop an accurate understanding of the problems/challenges that some families confront, including but not limited to relationship violence, infertility, divorce, single parenting and child custody. 7. To gain an appreciation for and an understanding of intimate rel ationships over the entire life cycle. 8. To gain interpersonal skills working with others involving discussion, compromise, and evaluation. Attendance: It will be to your advantage to attend all class sessions, to be on time, and to remain in class for the entire session to learn from the lectures and to have the opportunity to do and to receive credit for the assignments.Absences for illness, for family emergencies, or for religious observances may be excused, but you must e-mail Mrs. J. BEFORE THE START TIME (8:30 AM) of the class you are going to miss. (See â€Å"Make-Up Policies†on page 3. ) Absence from class because of participation in a required activity for another course or for a University event (a field trip, an intercollegiate athletic contest, etc. ), will be excused, but you must provide written information in advance from the athletic advisor, the instructor of the other course, or from a University administrator.You must make arrangements with another studen t to look over his/her lecture notes when you miss class. Student Behavior: Your conduct in class must be quiet, attentive, and respectful toward your fellow students and the instructor. Reading the paper, working crossword puzzles, playing games on your laptop, talking to class mates, sleeping, or using a cell phone or PDA during class is rude and unprofessional, and you may be asked to leave if you are engaging in any of these behaviors. No credit would be given to you for an in-class activity if one is offered during that particular class session. ) If you are expecting an important cell phone call, please set your phone to vibrate, and leave the classroom to take care of your call. Academic Honesty: The Department of Human Development and Family Studies adheres to the policies on academic honesty as specified in the All-University Policy on Integrity of Scholarships and Grades at http://www. reg. msu. edu/read/UCC/Updated/integrityofgrades. pdf We expect students to behave ethic ally, and will not tolerate dishonesty.For example, a student who would photocopy another student’s make-up assignment paper or cheat on an examination would receive no credit for the assignment or exam which will be counted as one of the scores used in figuring the student’s final grade, and notification will be made to the student’s College Dean. A student who commits a second offense will receive a grade of 0. 0 for the course. Selling or Buying Class Notes: Lectures and supporting materials distributed or exhibited in this course include intellectual property protected by copyright law.It is against University policy for any student to sell or profit from the transmission or reproduction of these materials (whether directly to other students, by contract with third parties, or through commercial note-taking services) without the express written permission of the instructor. The relevant MSU policy about attendance and class notes is found at http://www. reg. msu. edu/read/UCC/Updated/attendance. pdf Students who provide class materials to anyone for profit are subject to removal from class, pending a hearing by the Department of Human Development and Family Studies.Accommodations for Disabilities: If you have a disability (dyslexia, ADD, hearing difficulty, sight limitation, etc. ) and expect preferential treatment, you must register with the Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities and submit to Mrs. J. the official â€Å"VISA†with a counselor’s suggestions for reasonable accommodations. For an appointment with RCPD, call 353-9642 (voice) or 355-1293 (TTY). We work closely with the counselors to do whatever we can to help RCPD students succeed. Evaluation for Grades: Syllabus Quiz: Posted on ANGEL is a quiz which we will discuss during the first class session.Your syllabus quiz scantron is due in class any time before, but not later than, 8:30 AM Tuesday, September 18. Examinations: Questions are about 50% from lec tures and 50% from text and ANGEL information. We ask that you be in the classroom by 8:45 AM on exam days to have enough time to finish the exams. There will be one exam over each quarter of the course and an optional comprehensive final. If you take all five exams, only your four highest exam scores will be used when we figure final grades. Exams are computer scored, and results are sent directly to you from the computer scoring center.Activities/Assignments: During six class sessions (unannounced), we will do assignments which will enhance learning. You may be asked to write a â€Å"five-minute paper†expressing your opinion about a current event, to work with another student to debate a topic and list your combined conclusions, or to answer questions and provide an ending to a case study. You will print your last name and PID on the upper right-hand corner of your activity paper. A point will be deducted from your score if your last name and PID are not in the upper right -hand corner of your paper.We must have both a paper with -3your last name and PID and a completed scantron with your name and PID â€Å"bubbled in†for you to receive credit for an assignment. If we do not have both, you do not receive credit. For each activity, you may earn up to fifteen points. (You would receive fewer points if instructions are not followed completely or if your response is insufficient. ) Some activities will be based on personal opinion, however, your responses should always demonstrate understanding of class concepts. On some activity days, score sheets will be passed out as you enter the classroom.On those days, you must arrive at the classroom by 8:45 AM to receive a 15-point scantron for an activity. Students who arrive between 15 and 30 minutes late will receive no more than half credit. Students arriving more than 30 minutes late will receive no scantron, and no credit for doing the activity, although they may do it if they wish. Our learning assi stants go by the time on the clock on the back wall of our classroom. Please do not argue with them about the time you entered the classroom. If you must leave a class early, let Mrs. J. now before class starts or give your name, e-mail address and reason for leaving to one of the learning assistants as you exit the classroom. If an activity is planned and your excuse is reasonable, you will be sent a make-up assignment. Community Service Assignment: This assignment is not just to volunteer. It is to serve others. To earn full credit, you must work for at least four hours for a program, agency or organization where you can make a difference by your work, and you must write an acceptable reflection paper about the experience.More information on the assignment is on our ANGEL site. If you have an idea for your service but you are concerned about its acceptability for the assignment, please check with Mrs. J. BEFORE you participate in the activity. We strongly suggest that you not put off doing your service, because your schedule will become busier as the semester passes. Examples of service accepted in the past includes running or helping with the MSU Museum Dinosaur Dash or a fund raiser walk for breast cancer, work at an animal shelter, and tutoring elementary students one-on-one.Volunteer activities such as directing traffic for the Homecoming Parade, setting up chairs for a fraternity party, or decorating a church’s Christmas tree are NOT acceptable. MSU’s Center for Service Learning and Civic Engagement is a good place to find a service opportunity. Make-Up Policies: A make-up assignment will be given if you e-mail Mrs. J. BEFORE the 8:30 AM start time of the class you will miss with the reason you will be absent, or if you check out with one of the student assistants to leave class early.If your reason is acceptable, you will be e-mailed a make-up assignment. If you miss a class but do not notify Mrs. J. before the class, you must have medica l documentation or other acceptable proof that you were where you said you were, and you must notify Mrs. J. within two weeks of the missed class. Make-up activities must be turned in by the due date listed on the activity (two weeks from the day missed). Each student will be given one â€Å"free†assignment make-up, if the reason for absence is justifiable. You must notify Mrs.J via e-mail within two weeks of the missed class. If you must miss an exam, send Mrs. J. an e-mail before 8:30 AM on the exam day with your reason for missing. Exceptions may be made if you are not able to notify her. Exams are made up during the learning assistants’ office hours and should be done within two weeks of the missed exam day. Receiving Your Scores: You will receive your exam scores via e-mail from the Computer Scoring Center within 24-48 hours. Assignments are hand-graded, so you will not receive those scores as quickly. Please allow a week. ) The e-mail you receive from the Comput er Center will say that the sender is Mrs. J. This score report will show the number of points earned for a particular assignment or exam, and also, at the very bottom, will show your cumulative points. After each exam, print and save the report you receive because it shows your answer to each question, and will be useful if you want to review the exam during the helpers’ office hours. Mrs. J does not receive this report, so there is no way to get another copy if you do not save it yourself.Points Possible: Syllabus quiz @20 points Exams @ 65 points – 5 given, but only 4 are counted Six activities/assignments @ 15 points Community service assignment Total 20 points 260 points 90 points 30 points 400 points (100%) -4- About 65% of your final grade comes from the exams, and about 35% of your final grade comes from the rest of the class (syllabus quiz, in-class activity assignments, and the community service assignment). There will be several additional questions on each exam and we will do two 5-point â€Å"bonus†assignments to enable all students to earn some extra points.In reality, at least 25 points of extra credit will be built in to the class and are available to every student. No student will be given any other kind of extra creditâ€â€please do not ask at the end of the semester. Scale for Final Grades: *** 400 points is 100% *** 374 total points or more 354 through 373 points 334 through 353 points 314 through 333 points 294 through 313 points 274 through 293 points 254 through 273 points 253 and below 4. 0 3. 5 3. 0 2. 5 2. 0 1. 5 1. 0 0. 0 At the end of the semester, the score report total from the computer center will include all five exam scores if you have taken all five.You must then subtract your lowest exam score from the total to figure your final score for the course. It is to your advantage to take all five exams, since you cannot hurt your grade by doing so. ~~~~~~~ Michigan State University takes seriously the opini on of students in the evaluation of the effectiveness of instruction, and has implemented the SIRS (Student Instructional Rating System) process to gather student feedback. This course utilizes the â€Å"online SIRS†system. You will receive an e-mail sometime during the last two weeks of class asking you to fill out the SIRS online form at your convenience.MSU’s Thanksgiving break starts at 5 PM Wednesday 11/21. The community service assignment is due as you enter the classroom on Tuesday, 11/27. Papers turned in after 8:30 AM this day will earn no more than half credit. Chapter 8, p. 293 â€Å"Middle-Aged Marriages†to end Chapter 10, p. 370 â€Å"Parenting and Caregiving†¦.. †to end Death & dying Exam #4 Chapter 10, p. 347 â€Å"Infant Mortality†to p. 349 â€Å"Giving Birth†Over all information since Exam #3 Make-up assignments for any time during the last two weeks are due as you enter the classroom today. No make-ups will be acc epted after 8:30 AM this date. Fri. 12/14 Final Exam – OPTIONAL 7:45 to 9:45 AM Same room where class meets. We will be ready to start early at 7:30 AM. The final exam is comprehensive, over all information since the beginning of the semester. Please do not ask to take the final exam early. The University sets the final exam schedule and exceptions are made by a University committee, not by the instructor. If you will want to take this final exam to try to improve your grade, do not plan to leave campus before exam week is over unless you can come back Friday morning to take the exam. HDFS 145 Community Service Assignment InstructionsMost of our students have found a real sense of satisfaction and fulfillment in this assignment. You are to find a service opportunity at a program, agency or organization where you can do something meaningful for your community. You will then write a â€Å"reflection†paper about your experience. You may find your own service opportunity or ask for help at the MSU Center for Service Learning and Civic Engagement in the Student Services Building. The Center has over 300 registered agencies and programs in the local area where students are welcome for community service.Their website is: http://www. servicelearning. msu. edu/ however, most students find going to the Center is preferable to trying to navigate the website. Your work must be done between the first day of class and the first day back after Thanksgiving break (Tuesday, November 27). Acceptable assignments turned in before 8:30 AM on Tuesday, October 2, will earn five bonus points. Community service you might have done previously (for example, as part of your high school graduation requirements) is not acceptable.The purpose of this assignment is to do something to benefit your community, not just to volunteer. A service assignment for another class (for example, an ISS class or HDFS 270) or for your athletic team may not be appropriate for this class, altho ugh if the service meets our requirements, you may use it. If you are unsure about the service opportunity you are considering, please e-mail Mrs. J before you spend time doing something that will not be acceptable. We do not want you to lost points on this assignment because you did not meet the requirements.A few examples of unacceptable assignments: directing traffic for the Homecoming parade; decorating a church Christmas tree; speaking to students at your former high school about your life in college; helping at your aunt’s daycare; helping coach at an athletic competition of your former high school or club athletic team A few examples of acceptable assignments: participating in or passing out water to runners in a 5K run to benefit cancer research; cleaning cages at an animal shelter; tutoring elementary students in math or reading; sorting and packing food at the MSU Food Pantry; helping prepare and serve a meal at a homeless shelter; being a â€Å"running buddy†at a Special Olympics track meet To prove your service, print and take with you the Community Service Assignment form on ANGEL, and ask whoever supervises your work to fill it out and to sign it.This will be the first part of the â€Å"proof†of service you turn in to receive points for this assignment. The second part is a reflection paper you will write (one page, size ten font, double-spaced, name and PID in top right corner) explaining your service and reflecting on your feelings about helping your community. Service required is a minimum of four hours. Students who work less time will not earn full points. If your program, agency or organization cannot use you for four hours at one time, you may do two sessions of service or you may work at two different places. In the second case, you should fill out a form for each service opportunity, but you need to write only one paper (turn all pages in at the same time, please).You may not earn extra points for this assignment b y working extra hours, however, you may earn five extra points by turning in the assignment by 8:30 AM on Tuesday, October 2. If you want to wait and do your service in your home community over the Thanksgiving break, you might want to check with Mrs. J first to be sure the agency, program or organization you are considering will meet the requirements for the assignment. We recommend that you set up your service before you go home. Don’t wait until you get home to look for something to do! When you turn in your assignment to one of the helpers, you will be asked to fill out a special scantron. Community Service Assignments will be graded by the end of the semester, and the scantrons will be run at the same time scantrons for the fourth exam are run.
Bellboy Case
It is essential to first have general understanding of the Terms Bellboy. This name is generally associated with a person whose task is to run errands and sometimes help guests with baggage in hotels. The Bellboy often connected with question; what happened to the dollar, is a case that has been used by scholars to explain and make their ideas more sellable and attractive to their readers and scholars in their scopes of study.Three men of Italian decent also referred to as farmers by profession are said to have visited a foreign country and in the process the need to procure boarding facilities arose.It was in that way that these three gentlemen found themselves in a hotel where they wanted to hire sleeping rooms. After a $30 agreement for the three men they agree amongst themselves that each should give $10. And so they did. Later the hotelier decides to charge twenty five dollars. It is here that we here the bellboy mentioned first as the story continues. The issues arise when the hotelier decides to refund back the excess five dollars back to the three gentlemen. Not knowing how to divide five dollars among three men he decides to keep two dollars for himself and give each-gentle man a dollar as a refund.This is where after reading the story one notices the trick. One,after careful analysis of the story notices that a dollar will end-up being un-accounted for-thus posing the question of what happened to the dollar? The survey as presented is good since it provides readers with deep explanations of the field’s theory populated with daily cases. The case study here presents research marketing, the process of it and also explains the problem in its expository chapters. The general research work design is well reviewed, another plus for the use of the designed data collection forms and methodologies.The authors employ Data collection and exemplary designs in their conclusion of the case-study besides conducting a clear interpretation of facts and analysis . Churchill and Dawn chose to concentrate abstractly on objective support systems and information operations and more specifically to helping information seekers recognize a task easily, put it in order and ask for the opinion of those empowered to make judgments. The appropriateness of the Bell boy case cannot be overemphasized in the way it is used by the authors as a central influence point on the report and generally all over the books.Seemingly intended for grounding the foundations of marketing research, the Bellboy case-study encourages readers to think creatively beyond the scope. Maybe the greatest achievement by both Churchill Gilbert and Dawn Lacobucci lies in the simplicity of the case-study. Being a widely comprehended story, its understandability goes unquestioned. With good understanding, the interpretation follows with ease. On the same note the authors provide readers with a wide variety of professionalism which is exemplified using the Bellboy case-study.In the aut hor’s view, this is the best case scenario to give a reader a full comprehension of the subjects under discussion. Through the use of a highly comprehensible case-study, the authors take readers through nearly all stages of successful marketing and even more conveniently how to make them all work in practical marketing. Gilbert Churchill and Dawn Lucobbaci provide the reader with both theoretical and analytical works. The simplistic case-study, the Bell boy clearly indicates how the study gives basic ideas in some areas.Here too, the marketing researcher is provided with all insight with the requirements of the mathematical skills for the market researcher. By being thorough in explanations of concepts and ideas-both simple and complex, the student or learner is saved from extremes of abstract assumptions and misleading generalizations. The Bellboy case though simplistic in appearance helps the learner to develop creativity and analytical skills which are greatly essential to a marketing research both academic and corporate.Through the case-study the Bellboy the authors bring to focus articles across a broad range of marketing specialties, including consumer behavior, others such as retail tracking, merchandising, retailers and even analytics. The case study The Bellboy brings into clear focus high quality, theoretical and applied research in the areas of marketing and market research. The case study highlights academically oriented research work often focusing in on market orientation and even counter analysis.The analysis provided by the authors provides tips which would provide marketing research-based debates on market topics such as customer retention methods, product comparison and customer satisfaction. The importance of this case study; the Bellboy, cannot be overemphasized as put across by the authors. In a general view, this case provides us with information, intelligence on competition and market research as well as industry trends. Therefore , this is a most appropriate case-study in terms of relevance and objectivity.The text has undergone too much transition that some of original ideas may have acquired new dimensions. To a reader who is new, the case-study may be limiting in the sense that the additional ideas may not have existed in earlier editions. Across all the nine editions, there is a noticeable variation in the way the Bellboy Case is evaluated. This means therefore that a first time reader of a particular edition would miss out on ideas in another edition which he/she is not acquainted with. The Bellboy Case does not look very convincing with regard to some specific topics dealt with in the text.There lacks direct relevance between the topic Role of Marketing and the selected case-study Bellboy. This particular limitation can be cited in several other sub-topics including: Problem Formulation, in the introductory part one. Descriptive and Causal Research Designs in Part two, Standardized Marketing Informatio n in part three. Designing the Questionnaire or Observation Form and The Basics of Measurements all from part three. The simultaneous analysis of multiple variables in part five reveals some remote relevance to the Bellboy case study in part six of the text.Other limitation besides the one of relevance is the overuse of the particular case-study. Though creative and at the same time entertainment, this particular problem of overuse leads to an adventurous reader to a limitation of scope when it comes variety. A good reader no doubt feels limited in the choice of examples used. To some readers the Bellboy Case of what happened to the dollar as given by Churchill and Dawn may appear frivolities and therefore fail to exude the necessary seriousness intended by the authors of the text.In his review of the text, (Brown, 2005) is lf the opinion That being too specific in the use of the Bellboy Case Study limits the number of professionals who can use the book to mostly only trained resear chers are opposed to a general readership or the business community. A reader may question the up-to-date coverage of topics intended by the authors with regards to the Bellboy Case Study. The new or later editions of the text which have expounded information on topic which include sample size issues, forecasted sales and the usefulness of the use of internet may end up confusing the readers as opposed to giving them guidelines.Realizing the Bellboy Case as presented here one at guiltily feels the authors ought to have given several other case studies as a way of justifying their arguments on these topics. As it is a reader and especially one with market research background often feels grieved to only on idea of reference; Bellboy Case Study. At the beginning of the case study, makes a general assumption that most readers are acquainted with Bellboy story. This is generally a wrong assumption since quite to the contrary a good number of marketing research readers may have a problem getting acquainted with the case study.Though this may seem like an easy to overcome limitation, as good authors they should have taken the trouble of classifying to the readers the over told story. Lacking in direct connection too is the relevance of the Bellboy Case to one of the topics given much emphasis. One generally get the opinion that the bellboy case being too general was put out of reference for some extensively covered references such as the use of the intensive in marketing research. The Bellboy Case Study as used in the text leaves the reader and especially a marketing research professional with some unclarified ideas about several of the covered topics.For instance in the topics theoretical applied research in marketing and other areas such as consumer behavior. On the same note discussions on consumer profiles purchasers and retail consolidation effects should have benefited more from the Bellboy case study since one can almost draw direct connection after clearly an alyzing the story. The problem here is that the authors delegated more emphasis on the expository parts of the discussion, leaving this latter one which is equally important shallowly covered. The same problem can be cited on other topics.Such as the discussion on exhaling and analyzing product and market before action taking in market leadership. Weighing both the limitations and strengths of the Bellboy case as used by authors Gilbert A. Churchill and Dawn Lacobucci, one comes to the conclusion that only a good book can exude such a variation of opinionated reviews. Given that the Bellboy case is a fairly well comprehended story the world over, it becomes appropriate in the sense that the business community has a fallback reference point from which views and opinions can be drawn on practical market ideas and opinions.Clearly, the role of marketing research is investigated extensively by the authors leaving a marketing researcher and especially a beginning on with little to grappl e with if any. From tutors point of view the Bellboy case study provides a great teaching aid and resource in explaining marketing research and methodological foundations. The extensive treatment presents a high level in discussion professional codes of conduct and ethics on the part of both authors.All the topics handled in the book presents on acceptable level of relevance to practical marketing an more so the manner in which the authors bring in the Bellboy case study to act as a fall back point of reference for the entire coverage. Most noticeable however are questions one cannot avoid after deciphering the case study especially as used to expound on the usefulness of the internet as a tool of marketing. The question of whether or not the product or service will work online is inevitable. The question of the type and volume of market (product and service) information to include also arises.Coupled with this, the best venue for a product also poses an appropriate question to a ma rket researcher. Finally on this topic the issue of how one should collect the returns – monetary or otherwise becomes paramount. The internet as such becomes an important tool of marketing according to Churchill and Dawn. Here, emphasis is mostly laid on marketing research and information intelligence and sourcing in the internet as tools of marketing. As to the limitations cited here about this particular text, they only remain weaknesses as far as the bellboy case-study is concerned.Viewed in the light of another angle or perspective they could be strengths. It is also important to note here that both Churchill and Dawn have given marketing research and methodological foundations a new dimension and freshness often lacking in many other such texts dealing with especially marketing research. It is finally important to note that every thing has two sides and the strength or weakness only comes in when the pointer is focused on only one of the two sides. Reference Churchill/A . G. Locaabucci, D. (2004). Marketing Research: Methodological Foundation. London, Mason Publishers.
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